Im stuck at 180 lbs forever.



  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Feeling your pain! I was at a 5 mt plateau at the end of last year. Even went to a nutritionist. The tips I could share are endless, but mainly..... Checkout a group on here and on YouTube called "Eat more to weigh less" . I'm 5"3 and 169, use to be 235. I am now up to eating 1800/ day and that was after being at 1580 for awhile and before that at 1200. I never thought I could eat that much, but now I'm use to it. Found I was over training , so my calorie deficit was too low and my body was rebelling (so to speak). So,,,, don't be scared to eat and log food to help you see what has worked. I love looking back over the year and can see what worked best for me.

    Logging is critical so you can learn portion control and see hidden culprits like high sodium (which makes u hold water) and also watch for the bad fats. You'll find that in processed and fast foods. You want to eat good clean foods and healthy fats with still treating yourself to things you moderation.

    Keep going and be sure to add a balanced weight lifting program with cardio and even yoga. Great for blood flow, flexibility, balance and posture! You don't think about those things until you're older, but having older parents, I can see the benefits now at 37 and don't want to wait to begin taking better care of myself. Checkout my girl Jamie Eason on great workout free program and even love her recipes. The homemade carrot cake protein bars are awesome!

    It's a lifestyle change and never ending learning journey. Just enjoy and keep up your new lifestyle.

    Good luck, feel free to friend me, I have an open diary and workout 5-6/ week and love salsa dancing and trying new activities to change it up;)

    Shannon, Atlanta, Ga

    E2MWL and strength training work well
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    meal timing is completely irrelevant unless you're a bodybuilder who has to eat that frequently to eat 5k cals or more a day.
    clearly not your issue. in fact, for me eating more often just makes me more hungry. i don't feel satisfied with 'small meals'
    focus on volume. as much food as you can for the calories, flavor, nutrients. of real food. an actual orange is drastically more satisfying than orange juice and it's less calories, that doesn't mean never drink it, but it's an example.

    I never thought about that with the timing. I'm gonna try that, focusing on volume to meet my daily calories instead of timing of small meals. Thank you sooo much, your responses were very helpful! I really appreciate it! :-)
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    try logging your food.

    Exactly. It looks like you haven't logged in at least a month and a half- so, unless you're keeping track of it somewhere else I'd say start up first thing tomorrow morning and see where that takes you.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    Feeling your pain! I was at a 5 mt plateau at the end of last year. Even went to a nutritionist. The tips I could share are endless, but mainly..... Checkout a group on here and on YouTube called "Eat more to weigh less" . I'm 5"3 and 169, use to be 235. I am now up to eating 1800/ day and that was after being at 1580 for awhile and before that at 1200. I never thought I could eat that much, but now I'm use to it. Found I was over training , so my calorie deficit was too low and my body was rebelling (so to speak). So,,,, don't be scared to eat and log food to help you see what has worked. I love looking back over the year and can see what worked best for me.

    Logging is critical so you can learn portion control and see hidden culprits like high sodium (which makes u hold water) and also watch for the bad fats. You'll find that in processed and fast foods. You want to eat good clean foods and healthy fats with still treating yourself to things you moderation.

    Keep going and be sure to add a balanced weight lifting program with cardio and even yoga. Great for blood flow, flexibility, balance and posture! You don't think about those things until you're older, but having older parents, I can see the benefits now at 37 and don't want to wait to begin taking better care of myself. Checkout my girl Jamie Eason on great workout free program and even love her recipes. The homemade carrot cake protein bars are awesome!

    It's a lifestyle change and never ending learning journey. Just enjoy and keep up your new lifestyle.

    Good luck, feel free to friend me, I have an open diary and workout 5-6/ week and love salsa dancing and trying new activities to change it up;)

    Shannon, Atlanta, Ga

    Thank you so much! I will definitely friend you! Youre right, i do need to start logging more because i may be eating under or over my calorie requirement and that probably has a huge amount to do with it. I'm gonna check out that free workout program, ive been looking for one! I tried P90X but i didnt have the equipment. Ive really been wanting to get the insanity video but its kinda pricey. So im excited that theres a free workout video online! thank you sooo much again! :-)
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you are your own gym
    convict conditioning
    nerd fitness
    your body is your equipment
    many of them are really challenging too.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    why 140? my so called healthy wt would be 140 and i'm drastically shorter than you.
    instead of focusing on some arbitrary number why not focus on changing your body composition?

    I feel like id be happier with my body if it was at 135-140 lbs because several years ago when i started weighing more than 140 lbs thats when my entire shaped changed and didnt look healthy on me or in my clothes anymore. So 140 kind of has stuck in my mind ever since i started getting in the 180's.
  • manny5ee
    manny5ee Posts: 3
    Think of it this way, if you eat too many calories, you gain weight. If you don't eat enough calories, you don't lose weight because your body thinks its in starvation mode. First what you need to do it adjust your diet to a balanced (40% Protein, 40% Carbs, 20% fats) or cutting ratio (50% proteins, 30% carbs, 20% fats). If you want to lose more weight quicker, go for the cutting ratio. Know that some people can't handle this ratio for too long as you may feel sluggish, and not heal as quickly (I experienced this first hand). Balanced keeps your energy levels up while allowing you to cut fat at a slower rate (1-2 lbs a week). You can switch between the two; one week cutting, the next week balanced. Next step is to figure out how many calories you are really eating and the ratio of those calories. Log your food faithfully into myfitnesspal and it will give you a really good idea of how the foods you eat impact your calorie ratios. Also remember to keep those proteins up (either with a powder or just lean meat). Your muscles require more calories from proteins to stay alive which is why the more muscle you have the higher your metabolism. If you don't feed them that, then your muscles will be the first on the list your body consumes to meet it's energy needs. This means slower metabolism, and slower weight loss.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you could have more muscle mass now, or have wider hips from kids or something. base a goal if you have one,
    on bf%. more importantly focus on consistent training, rest, on point nutrition.
    thats all you can control. focusing on numbers too much just makes it frusttraing.
    measure once a month.
    the only numbers to focus on are logging your eats
    and your lifting.
    if those are in place, if the weight is coming off, it will happen. lose nothing on the scale but lose inches. which means you've lost fat.
    if that happens you'll be smashing your scale with a jack hammer.
    screw the scale.
    being lighter means nothing. dehydrated, haven't' eaten breakfast, less bone density.
    being heavier isn't always bad either. more muscle, glycogen in your muscles, more bone density so you
    don't have osteoporosis when you're older. just bc you're heavier doesn't mean you're bigger.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    I don't have any kids. I think i possibly gain muscle quicker in my legs though but its hard to see under all the fat lol. But thats true weighing more could have somewhat to do with unseen muscle
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Ive heard of atkins working fast and longter. I'll do some research on that and find out if its good for me. Thank you :-)

    no it doesn't. in the first 3-6 months you loose a bit more, but over a year it evens out to the same.

    + you must love meat big time. why would you wipe out whole food groups. that a "fad diet" for sure.

    you are not special. if you think you have a medical condition go to your doctor.

    you give up way too easy. you need to realise that this is a life change, so stop quitting it like its a diet.

    Actually i was responding to someone's post about recommending atkins. I never said i was special and i never said i thought i had a medical condition. And I obviously dont give up too easy because im asking for support and started making decisions like eating every 3 hours to become a life long habil. I was venting by the way in my original post as i stated in it. I never said i was quitting. Its too bad your "support" was full of assumptions and things that i never said. You should take your own advice for your assumptive unhelpful attitude. Thanks.

    oh god.

    i never said that you said that you thought you had a medical condition.

    i didn't assume anything. I replied to your comment. its all there.

    what I mean by you are not special is that most likely, you are doing something wrong, not that you "just cant loose weight"

    you sound like you want to quit. thats what you wrote. just trying to help.

    your like "hey i fell in the gutter, can you give me a hand?"

    im like, "sure,Ill help you out of the gutter heres my hand let me juss"

    "what? no, since when was i in the gutter, i dont need your stinky hand, punk."

  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    I guess if you look at it that way lol. Thanks for explaining and trying to help.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I'd also like to add that you look pretty hot as is.

    just sayin. ohh yeh.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm 5'10" and was 185. I went through several cycles of increasing my exercise, counting calories - and gained each time, instead of losing. Very disappointing, and I admit that even though I felt so much better physically, I felt like it "wasn't working."

    I ended up giving myself an excruciating case of plantar fascitis while trying to intensify my exercise, and gaining a bunch of weight while it was too painful to even walk.

    What I'm doing different this time? A much more conservative deficit, careful tracking, MODERATE activity, and strength training. It's not fast, but I am losing some weight, and more importantly I feel so much better physically at the weight I'm at when I'm fitter and stronger.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm 5' 9". Personally, I feel unhealthy and lack energy anywhere below 145. Right now, with my current muscle mass, I'm targeting 172 as a goal weight (23% body fat). I'd look at your body composition and re-evaluate your goals.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    you should consider payingi attention to your macros versus just calories. That way you can focus on something other than just weight. I have found to be stuck at 180 many many times. I am 6 feet tall and i couldnt get anywhere. Once i switched from worrying about weight and calories to focusing on body fat % and macros, i noticed a difference in not just my waist size but also my weight, and its MUCH easier. Youre sodium is through the roof on your diary today. Are you drinking LOADS of water??

    also do strength training. cardio makes you look good in your clothes, lifting/strength training makes you look good naked! =)
  • MommyofTwinies31
    MommyofTwinies31 Posts: 77 Member
    I have been stuck at the same weight for a while too. But you know what I am starting not to care. I will tell you why. In the last year i have lost over 33 inches. Even though my weight has not changed much I am a lot smaller. I went down three pants sizes since last summer. I have been changing things up as much as i can lifting weights, doing HIIT workouts, yoga and stretching. Even though you are not seeing the scale move your body is changing the scale is not the most accurate way to measure progress. Have you taken measurements? Don't give up trust me you will get there :bigsmile:
  • ddye26
    ddye26 Posts: 10 Member
    I feel your pain, I've been there before, and I'm reaching that point again. Here is what I would suggest:

    1. Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water (example 160 lbs, 80 oz of water per day)
    2. Look at your current calorie level and reduce it (try a small increment of 250).
    3. Measure and log everything you eat. I know for me I thought I wasn't eating very many calories. When I actually measured
    my food as opposed to using my "eyeballing" measurement method, I discovered that the "eyeball/guestimation" method
    added 500-800 calories per day to my intake, yikes!
    4. Estabish a set amount of calories to burn each day, no matter what (for me that is 750+).
    5. Make sure that most of your diet are whole foods, and limit processed food as much as possible. Increase fruits and
    vegetables, lower your processed sugar intake; and if you are carb sensitive (like I am; I love the carbs!),
    limit, but DO NOT eliminate them from your diet.

    Be consistent for with these methods for at least 2 weeks to a month. Remember as your body becomes smaller, it will require less food, and more work to get the scales to move. Change will not overnight, however eventually you will see the scales move in the right direction! Best wishes to you!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    why 140? my so called healthy wt would be 140 and i'm drastically shorter than you.
    instead of focusing on some arbitrary number why not focus on changing your body composition?

    I feel like id be happier with my body if it was at 135-140 lbs because several years ago when i started weighing more than 140 lbs thats when my entire shaped changed and didnt look healthy on me or in my clothes anymore. So 140 kind of has stuck in my mind ever since i started getting in the 180's.

    When you say "several years ago" do you mean "When I was a teenager?"

    the last gasp of the physical changes of puberty can happen in your late teens - you're done growing taller, but your hips can do a last widening, and your shape changes.

    I'm not saying you'll never lose weight. I am saying you may find you can't attain the weight of your teens, and even if you do, you might be a different shape anyway.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    i'm not understanding where the strength training is

    Yup. Strength training 3 times a week would help.
  • aprell423
    aprell423 Posts: 39 Member
    why 140? my so called healthy wt would be 140 and i'm drastically shorter than you.
    instead of focusing on some arbitrary number why not focus on changing your body composition?

    I feel like id be happier with my body if it was at 135-140 lbs because several years ago when i started weighing more than 140 lbs thats when my entire shaped changed and didnt look healthy on me or in my clothes anymore. So 140 kind of has stuck in my mind ever since i started getting in the 180's.

    When you say "several years ago" do you mean "When I was a teenager?"

    the last gasp of the physical changes of puberty can happen in your late teens - you're done growing taller, but your hips can do a last widening, and your shape changes.

    I'm not saying you'll never lose weight. I am saying you may find you can't attain the weight of your teens, and even if you do, you might be a different shape anyway.
    That makes a lot of since! thanks! When i said several years ago i was referring to when i was 20. Im 25 now.