Im stuck at 180 lbs forever.

Im 5'9 female 25 years old. I want to weigh 140 lbs. I've been doing cardio 1 hour a day of walking for over a week. I 've been eating

small healthy meals every 3 hours. I started here at

180 lbs then i got down to 170 lbs and then my weight started going back up and now im back up to 175 lbs. I once worked out for

30 days everyday and actually gained weight. Im so irritated how the fat just will not come off. I feel like im really trying hard but once

again theres no results. I think my body is always going to be at 180 lbs now no matter what i do. at this point i just want a quick way

to lose weight im starting to not care anymore about being healthy. i just want to lose weight. i just want to get down to 140 lbs. But

im starting to see that my body is unable to lose fat. Just felt like venting.


  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    try logging your food.
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    have u tried upping ur calories?
  • melinmen
    melinmen Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried a no carb/low carb diet? When I had trouble losing weight this was the only thing that worked. I lost 40 pounds in 3 months doing Atkins. The weight drops off quickly with the "induction" phase (no carbs), and then you can start reintroducing healthy carbs. Don't give up!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    i'm not understanding where the strength training is, or what the heck is so bad about 180, but different strokes i guess.

    losing fat is not hard.

    calorie deficit, 1g protein for 1 pound LBM and healthy foods, strength training, lots of patience

    the end. do cardio if you want. or don't. it's not mandatory to lose fat.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    I havent logged my food couple days youre right i should. it would prob help. thanks.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Have you tried a no carb/low carb diet? When I had trouble losing weight this was the only thing that worked. I lost 40 pounds in 3 months doing Atkins. The weight drops off quickly with the "induction" phase (no carbs), and then you can start reintroducing healthy carbs. Don't give up!

    this sounds like my own personal pit of fire. and completely unnecessary until she's trying to get to single digits in bf%.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    Yea I did try upping my calories yesterday and today
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Im 5'9 female 25 years old. I want to weigh 140 lbs. I've been doing cardio 1 hour a day of walking for over a week. I 've been eating

    small healthy meals every 3 hours. I started here at

    180 lbs then i got down to 170 lbs and then my weight started going back up and now im back up to 175 lbs. I once worked out for

    30 days everyday and actually gained weight. Im so irritated how the fat just will not come off. I feel like im really trying hard but once

    again theres no results. I think my body is always going to be at 180 lbs now no matter what i do. at this point i just want a quick way

    to lose weight im starting to not care anymore about being healthy. i just want to lose weight. i just want to get down to 140 lbs. But

    im starting to see that my body is unable to lose fat. Just felt like venting.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, giving up now, you will probably gain it back and more.

    and yeh... you logged one day in the last like week and a half, and thats because I cant be bothered looking back further.

    how do you know how much you ate?

    are your portions right?

    is 1520 too high for you? how did you get that number.

    you need to look at this like a scientist. I doubt theres anything wrong with you but you method is full of holes.
  • DynamicIvy1908
    I can identify with your situation. I had my daughter almost four months ago and I hoped to be at least down some of the almost 30 pounds that I gained. I am breastfeeding so I thought that would help. I workout at least three times a week up to five or six days a week. I have logged calories and increased the intensity of my workouts and the scale has not moved. I still cannot fit into anything. UGH!!! Before I became pregnant I could eat whatever and workout and there would be no problem now my pre-pregnancy weight of 158 seems so far away. I would like to weigh 145, my husband is trying to help me and I am praying a lot about it. Hopefully soon I will not see 180 on the scale anymore. I refuse to stay at 180 something has to give because I am not giving up!!!
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    Ive heard of atkins working fast and longter. I'll do some research on that and find out if its good for me. Thank you :-)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    why 140? my so called healthy wt would be 140 and i'm drastically shorter than you.
    instead of focusing on some arbitrary number why not focus on changing your body composition?
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    Tracking food every day, accurately, is essential.
    You can try upping your calories by about 200 and see what happens.
    Also, you might try eating different foods but the same number of calories.
    For me, the number of fat grams per day is critical. Do some experimenting
    with amount of fat, amount of protein, or amount of carbs/sugar. You might find a
    food vocabulary that works better than your current one.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, I hear you on this we all want to see the immediate rewards and get that gratifiation of seeing the number go down on the scale but sometimes we just have to be patient.
    Frist and foremost "Trust in the process, because it does take time, but if you feel like your doing all the right things which are
    1) drinking plenty of water 64 oz or more
    2) cutting the sugar/ eating less processed/ eating more whole foods
    3) working out 3-5 times a week ( different videos, exercises keep your body guessing " because if it doesnt challenge you it doesnt change you "
    4) watching portions/calories if body is not reacting cant budge the pounds dont restrict too low of calories maybe up the calories.

    Then if only then you might want to get your hormone levels checked out by a doctor, because if you can't seem to budge those pounds and your doing everything right it may be due to something more and or do you have stress it also is a major hidden factor of why you might be struggling to loose weight, Hope this helps.

    Just don't give up because quitters never win, and winners never quit.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Ive heard of atkins working fast and longter. I'll do some research on that and find out if its good for me. Thank you :-)

    no it doesn't. in the first 3-6 months you loose a bit more, but over a year it evens out to the same.

    + you must love meat big time. why would you wipe out whole food groups. that a "fad diet" for sure.

    you are not special. if you think you have a medical condition go to your doctor.

    you give up way too easy. you need to realise that this is a life change, so stop quitting it like its a diet.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Im 5'9 female 25 years old. I want to weigh 140 lbs. I've been doing cardio 1 hour a day of walking for over a week. I 've been eating

    small healthy meals every 3 hours. I started here at

    180 lbs then i got down to 170 lbs and then my weight started going back up and now im back up to 175 lbs. I once worked out for

    30 days everyday and actually gained weight. Im so irritated how the fat just will not come off. I feel like im really trying hard but once

    again theres no results. I think my body is always going to be at 180 lbs now no matter what i do. at this point i just want a quick way

    to lose weight im starting to not care anymore about being healthy. i just want to lose weight. i just want to get down to 140 lbs. But

    im starting to see that my body is unable to lose fat. Just felt like venting.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, giving up now, you will probably gain it back and more.

    and yeh... you logged one day in the last like week and a half, and thats because I cant be bothered looking back further.

    how do you know how much you ate?

    are your portions right?

    is 1520 too high for you? how did you get that number.

    you need to look at this like a scientist. I doubt theres anything wrong with you but you method is full of holes.

    i would safely bet money that 1500 is too low or she has her activity set too low.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Im 5'9 female 25 years old. I want to weigh 140 lbs. I've been doing cardio 1 hour a day of walking for over a week. I 've been eating

    small healthy meals every 3 hours. I started here at

    180 lbs then i got down to 170 lbs and then my weight started going back up and now im back up to 175 lbs. I once worked out for

    30 days everyday and actually gained weight. Im so irritated how the fat just will not come off. I feel like im really trying hard but once

    again theres no results. I think my body is always going to be at 180 lbs now no matter what i do. at this point i just want a quick way

    to lose weight im starting to not care anymore about being healthy. i just want to lose weight. i just want to get down to 140 lbs. But

    im starting to see that my body is unable to lose fat. Just felt like venting.

    I can tell you one thing for sure, giving up now, you will probably gain it back and more.

    and yeh... you logged one day in the last like week and a half, and thats because I cant be bothered looking back further.

    how do you know how much you ate?

    are your portions right?

    is 1520 too high for you? how did you get that number.

    you need to look at this like a scientist. I doubt theres anything wrong with you but you method is full of holes.

    i would safely bet money that 1500 is too low or she has her activity set too low.

    maybe we should just get her numbers, and figure it out lol.

    whats your height, age, weight (180?)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    if you feel you have a huge appetite the first thing you need to do is increase your protein.
    lean meats than you cook yourself. move away from the processed meals as much as possible.
    they are not filling. i've never eaten one that WAS filling.

    don't worry about how much carbs you have at first, just build a menu for yourself starting with protein at each meal,
    and some healthy fats. the rest of the calories are up to you how much you want carbs or fat that day.

    ETA: while also including some fresh fruits/veggies too. focus on getting enough fiber and protein from real food and
    you'll feel full all day.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    Ive heard of atkins working fast and longter. I'll do some research on that and find out if its good for me. Thank you :-)

    no it doesn't. in the first 3-6 months you loose a bit more, but over a year it evens out to the same.

    + you must love meat big time. why would you wipe out whole food groups. that a "fad diet" for sure.

    you are not special. if you think you have a medical condition go to your doctor.

    you give up way too easy. you need to realise that this is a life change, so stop quitting it like its a diet.

    Actually i was responding to someone's post about recommending atkins. I never said i was special and i never said i thought i had a medical condition. And I obviously dont give up too easy because im asking for support and started making decisions like eating every 3 hours to become a life long habil. I was venting by the way in my original post as i stated in it. I never said i was quitting. Its too bad your "support" was full of assumptions and things that i never said. You should take your own advice for your assumptive unhelpful attitude. Thanks.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    Feeling your pain! I was at a 5 mt plateau at the end of last year. Even went to a nutritionist. The tips I could share are endless, but mainly..... Checkout a group on here and on YouTube called "Eat more to weigh less" . I'm 5"3 and 169, use to be 235. I am now up to eating 1800/ day and that was after being at 1580 for awhile and before that at 1200. I never thought I could eat that much, but now I'm use to it. Found I was over training , so my calorie deficit was too low and my body was rebelling (so to speak). So,,,, don't be scared to eat and log food to help you see what has worked. I love looking back over the year and can see what worked best for me.

    Logging is critical so you can learn portion control and see hidden culprits like high sodium (which makes u hold water) and also watch for the bad fats. You'll find that in processed and fast foods. You want to eat good clean foods and healthy fats with still treating yourself to things you moderation.

    Keep going and be sure to add a balanced weight lifting program with cardio and even yoga. Great for blood flow, flexibility, balance and posture! You don't think about those things until you're older, but having older parents, I can see the benefits now at 37 and don't want to wait to begin taking better care of myself. Checkout my girl Jamie Eason on great workout free program and even love her recipes. The homemade carrot cake protein bars are awesome!

    It's a lifestyle change and never ending learning journey. Just enjoy and keep up your new lifestyle.

    Good luck, feel free to friend me, I have an open diary and workout 5-6/ week and love salsa dancing and trying new activities to change it up;)

    Shannon, Atlanta, Ga
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    meal timing is completely irrelevant unless you're a bodybuilder who has to eat that frequently to eat 5k cals or more a day.
    clearly not your issue. in fact, for me eating more often just makes me more hungry. i don't feel satisfied with 'small meals'
    focus on volume. as much food as you can for the calories, flavor, nutrients. of real food. an actual orange is drastically more satisfying than orange juice and it's less calories, that doesn't mean never drink it, but it's an example.