Still think 'eating organic' isn't worth it?



  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    Maybe you got a point, but animals do take other animals eggs to eat. That is my justification.
    I need the nutrients from that egg.

    The abuse to animals is something we do not have to do
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    This is a court finding about a farmer who couldn't figure out that inhaling herbicide might be a bad idea. This has nothing to do with the safety of our food.

    People can talk about this until they're blue in the face, and they do, but scientific studies have not shown a consistent or significant safety or nutrition benefit from Organic food.

    That's the completely inescapable bottom line.
  • hungrywhodat
    hungrywhodat Posts: 40 Member
    There's a whole lot of gray area between organic and inhaled pesticides, you know.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    No, it's more like talking it's periods or some other wacky vegan argument I heard once on the internets.

    Repeat after me: Chickens are not people.

    I am not a vegan, I am an omnivoric person.

    My favorite food in the world is a bloody rib eye steak.

    I am just saying respect the animal.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    No, it's more like talking it's periods or some other wacky vegan argument I heard once on the internets.

    Repeat after me: Chickens are not people.

    I am not a vegan, I am an omnivoric person.

    My favorite food in the world is a bloody rib eye steak.

    I am just saying respect the animal.

    Why do you assume that people on this thread don't? It was a somewhat inflammatory comment.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    No, it's more like talking it's periods or some other wacky vegan argument I heard once on the internets.

    Repeat after me: Chickens are not people.

    I am not a vegan, I am an omnivoric person.

    My favorite food in the world is a bloody rib eye steak.

    I am just saying respect the animal.

    Why do you assume that people on this thread don't? It was a somewhat inflammatory comment.

    well he was referring to my free range arguement
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    No, it's more like talking it's periods or some other wacky vegan argument I heard once on the internets.

    Repeat after me: Chickens are not people.

    I am not a vegan, I am an omnivoric person.

    My favorite food in the world is a bloody rib eye steak.

    I am just saying respect the animal.

    Why do you assume that people on this thread don't? It was a somewhat inflammatory comment.

    well he was referring to my free range arguement

    Oh, okay then.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    Maybe you got a point, but animals do take other animals eggs to eat. That is my justification.
    I need the nutrients from that egg.

    The abuse to animals is something we do not have to do

    Whoa, I missed the crazy in this post. Kidnapping their children? Emotional enough to worry about sunshine. The PETAnthropomorphizing is deep!

    Their point is that they're crazy and left logic and rationale at the door. Animals eat eggs all the time, even animals we've never thought do it. I watched a deer eat a robin's egg once. It was interesting. A deer.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    are you going to pay for my groceries? i buy organic when i can, but sometimes it just too expensive.

    Check your local farmer's markets, also, see what you can grow at home. Sometimes just a few little things help in the big picture. The one good thing is that organic foods are starting to really come down in price. A lot of times fruits and veggies are less than 50 cents more per kg/lb

    Products in a farmer's market are not necessarily organic. In fact, most small farms can't afford to grow organically or afford the costly testing to prove they do.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    Maybe you got a point, but animals do take other animals eggs to eat. That is my justification.
    I need the nutrients from that egg.

    The abuse to animals is something we do not have to do

    Whoa, I missed the crazy in this post. Kidnapping their children? Emotional enough to worry about sunshine. The PETAnthropomorphizing is deep!

    Their point is that they're crazy and left logic and rationale at the door. Animals eat eggs all the time, even animals we've never thought do it. I watched a deer eat a robin's egg once. It was interesting. A deer.
    the fck? makes me wonder if the deer knew it was an egg or a mushroom
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    are you going to pay for my groceries? i buy organic when i can, but sometimes it just too expensive.

    Check your local farmer's markets, also, see what you can grow at home. Sometimes just a few little things help in the big picture. The one good thing is that organic foods are starting to really come down in price. A lot of times fruits and veggies are less than 50 cents more per kg/lb

    Products in a farmer's market are not necessarily organic. In fact, most small farms can't afford to grow organically or afford the costly testing to prove they do.

    and with some rare exceptions, they price as a commodity, again, leaving "organic" food only for the affluents.

    As it should be of course, the rest can eat cake. ;)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    the fck? makes me wonder if the deer knew it was an egg or a mushroom

    An animal researcher colleague of mine showed me a video of a deer eating a squirrel once. Stomped it until it stopped moving and then went to town. I was dumbfounded. Apparently, when there is a calcium deficiency, they'll forage for non-standard foods.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Monsanto is responsible for a lot of crap. Those bast'ds have pretty much ruined/destroyed everything they've touched.

    While I don't disagree with this, there is a pretty big difference in the amount one would inhale while cleaning a piece of equipment used to spread a chemical and the amount that would be found on a veg/fruit sprayed with it.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    The chicken eggs we eat aren't fertilized. Otherwise there would be a baby chicken in it, rather than just egg yolk.
    Us women lose our eggs every month as well and I can tell you I couldn't care less if you took that away from me. It would be kinda gross, but I wouldn't have an emotional bond with it.
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    are you going to pay for my groceries? i buy organic when i can, but sometimes it just too expensive.

    what a crazy thing to say, we are all in the same boat trying to afford the best we can for our families. You should hit up Monsanto to pay for your groceries since they are working so hard to poison teh population in order to make money!

    Seriously though: look in to a CSA, For $650 dollars, I get 6-8 months worth of veggies.... I just finished the organic veggies I put up last fall.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    are you going to pay for my groceries? i buy organic when i can, but sometimes it just too expensive.

    what a crazy thing to say, we are all in the same boat trying to afford the best we can for our families. You should hit up Monsanto to pay for your groceries since they are working so hard to poison teh population in order to make money!

    Seriously though: look in to a CSA, For $650 dollars, I get 6-8 months worth of veggies.... I just finished the organic veggies I put up last fall.

    That's a great idea, if I can't afford it...I'll sue somebody until I can!!!
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    I respect the right of others to eat organic, but it isn't for me.

    i don't understand how anyone could say that eating stuff grown from the earth in the way it's been done for thousands of years "isn't for them" in comparison to supporting mega-corps like Monsanto using genetically modified organisms, pesticides, and invasive gene therapy. 1 hour of research into the disgusting business practices of Monsanto should scare anyone.

    the only reason organic is more expensive is because corps like Monsanto have a stranglehold on big farm.

    we shouldn't be calling naturally grown food 'organic'. It's 'normal'. Everything else should get stuck with a name.

    Even the label 'organic' has been co-opted by big business thanks to the US gov't. I know many small farmers in my area that have always been organic... but can't afford the massive fees it can take to now 'prove' you're organic. Those fees and other obstacles were put in place by lobbyists working for Monsanto and other mega-corps.

    THIS. Thank you! I couldn't have said it better.

    this times a million!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Genuine question: wouldn't the organic crops be "contaminated" with pesticides as well, because it is in all the water, air and soil already?
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I can't afford to buy strictly organic, we have seven in our family and a very limited budget. But our garden is huge this year and I'm not spraying anything with pesticides. I'm slowly building a seed collection of heirloom seeds, so I can keep my own seeds each year.

    All we can do is the best we can. :)
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    i love the free range argument, it really makes my day,

    if we are worried about a chickens welfare, in terms of its living environment and quality of life, surely kidnapping its children everyday is the worst thing we can do? if chickens are emotional enough to be worried about sunshine then surely they would have a bond with there undeveloped embryo?

    i mean, is it just me or is child abduction awful whether you live in a nice house or a crappy shack?

    you should do some reading on the benefits of free range/pastured... I used to think the same thing... it is not about keeping the animal happy, it is about the animal getting access to the diet and sun light it should have in nature. Chicken are omnivoures and in nature eat insects high in protein.... when fed a grain diet, the eggs (and chicken) is significantntly less nutricious. Corn and grain in general is a fairly non-nutritive filler.