over 40, slow metabolism...and the list goes on



  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 59 turning 60 this year! Yikes... Your age is a good time to start! Everybody wants to look good and be healthy... No model here! I can always use more supportive friends, add me! Jen
  • NHLeah
    NHLeah Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 47 and feeling in the best shape of my life. I started this journey in September by walking 5 miles a day and joined MFP. I lost 17 lbs fairly quickly but then the weight loss started slowing down. When winter on it's way, I joined a fitness bootcamp. I go to the bootcamp five days a week. At the beginning I could not do a single sit up. Now I am a champ at sit ups. I have lost 31 lbs and I am hoping to lose another 19 lbs but I will be pretty happy if I only lose 10 more lbs. I went from a size 12 in September to a size 4 currently. My weight loss has plateau'd but that can be expected (but no less frustrating) as you get closer to goal weight and build muscle. Being only 5'3", cutting calories is harder unless I want to go below 1000 per day. I'm a foodie, so that is not happening.

    So if you are working as hard as I am to get in shape, moving more and eating less, sent me a friend request.

  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    47 here, soon to be 48... I have been at a standstill with weight loss, not matter what I do... trying not to give up... Got my 30 year reunion next month! Perimenopausal symptoms, arthritis in the knees... I just want/need to lose about 15 pounds or so but I am not making any progress... Add me if you like!
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    It gets worse. :tongue:
  • aud085
    aud085 Posts: 23 Member
    Also in my 40's and take medicine for a slow thyroid. I run 3 miles a day, and I lift weights (this month I tried to get to the gym everyday) every other day, and to lose a pound I would have to cut off my right arm, lol. I just cant lose anything, however if I stop working out for a second I gain. I dont think my problem is age as I feel very healthy and young. I believe its the medicine I take, but its worse when I dont take it (did that, not a good experience). So I just try to reward myself by logging my exercise here, it makes me feel good to see it in writting. Anyone can add me, its great to have support.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I will be 52 in a couple of months. I'm not sure about the slow metabolism-if I eat well and exercise plenty, it is not too difficult for me to lose weight. I would be happy to add you and be supportive-FR on the way.
  • hclarkcracker
    Hey there Mickymouse45 :-)) i love that! :-) I hear you. I'm 57 and I used to love working out when I was younger but these days just taking the 4 flights of stairs up to my office is about all I seem capable of. Aches and pains and low energy seem to be the biggest factors that make losing weight so hard. I found that thrashing myself on the treadmill wasn't working, it just made me hungry :-) need to get back into some weight training I guess. I would be happy to be supportive of your journey Micky :-) We can egg each other on :-)))
  • denirober9
    denirober9 Posts: 1
    I am 53. And I also have a very hard time losing weight. So I would love to have a few motivational buddies. Just started walking a week ago and hve started to change my eating habits.. Any suggestions are welcomed. thanks
  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    I am 42 and understand the slow to non-existing metabolism. I am doing really good since using the site (started in March). Feel free to add me - anyone can.
  • melissabonnette5
    melissabonnette5 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 43 and have been soooo frustrated at my weight creeping up over the years. I was always the thin one! It feels like I have to work harder than ever to keep my weight in check. But I am doing it and slowly seeing some results. I would love to join and support you on your journey!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I'm 40 and have been on a mission to ensure that my metabolism doesn't slow! it's not because we are getting older than our metabolisms are slowing, just that we are losing muscle. Muscle burns fat! So my primary fitness goal in my 40s is to add muscle so that I can eat 2000 cals per day and not gain!

    Feel free to FR me! :)

    QFT ^^^^

    Fat is dead weight, muscle burns calories just by its mere existence, raising your Basic Metabolic Rate. As we age, we lose muscle mass, thus lowering our BMR. Strength training is incredibly important, not just to raise up your BMR, but to increase bone density and help stave off osteoporosis.
  • WorkinNurse
    WorkinNurse Posts: 17 Member
    Hello.. Feel free to add me to the friend list. Lost 45 lbs, quit smoking and have packed it all back on. Emotional heartbreak and emotional eating have not helped. 35 yrs of nursing have put muscle pain and back pain and all over pain to boot along with a Right knee that is acting up and not being its normal self! Struggling to try to exercise... you name it.. turning 56 next month.. trying hard to re-focus and get back into the groove!! Metabolism with menopause... at a grinding halt! LOL!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    49 here, feel free to add me!
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I'm 43 and you can do this. I agree with others that have stated gaining muscle is important. As we age, we lose muscle just through the natural course of life and muscle helps keep the metabolism burning those cals. You can do this, it does get more difficult as we age and having some patience certainly helps. I started in Nov. 2011 and it took me 10 months to lose the weight and will be working on this the rest of my life to keep it off. You really have to look at this as as lifestyle change. Building muscle also helps with our bone density as we age (especially us women).

    The best to everyone.... you can do this!!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    45 here with age related aches and pains, but I find that it is easier in my 40's because I have higher self-esteem a d confidence than I did when I was younger.

    In my twenties my mind would tell me it's too hard, or that I'm special and it won't work.
    In my 40's I know it's only up to me and that I am absolutely capable of doing anything!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm 40 and I feel better now than I did 10 years ago. Getting serious about my diet and exercise programs changed me and I do not want to go back. You would be amazed by what you are capable of! Do not allow something like aging to stand in your way.
  • Refr_Quicksilver
    Quit your belly aching.. being in your 40's rocks...
    Oh, except for the grey hair, receding hair line, aches and pains in the joints, inability to quickly shed weight, realizing you havent saved enough for retirement, realizing you are almost 50, ohhh, crap.... what the hell....? You are right,,, this sucks!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I'm 40 and I feel better now than I did 10 years ago. Getting serious about my diet and exercise programs changed me and I do not want to go back. You would be amazed by what you are capable of! Do not allow something like aging to stand in your way.

    me too.

    Eff aging.

    i made too many excuses before.

    now i am pissed if i cant hit the gym.

    *well, I'm 41, but who's counting?
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Quit your belly aching.. being in your 40's rocks...
    Oh, except for the grey hair, receding hair line, aches and pains in the joints, inability to quickly shed weight, realizing you havent saved enough for retirement, realizing you are almost 50, ohhh, crap.... what the hell....? You are right,,, this sucks!

    I will be 40 in a few months.
    However quoted this guy cuz....would bang
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    Almost 49 here, you can add me!:drinker: