Weighing your food



  • aliceb39
    aliceb39 Posts: 84 Member
    In my experience, Europeans use weight (grams/pounds) for solids, while the US uses volume (teaspoons/cups), so many US homes don't have a scale. I use a free digital postal scale that I got from stamps.com; digital is the only way to go! 8^) Thanks for the tip about the scale from Harbor Freight that also uses grams; I just may buy that this weekend!
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340

    Its the way i was taught in school, we used scales to measure large dry ingredients or meats and veg, liquids/spices were measured with spoons *small amounts* or jugs...

    But even before the days of school there has always been a set of scales in my mums/nans/relatives kitchen.

    You can pick a set up for around £3

    :/ *shrug*

    You say "set of scales", do you mean measuring cups? I assume so if you are saying you can pick up a set for around $4.50 USD. We are talking about food scales that measure food by weight, not measurement. They are more expensive, at the low end of $15 USD on up.

    I come from a large family who loves too cook and bake. No one has food scales and I've never seen them used. I've always cooked very well and never used scales. The only reason I use it is to get an exact count on my calories. In terms of measuring a serving size, this actually IS a magical item in my kitchen.

    Nope i mean a set of scales... cups are for drinking out of.. nothing else.
