5'4 at 153 lbs



  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    What a great post and great to see what others are doing!! I am 5.3 1/2. Was 167 8 weeks ago. I am a half marathon runner...you appear to be a runner sister as well.!!! Kuddos to you!!
    Per my Registered Dietician that also uses MFP... I eat 1200 calories a day .. she had me put my setting on sedentary, (although I am not). I am a SAHM of two young kiddos- I eat 1200 and eat all ...yes ALL excerise calories back. I eat 1500-1800 a day. A lot more on long runs. I have lost 4.2 in 17 days with MFP. On this method, this means I net 1200 a day which 500 calorie deficit will create a loss. A slower loss than those who have much more to lose but yes a loss.
    I run 3-4 xs a week....3 miles to 15 miles at a time. Power Yoga 2-3 times a week. To get where I want to be I incorporated (gulp) strength training. Yep it cuts into my mileage (as a runner that is tough to swallow) but I have seen great results. Also as a runner I am damn hungry and hungry all the time. I have found a sweet spot of fueling the hunger while eating for nutrition vs thinking I can eat whatever I please because I run. Whoops....that was a mistake and I think a common mistake some runners make.
    My goal is a healthy BMI in a weight range of 143-135 ( 135 may be a stretch) . Also I love my runners legs and If I am heavier but can get a sub 2 in a half I can live with 143 forever and ever. You can friend me ...add me if you want (my diary is open) ...I eat clean....95% of the time . I don't use caffeine as weight loss tactic and I believe nearly all whole foods are acceptable in moderation and portion. However today I have cheated and craved a diet coke and went for it. Haven't had one in 10 weeks. I don't strive for perfection....just being the best me I can be. My RD told me 1580 in a calories will maintain 143 and eat all exercise calories back. Until then 1200 eating all back and letting the loss come from food intake ....exercise is for fitness. Best wishes on this journey.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Bump for later
  • ruthyluv
    ruthyluv Posts: 42 Member
    What a great post and great to see what others are doing!! I am 5.3 1/2. Was 167 8 weeks ago. I am a half marathon runner...you appear to be a runner sister as well.!!! Kuddos to you!!
    Per my Registered Dietician that also uses MFP... I eat 1200 calories a day .. she had me put my setting on sedentary, (although I am not). I am a SAHM of two young kiddos- I eat 1200 and eat all ...yes ALL excerise calories back. I eat 1500-1800 a day. A lot more on long runs. I have lost 4.2 in 17 days with MFP. On this method, this means I net 1200 a day which 500 calorie deficit will create a loss. A slower loss than those who have much more to lose but yes a loss.
    I run 3-4 xs a week....3 miles to 15 miles at a time. Power Yoga 2-3 times a week. To get where I want to be I incorporated (gulp) strength training. Yep it cuts into my mileage (as a runner that is tough to swallow) but I have seen great results. Also as a runner I am damn hungry and hungry all the time. I have found a sweet spot of fueling the hunger while eating for nutrition vs thinking I can eat whatever I please because I run. Whoops....that was a mistake and I think a common mistake some runners make.
    My goal is a healthy BMI in a weight range of 143-135 ( 135 may be a stretch) . Also I love my runners legs and If I am heavier but can get a sub 2 in a half I can live with 143 forever and ever. You can friend me ...add me if you want (my diary is open) ...I eat clean....95% of the time . I don't use caffeine as weight loss tactic and I believe nearly all whole foods are acceptable in moderation and portion. However today I have cheated and craved a diet coke and went for it. Haven't had one in 10 weeks. I don't strive for perfection....just being the best me I can be. My RD told me 1580 in a calories will maintain 143 and eat all exercise calories back. Until then 1200 eating all back and letting the loss come from food intake ....exercise is for fitness. Best wishes on this journey.

    That's awesome!! thank you for your feedback! yes, I ran my first half marathon in February. I absolutely loved it. I know what you mean as far as feeling like you can eat what you want because you are a runner. Right after my half marathon i went straight to a burger joint, had a burger and a two beers to celebrate!! But- I definitely can't do that often so I made sure to enjoy every bite. :) .. Thank you for the encouragement and good luck to you as well!!
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I started MFP a few months ago and want to say I started tracking since mid March 2013. I work out 5-6 times a week for about 1hour or hour 1/2 on average each day. I switch up my work outs doing kickboxing, bootcamp, jog or walk 5 miles about twice a week, and have recently incorporated Cardio Barre once a week when possible. I recently changed my settings to 1200 calories (+) PLUS my exercise calories. I've been eating most of my exercise calories back. However, I've only lost 4 lbs since I started on MFP. I often read the different message boards on people's success stories who have lost more weight in a 2 month period so I know it's possible, but i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I also try to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. In the past I've lost weight following a gluten free/dairy free diet; however, my hubby is a picky eater and it's been hard to cook two different meals every day so i've stopped doing gluten free and made sure to track and stay within my calorie intake instead.


    This is the same weight I was right after having my second daughter. I did a bunch of cardio.. dropped down to 130lbs but 25% body fat. Until I started lifting, was when I really toned up. Now 126lbs and 11% body fat. Its in how you work out and how you eat.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    hey Hey,

    I'm 5'3" was 151 and about 140 right now

    I am set to eat 1510 calories a day and I Crossfit almost 6 days a week. I had to increase my cals because of body fat percentage drop so I was burning more daily. I eat close to 2000.
    Try increasing your cals -- you will maintain then you'll see a drop but yet it will be very slow.

    With the amount you are working out take your measurements as that will be your most accurate way of knowing.

    I will try up'ing my calories.. and hopefully i see a change..thank you so much!!

    FYI I do no long distance cardio running
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    i started at 5'4 180 lbs but now im down to 153... i do turbo fire and although it says you burn 650 in one dvd, i realistically burn between 200-300.. i have my cals set to 1490 and don't eat back my exercise... so its really like 1200 net... i try to make all my meals fruit and vegetable based with the starch and protein as a "side", also i do allow my self a cheat day everyone so often, because it always seems to help me push past whatever weight im stuck (not sure if that really works but it seems to for me...) oh, and i now added strength training into my exercise routine that has seem to help me alot!(: hope you figure out what works for you!(:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You are in a very healthy weight range for your height, this might be one of the reasons you are not seeing results as fast as others. I am a similar height, almost the same, and I have a lot more trouble losing from 155 to 131 (GW) and I assume that is the reason. Also not all losses are measured on the scale, it might be a good idea to keep track of inches lost overall. You may be seeing changes here and not noticing them because you are not measuring them.

    Keep doing what you are doing, the weight may continue at a slow loss or might pick up out of the blue, could also plateau for a short time as well but it is patience that wins out every time.
  • ladyjay71
    ladyjay71 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I'm 5'4" and 148 and honestly my normal weight has always been between 140 and 145. The least I've weighed is 138 and I looked very thin, we are all built differently, I'm very curvy so I know I'll never be 120 and I'm ok with that. With that said, I think you should probably set your goal to be slightly higher, I think 27 lbs is too much for you to lose. You exercise a lot and I'm sure you are building muscle. Just keep on doing what you're doing, you are getting healthy and fit, the scale will catch up!
  • msny15
    msny15 Posts: 14
    I am 5'3 and at 153 pounds

    I started at 179 right after I had my 3rd baby, my start date was January 1st :)

    I have my calories set at 1500 (and I do try to eat healthy, drink water, not a lot of carbs and sugar) I also work out everyday either 60 minutes of Zumba or a 60 minute walk.

    So far so good, but I know it is going to start getting a little rough - I would love to be 135, but my first goal is to be in the 140's - SO CLOSE :)
  • shanniepk
    shanniepk Posts: 98 Member
    I started MFP a few months ago and want to say I started tracking since mid March 2013. I work out 5-6 times a week for about 1hour or hour 1/2 on average each day. I switch up my work outs doing kickboxing, bootcamp, jog or walk 5 miles about twice a week, and have recently incorporated Cardio Barre once a week when possible. I recently changed my settings to 1200 calories (+) PLUS my exercise calories. I've been eating most of my exercise calories back. However, I've only lost 4 lbs since I started on MFP. I often read the different message boards on people's success stories who have lost more weight in a 2 month period so I know it's possible, but i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I also try to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. In the past I've lost weight following a gluten free/dairy free diet; however, my hubby is a picky eater and it's been hard to cook two different meals every day so i've stopped doing gluten free and made sure to track and stay within my calorie intake instead.


    This is the same weight I was right after having my second daughter. I did a bunch of cardio.. dropped down to 130lbs but 25% body fat. Until I started lifting, was when I really toned up. Now 126lbs and 11% body fat. Its in how you work out and how you eat.

    I'm 5'3 at 134 right now and have quite a ways to go. I was at 155 at one point. I did a lot of cardio and made little progress, but once I incorporated strength training really started seeing body composition results. I agree with this post. How you work out and VERY important...how (what) you eat.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Hi I'm 5'4" and 148 and honestly my normal weight has always been between 140 and 145. The least I've weighed is 138 and I looked very thin, we are all built differently, I'm very curvy so I know I'll never be 120 and I'm ok with that. With that said, I think you should probably set your goal to be slightly higher, I think 27 lbs is too much for you to lose. You exercise a lot and I'm sure you are building muscle. Just keep on doing what you're doing, you are getting healthy and fit, the scale will catch up!

    This is the most positive way you can look at yourself. Its wonderful to see women post about being happy with the way they are. Great job sweetie!
  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    What a great post and great to see what others are doing!! I am 5.3 1/2. Was 167 8 weeks ago. I am a half marathon runner...you appear to be a runner sister as well.!!! Kuddos to you!!
    Per my Registered Dietician that also uses MFP... I eat 1200 calories a day .. she had me put my setting on sedentary, (although I am not). I am a SAHM of two young kiddos- I eat 1200 and eat all ...yes ALL excerise calories back. I eat 1500-1800 a day. A lot more on long runs. I have lost 4.2 in 17 days with MFP. On this method, this means I net 1200 a day which 500 calorie deficit will create a loss. A slower loss than those who have much more to lose but yes a loss.
    I run 3-4 xs a week....3 miles to 15 miles at a time. Power Yoga 2-3 times a week. To get where I want to be I incorporated (gulp) strength training. Yep it cuts into my mileage (as a runner that is tough to swallow) but I have seen great results. Also as a runner I am damn hungry and hungry all the time. I have found a sweet spot of fueling the hunger while eating for nutrition vs thinking I can eat whatever I please because I run. Whoops....that was a mistake and I think a common mistake some runners make.
    My goal is a healthy BMI in a weight range of 143-135 ( 135 may be a stretch) . Also I love my runners legs and If I am heavier but can get a sub 2 in a half I can live with 143 forever and ever. You can friend me ...add me if you want (my diary is open) ...I eat clean....95% of the time . I don't use caffeine as weight loss tactic and I believe nearly all whole foods are acceptable in moderation and portion. However today I have cheated and craved a diet coke and went for it. Haven't had one in 10 weeks. I don't strive for perfection....just being the best me I can be. My RD told me 1580 in a calories will maintain 143 and eat all exercise calories back. Until then 1200 eating all back and letting the loss come from food intake ....exercise is for fitness. Best wishes on this journey.

    That's awesome!! thank you for your feedback! yes, I ran my first half marathon in February. I absolutely loved it. I know what you mean as far as feeling like you can eat what you want because you are a runner. Right after my half marathon i went straight to a burger joint, had a burger and a two beers to celebrate!! But- I definitely can't do that often so I made sure to enjoy every bite. :) .. Thank you for the encouragement and good luck to you as well!!

    I ate a beef n cheddar from Arbys after my last half....I get sister..I get it....yes enjoyed every bite. : )
  • slhodge78
    slhodge78 Posts: 16
    I am 5'4". I started here in Feb 2012 at 150 lbs. I am now at 117 lbs. I have been trying to net around 1400 calories a day (my sedentary TDEE is 1550) because I still want to lose some fat. My question is how are you calculating your exercise calories? I noticed that mfp way over-estimated my calories burned from most exercises compared to my heart rate monitor. You may be eating more than you think if you are using the mfp calorie burns. If you lost 4 lbs in 2 months, that isn't bad since it averages to 0.5 lb/week. However, when I was closer to your weight, I was losing more like 1-1.5 lbs/week at a 1200 calorie net. Since you are losing, it means you are eating at a slight calorie deficit. If you are eating 1600-1800 calories a day, you may need to cut 100-200 from that. Or, just keep doing what you are doing. Slow and steady is the best way to do it anyway.
  • ruthyluv
    ruthyluv Posts: 42 Member
    I am 5'4". I started here in Feb 2012 at 150 lbs. I am now at 117 lbs. I have been trying to net around 1400 calories a day (my sedentary TDEE is 1550) because I still want to lose some fat. My question is how are you calculating your exercise calories? I noticed that mfp way over-estimated my calories burned from most exercises compared to my heart rate monitor. You may be eating more than you think if you are using the mfp calorie burns. If you lost 4 lbs in 2 months, that isn't bad since it averages to 0.5 lb/week. However, when I was closer to your weight, I was losing more like 1-1.5 lbs/week at a 1200 calorie net. Since you are losing, it means you are eating at a slight calorie deficit. If you are eating 1600-1800 calories a day, you may need to cut 100-200 from that. Or, just keep doing what you are doing. Slow and steady is the best way to do it anyway.

    Some of my workouts such as Kickboxing, Zumba, and Cardio Barre I do calculate using the MFP calculator. As far as jogging or walking I use an app called Runtastic. WHen I use the elliptical, I go based on what the machine says based on my weight and age info I enter on the machine.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I'm 5'3" and been bouncing around the 150 mark for almost 2 months now. My calories are set at 1540 a day plus exercise calories, I am usually a little under during the week and a little over on the weekends. But I don't know if it's coming of really slowly or I'm in a plateau, maybe I will get some good news on weigh in day tomorrow?!

    At this point I am not too worried if I just maintain for another month or so since I lost a good chunk of weight over the past 9 months and I am *mostly* happy now, but would like to ultimately get around 140ish, which I was at a few years ago and thought looked good and felt healthy. I've been adding in more interval and dumbbell training in the hopes of starting to see a change again, it does seem to be going very slow at this point!
  • lbecker69
    lbecker69 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently 163. My calorie settings per day are 1390 and I try to exercise twice a week as I have an active job and mainly work out on weekends (to get extra calories). I've lost about 7 lbs and started early March. Don't get frustrated. It may be because you've decreased your calories to 1200. Also muscle weighs more than fat, but I bet your clothes are fitting better:)
  • jbirkett7
    jbirkett7 Posts: 36 Member
    I know I'm a little late to this party, but found it interesting and thought I'd add my two cents.

    I'm 5'4" and weighed in at 152 this morning (though won't update MFP until Monday's official weigh / measure in). I started really using mfp at 166 in Mid-March. I've been happy with my losses, especially since I started using the IPOARM spreadsheet to calculate my calories. I cheat a little, because I decided to use TDEE - 20% rather than the recommended amount the sheet gave (1926). I am focused on just under 1800 calories a day eaten total as long as I am making my exercise hours. This keeps me at a level that I never really feel deprived and I'm fueled enough for my exercise, which I don't think is as hardcore as yours: 3 days a week doing the 30DS and 3 days a week using the Hal Higdon's 10k novice training program and 30 minutes a day of walking.

    Using the spreadsheet has been good for me because it makes me feel like I'm not being over-realistic about the calories I am burning. I've only really set myself a 1/2 lb a week loss goal though, so this might not be as fitting for your goals.