Hurt my back doing deadlifts, now what?

I am pretty sure I hurt my lower back doing a combination of too many reps with too high a weight and that giving me bad form. It's been about a week, I'm still taking ibuprofen and using a heating pad and have taken the past week completely off from lifting. I want to restart again this weekend. Should I stop deadlifts completely, or is it ok to do them but with a much lower weight and number of reps? If I shouldn't do them at all, what are some good replacements? Thanks


  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    If you are sure that you are fine (this is major, you do not want to do permanent damage, consider seeing a doctor), I would back way the eff off. Go back to barbell only for at least a few warm up sets. get to where you can see your profile in a mirror if possible to make sure your back is looking good. Can you bring a friend/spotter/trainer to spot you?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    If you hurt your back doing them, then chances are you either over did it or you did them wrong. Get an experience person to assess how you're doing them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    As someone with a family and personal history of lower back issues, and a love of deadlifts, I have to say that you need to take this very seriously. 99/100 people who say they have good form have terrible form and the deadlift is an exercise which will let you know sooner or later in the way of a herniated disc. This is why it is often heard that "the deadlift is bad for the back" -- because for people who don't care to learn a proper lumbar position and the hinge movement pattern, it IS.

    You say that you "probably" hurt yourself due to poor form from a high-rep set. I haven't DL'd more than 5 reps in a set for a good few years now for this very reason. RDL, SLDL, good mornings, that's all fine for more reps, but I'll never conventional deadlift for any number of reps where I think my form might break down even slightly.

    It's a beautiful thing, right? A well-executed, healthy lift that will serve you until you grow old always is.

    You should strongly consider finding someone to show you the correct way to deadlift, and in the mean time, take it easy bro :D
  • hungrywhodat
    hungrywhodat Posts: 40 Member
    Go to the doctor, make sure it's not serious, and then when you're better, get right back to it.

    But this time deadlift a piece of PVC pipe if you have to until your form is perfect.