


  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Along with my nutrition I have been trying to pump up my exercising, (completely out of shape) when does it get easier? Seriously, I walked/jogged for a mile and a half with a group of “fit” people and I get really discouraged… I know what everyone’s response to this is going to be, “keep going”, “you will get there”, and I know all of these things. BUT I just feel like giving up seriously, so my question is… Is there anyone out there that can relate to me right now? I know what you all thinking pity party over here.. But really don't really have people that would even remotely understand to talk to so it's just easier to type out my frustration.. Thanks for reading..

    My advice is to find something you like to do. Maybe walk/jogging is not your cup of tea. There are tons of free workouts available on youtube from bootcamp, yoga, HIIT's, low intensity to kickboxing and dancing (my favorite workout youtube channel is Jessica Smith TV). Have fun and play with your workouts. Join a gym, take a class, go hiking, biking or swimming.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for all of your responses, and I totally understand when you say, find something that you like to do, however, I know I'm not going to EVER like jogging, but I WANT to be able to do it.. I don't want to do it or find something else because it's something that I CANNOT do.. (Sorry about all the ",'s" )

    OP you never know, you may become a "runner" before you know it. And yes, if you are not walking, you are running. Don't care how slow.

    A couple years ago my husband decided we were going to get in shape. I never wanted to be a runner, but he decided we were going to run. Well I needed a bit more of a plan than just run so we did the Couch to 5k. He stopped due to injury and never started up again. I had some breaks here and there, but it's been a solid year and a half for me. Now I run about 20 miles a week. I am phenomenally slow. I jog 4 or sometimes even 5 days a week and while I see a lot of coworkers running, they're all WAY faster than me. And sometimes that's frustrating for me that I'm still SLOW after 2 years. But you know what? If they all ran as slow as I did and were as overweight as me, they'd have probably given up running a long time ago. Only someone crazy and dedicated would keep working so hard at something they aren't really good at. And it's honestly such a good outlet for all the other stressors in my life. So don't worry if you aren't good at it (I'm not). Because the point is you try, and you are consistent, and you keep pushing yourself. Only run with yourself (or people you are sure are at your level). Only compare yourself to yourself. It's the people to whom it comes naturally who don't deserve the extra kudos. It's those of us that keep getting back up and trying that have earned what we are getting. Hope you keep trying and have fun! Just take it slow, listen to your favorite music and podcast! Oh and get good shoes (running shoes, at a running store). That's about it.
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    Along with my nutrition I have been trying to pump up my exercising, (completely out of shape) when does it get easier? Seriously, I walked/jogged for a mile and a half with a group of “fit” people and I get really discouraged… I know what everyone’s response to this is going to be, “keep going”, “you will get there”, and I know all of these things. BUT I just feel like giving up seriously, so my question is… Is there anyone out there that can relate to me right now? I know what you all thinking pity party over here.. But really don't really have people that would even remotely understand to talk to so it's just easier to type out my frustration.. Thanks for reading..

    If you're feeling blue and frustrated, watch this true video about a guy named Arthur.. and bookmark it for the next time you feel down:

    Can't help it, that video made me cry.

    Didn't cry, but was inspired all over again! Thank you!
  • marfhutch
    marfhutch Posts: 50 Member

    The first time I went on a treadmill I had to walk after 1min 30secs...The first time my friend made me go on a run with her, I felt like I was having an asthma attack (don't have asthma) and walked home for a cry...The first time I did circuit training, the 10min warm up run nearly killed me, and I walked most of it.

    Now, I still hate running, and I'm still crap! But, when I go to circuits now, it really does feel like a warm up, and because I can't make it to my gym this weekend, I'm planning to do a run instead (it will be the shortest run in history, but its progress)!

    So even if you're not meant to be a runner, you will eventually improve!
  • Chriztii
    Chriztii Posts: 94
    First of all don't exercise with people on a difference fitness level to you.. I find I do a lot better when I exercise on my own going my own pace. And if I do go to classes with friends more fit them me I put them out of my mind and concentrate on myself.

    Secondly try do some fitness training where you sprint for 1 min, walk for 2 etc or run then jog then run then jog.. this increases your fitness level and when you go for a slow jog you will be able to go further :)

    Last but not least What doesn't challenge you, doesn't change you!! :D
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    TOTALLY feel you. I feel like I have worked my *kitten* off (literally), and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but, today, I just feel like a whole boat load of 'no'. I want bacon, I want a doughnut and a latte at lunch, and yes, I want fries with that. BUT. I am going to have my regular lunch, and I am going to have a quick gym session after work, because every time I go, I find that I can push myself that little bit harder. You won't even notice it happening when you run, but you'll find that all of a sudden you'll kick it up a speed, and it'll feel GOOD doing it. I've lost 23lbs since February, and I've only just, in the last few days, noticed my fitness increasing.

    It's a long, hard struggle, but the more you do, the better it feels. I wish you all the best of luck. You're not alone.
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    Trust me, like other posters have illustrated, you're not alone. I used to be extremely fit. I am now getting back into a more consistent routine to get in shape. I'm trying to use people who are more fit as inspiration. There are always going to be people who are more fit than me regardless of how fit I become. Aspire to vs. feel discouraged.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Along with my nutrition I have been trying to pump up my exercising, (completely out of shape) when does it get easier? Seriously, I walked/jogged for a mile and a half with a group of “fit” people and I get really discouraged… I know what everyone’s response to this is going to be, “keep going”, “you will get there”, and I know all of these things. BUT I just feel like giving up seriously, so my question is… Is there anyone out there that can relate to me right now? I know what you all thinking pity party over here.. But really don't really have people that would even remotely understand to talk to so it's just easier to type out my frustration.. Thanks for reading..

    Honestly there are a lot better things I could be doing than spending all my limited free time in a gym. <- That was my attitude, now all I think about is going to the gym. Over time it starts to go from annoying, to tolerable, to addicting lol.