Fudging numbers



  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    why on earth would you lie to yourself like that? I don't see the point. At all.

    ^ This. Totally. Please tell me you're not one of the people posting about not losing weight...God.

    Actually, she posted this on another thread just today:
    I started about six weeks ago and started losing weight quickly but then stopped and now I am plateaued at this weight even though I'm still controlling my calorie intake and exercising almost every day. I know there's gonna be a breakthrough soon! The important thing is to change your lifestyle and your way of looking at food and exercise. If you change that, you will be healthy no matter what.

    This is why fudging your numbers is a bad idea. You're kidding yourself.

    HA! busted!

    " change your lifestyle" << perhaps you should take your own advice. ;)

    If you don't want to take your own advice, maybe you'd like to log someone else's calories everyday.
    You could pick someone who eats very clean... maybe you'll have that elusive six pack by summer. haha
  • jmmason89
    jmmason89 Posts: 9 Member
    I over count my calories when I'm unsure rather than put too few in. That way at the end of the day I'm still happy and proud of myself and I know I'm not cheating myself out of my weight goal, even if it says I'm a few calories over I know I'm not! :)

    I think of it like my money, I always used to round up in my checkbook with my purchases and all that change really adds up. Then one day you look back at your account and have all that extra cash!