I have a question about thighs!!!

okay so back 10 years ago I was "thin" I was 145 lbs and I had a 28 inch waist.......my thighs were 25 INCHES EACH!!! I had to go up 2-3 pants sizes just to fit those darn flippin legs but then the waist would be like 6-8 inches too big and I'd need to alter them severely and/or wear a belt and deal with the bunching.....UGH.....TERRIBLE!!

anyway I am now MUCH bigger and my thighs measure 30 inches each but are more proportionate to my body size so I don't look so weird. However time around I wanna to try and shrink all over so I can be proportionate and not have the same problem this time around.

I was wondering what is the best way to lose many many inches on the thighs? I wanna start working on em now so I can get a head start as I know the rest of me shrinks quite easily.

Is there anyone on here that is around the 135-160 lb mark that could share with me their waist / thigh size just so I can see how other people measure up? I wanna know if others have the same problems.



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have the same problem with my butt and thighs...........Our thighs are about the same size too.

    Problem is for me, I lose from the top to bottom of my body, so I am a true pear shape. Its frustrating to the point I started wearing lots of skirts and dresses.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have the same problem with my butt and thighs...........Our thighs are about the same size too.

    Problem is for me, I lose from the top to bottom of my body, so I am a true pear shape. Its frustrating to the point I started wearing lots of skirts and dresses.

    thanks for sharing. I'm totally not a pear.....I'm a hour glass for sure......my boobs and hips stay big and I end up with a tiny waist......but those darn thighs (and calves too) just won't LEAVE!!!

    I wouldn't doubt that at my thinnest my thighs were bigger than my hips!!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Unfortunately you can't control where the fat you lose comes from. You just have to work to lose total body fat, and also do strength training to form more lean muscle in that area. I'm a little smaller than you, but I have the same problem. My thighs and butt are dispropotionate to the rest of me. I just do a lot of lower body work to help that ares look better, but there's only so much you can do wihout getting all the fat off. My waist is 28" and my thighs are 22.5" and my hips are 38". good luck getting there!
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    We are so much alike! I have lost 26 inches so far, including .75 from my neck, but them DAMN thighs! They were 25 inches each when I started here, and they were still 25 inches when I measured after 2 months! I started in a tight 24 pants and am now in a loose 20. I'm afraid when I go down another size, the thighs won't fit! I will be glad to hear the reply's on this one. I bought a bike, and a treadmill, and they still are not shrinking any.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Oh, and I won't even go to the butt! Mine reminds me of Marge on the Simpsons!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thighs have always been my problem! But, unless it's bathing suit time if something is going to be a problem that's not too bad :) because my arms / wrists (and flat chest) make people thing I would weigh more like 130 not 160! :)

    At 163 my waist is 34 and thighs 24 at the top / widest.

    My calves, I have given up on :) I call them man calves :)

    Years of tennis and horseback riding - I will never have slim calves!

    Even my thighs are rather solid (definitely some flab on the inside and lower butt area to lose) but they will never be slim and I have come to terms with that! Even at a low % body fat they would still be big because they are muscley.
  • CMomma23
    CMomma23 Posts: 132 Member
    I' 5'1", 146 lbs, waist is a 32" , hips are 39" and my thighs are 21.5" However my thighs are very tone.... I've always been pear shaped and had big legs (I was called thunder thighs when I was younger, but I was never really HUGE) Anyway, my thighs are in more shape than ever! I own some shape-ups, which I try to walk in 5 days a week and I have been doing the Biggest Loser Boot Camp and Jillians 30 Day Shred... Oh My the 30 Day Shred will COMPLETELY work your thighs and upper quads BIG TIME!!!! Hope this helps...
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    We are so much alike! I have lost 26 inches so far, including .75 from my neck, but them DAMN thighs! They were 25 inches each when I started here, and they were still 25 inches when I measured after 2 months! I started in a tight 24 pants and am now in a loose 20. I'm afraid when I go down another size, the thighs won't fit! I will be glad to hear the reply's on this one. I bought a bike, and a treadmill, and they still are not shrinking any.

    I wear an 8-10 depending on the brand and mine are still 24 as well.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I too have this problem, and even though I have lost weight, my waist and thighs are smaller. But jeans are still always big in the waist and snug on my thighs. I think it is an hourglass thing! when I started my waist was 31, thighs 25, hips 39 now they are 28, 22 and 34.
    Just love that curvy figure! :bigsmile:
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    It didn't matter whether I weighed 150 or 200 my thighs are always 22" Unfortunately it's my stomach that grows! I have heard that the elliptical is good for inch loss on the legs but you cannot designate where the weight loss occurs. So much for the stupid belly fat advertisements. LOL!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I have the same problem, all the women on my mom's side have big thighs, so I think I'm doomed..lol. I've been on here for 2months and I've lost 1in from my neck, roughly 1 1/2inches from the waist and 1in from the hips, my thighs are still at 28 :/
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have the same problem with my butt and thighs...........Our thighs are about the same size too.

    Problem is for me, I lose from the top to bottom of my body, so I am a true pear shape. Its frustrating to the point I started wearing lots of skirts and dresses.

    thanks for sharing. I'm totally not a pear.....I'm a hour glass for sure......my boobs and hips stay big and I end up with a tiny waist......but those darn thighs (and calves too) just won't LEAVE!!!

    I wouldn't doubt that at my thinnest my thighs were bigger than my hips!!

    I am a lop-sided hour glass, LOL...........My boobs get small, small, small and my waist is way smaller than my hips and thighs........

    I am very unproportioned.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Once I started C25K (www.coolrunning.com), my thighs started toning up really fast. I went from 30" thighs to 20" in just a few months. I also started weight training by doing leg presses and thigh master thingy (I'm not sure what the machine is called but you can swing the knee pads around to work the inside and outside of thighs)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    We are so much alike! I have lost 26 inches so far, including .75 from my neck, but them DAMN thighs! They were 25 inches each when I started here, and they were still 25 inches when I measured after 2 months! I started in a tight 24 pants and am now in a loose 20. I'm afraid when I go down another size, the thighs won't fit! I will be glad to hear the reply's on this one. I bought a bike, and a treadmill, and they still are not shrinking any.

    I wear an 8-10 depending on the brand and mine are still 24 as well.

    This is my sister exactly. I think she looks so thin. She is in the 160's she is 5'7 or 5'8 she has 25 inch thighs but I always envy how thin she looks. Yet at my thinnest my waist was smaller (possible my hips as well) and my thighs were the exact same Yet I was sooooo FAT!! I'm only 1-2 inches shorter.

    oh and when I was 145 which is like 15-20 lbs lighter than my sister I wore a 12-14 and could not squeeze into any size smaller regardless of brand, style, nothing.

    I'm thinking maybe my sister is a toned 25 and I was a non toned 25????
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    It didn't matter whether I weighed 150 or 200 my thighs are always 22" Unfortunately it's my stomach that grows! I have heard that the elliptical is good for inch loss on the legs but you cannot designate where the weight loss occurs. So much for the stupid belly fat advertisements. LOL!


    I'd give anything to have 22 inch thighs......my KNEES ARE 22 INCHES!!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I too have this problem, and even though I have lost weight, my waist and thighs are smaller. But jeans are still always big in the waist and snug on my thighs. I think it is an hourglass thing! when I started my waist was 31, thighs 25, hips 39 now they are 28, 22 and 34.
    Just love that curvy figure! :bigsmile:

    your avatar looks GREAT!! I assure you that I used to be small and def CURVY.....but not like you......my thighs were SICK!

    you look so proportionate.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have the same problem with my butt and thighs...........Our thighs are about the same size too.

    Problem is for me, I lose from the top to bottom of my body, so I am a true pear shape. Its frustrating to the point I started wearing lots of skirts and dresses.

    thanks for sharing. I'm totally not a pear.....I'm a hour glass for sure......my boobs and hips stay big and I end up with a tiny waist......but those darn thighs (and calves too) just won't LEAVE!!!

    I wouldn't doubt that at my thinnest my thighs were bigger than my hips!!

    I am a lop-sided hour glass, LOL...........My boobs get small, small, small and my waist is way smaller than my hips and thighs........

    I am very unproportioned.

    that's another thing.....I used to lose my boobs....but now they won't budge. 12 years ago I was a DD boob.....got down to a tiny C boob. fastforward - marriage- 2 kids, I'm now like a EFG boob and they won't leave. I'd love a size C boob now....or again someday.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I have the same problem with my butt and thighs...........Our thighs are about the same size too.

    Problem is for me, I lose from the top to bottom of my body, so I am a true pear shape. Its frustrating to the point I started wearing lots of skirts and dresses.

    thanks for sharing. I'm totally not a pear.....I'm a hour glass for sure......my boobs and hips stay big and I end up with a tiny waist......but those darn thighs (and calves too) just won't LEAVE!!!

    I wouldn't doubt that at my thinnest my thighs were bigger than my hips!!

    I'm the same way. My waist is 32", my hips are 40 1/2" and my thighs are 24 1/2". My thighs are taking me a long time to get rid of. I tend to lose in my stomach and waist first. I've just really bumped up my cardio...working on 2-a-days right now to total an hour cardio a day AT LEAST on cardio only days... just to try to burn some fat everywhere and get my body fat % down and hopefully build some muscle so I can shrink these thunder thighs!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have the same problem with my butt and thighs...........Our thighs are about the same size too.

    Problem is for me, I lose from the top to bottom of my body, so I am a true pear shape. Its frustrating to the point I started wearing lots of skirts and dresses.

    thanks for sharing. I'm totally not a pear.....I'm a hour glass for sure......my boobs and hips stay big and I end up with a tiny waist......but those darn thighs (and calves too) just won't LEAVE!!!

    I wouldn't doubt that at my thinnest my thighs were bigger than my hips!!

    I'm the same way. My waist is 32", my hips are 40 1/2" and my thighs are 24 1/2". My thighs are taking me a long time to get rid of. I tend to lose in my stomach and waist first. I've just really bumped up my cardio...working on 2-a-days right now to total an hour cardio a day AT LEAST on cardio only days... just to try to burn some fat everywhere and get my body fat % down and hopefully build some muscle so I can shrink these thunder thighs!

    I didn't realize it was such a common problem. I'm glad I'm not alone.....but I wish fat would just melt off the fattiest places first!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I've always had big thighs - I just measured them and they are 25inches and my knees are 17 1/2. yuck! I currently weigh 177 and can now fit in a size 12 pant - slacks or dress pants are perfect - some jeans like Lee Rider are perfect and become loose after wearing them and other brands can be snug but look okay on me(like my photo) those were a size 12 on the reduced rack of walmart for $3.00 hopefully it was because they run small! At least Im hoping! lol I still wear some of my 14s cause they are really comfy.

    When I was younger and weighed like 130 I ALWAYS had big knees and thighs..so i dont think that will ever really go away.