Do You Feel More Attractive After Loss?

I have lost quite a bit, although not at target yet. I am wondering if the loss you have experienced has made you feel better about your looks? Do you feel more attractive?
I sometimes feel as thought it has gone the opposite way for me. I always compare myself to others and constantly feel as if I am not comparing. I think with every pound I lose, I gain an extra stress level in comparison to other people!

I think because being so large I felt, oh no one will find me attractive, so it didn't matter what I looked like or what I was wearing... and the more I lose the more I compare?
Does anyone else feel this, or is it just me?


  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Definitely. I do sexy dances in my whitey tighties for my girlfriend now.
  • hispanicangel
    absolutely! your confidence goes through the roof lol your body moves better and faster its wonderful
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yes, I feel more attractive when losing weight. My husband thinks I am always attractive, but he is supposed to say that.............

    My self confidence goes up and it shows in my work, my personal dealings and just in general life.
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Absolutely! I still have days where I dont like what I see but if I compare it to before I lost weight there is no contest.
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    Most definitely, but also I feel a lot taller. :huh: I don't know why I feel taller. Just do.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I think studies say that women feel most attractive/confident about their bodies around a size 14. The smaller or larger you get from there, the more stress there is on you to either not be obese or look like Jennifer Anniston/SJP/etc. (which is clearly unrealistic and oftentimes incredibly unhealthy).

    I think the best thing to do is not focus on whether or not you feel attractive, but to focus on how far you've come, and on attaining your goal. The best you can be is the best you should be, whatever that is. If you're happy, healthy and on the right track, you're perfect, promise. :wink:

    But so far for me, my butt looks nice and my calves are slammin, but I've still got a long way to go :smile:
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Most definitely, but also I feel a lot taller. :huh: I don't know why I feel taller. Just do.

    Maybe because with the weight loss its easier to wear those 4 inch heels :laugh:
    I didn't mean that specifically toward you. I reread it and thought it might not have sounded the nicest. Sorry if it came across that way. Hopefully it didn't.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I definitely feel more attractive when I lose weight. I think that some of it comes from paying more attention to myself and the fact that I am taking charge of my life which leads to feeling more confident and attractive. I have a long way to go so it also helps me when I look at how far I have come.:smile:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    You'll drive yourself crazy if you constantly compare yourself to other people!! Just be the best YOU you can be. I felt way more attractive when I was thinner...but I still think i'm cute now...just not the BEST me I can be, so i'm working on gettin back to that. It's all about self confidence, fat or thin. Just feel good about yourself!! It's not worth the energy stressin over OTHER people. Who cares what they think, who are they??? LoL. At least that's how I feel about it. Give yourself some credit, you've lost 23 lbs., I know you gotta feel great about that!! By the way I love your profile pic!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I feel worse about myself even though I know it's silly.

    My brain understands that I must have dropped a significant amount of weight because my pants fall off without unbuttoning them. When I look in the mirror I feel like I look worse.

    I think the disconnect is that I didn't care how I looked when I wasn't trying to improve. Now that I am, I can't improve fast enough to satisfy myself. That's probably a product of living in our instant gratification society.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    My husband always is telling me I look slammin' and that I am so much more attractive since I've lost my weight. But when I look in the mirror, a lot of the time I feel I look the same. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with my loss, but I wish I could see it am much as he can. There are a select few times I have noticed and thought "Oh yay! Look at me!" but not too often. You'd honestly think after almost 40 lbs I'd see a differnce, but I don't sometimes. Maybe its because I'm so self consious.
  • pykieprincess
    For some odd reason my friends find me very confident. even though I sometimes feel invisible because of my weight. I have quite a bit to lose and am just starting, so unfortunately for me I don't know how my own weight loss will make me feel. I do know something about feelings though.

    I tend to not put too much value in what other's may think of me because when it comes down to it they don't pay my bills, they aren't there for me when I am sick, and they are not the source of my happiness - I am. I think of it kinda along the lines of a superhero - I am responsible for me (yes I have been a slacker for a bit too long recently, but that's beside the point), I do have a strength that can be amazing, and I am unique. I have had to face terrible things in my life and survived. I have experienced beautiful, humbling moments that I will treasure for my forever. Not many people can say that, and that makes me happy (or rather, I like to use the word 'content 'because 'happy' is fleeting) which in turn makes me feel good about myself and thus turns into me feeling attractive. Sometimes it takes a little more work. When that happens I have a recipe that never fails.

    I turn myself into a gift. I dress a little nicer than usual, fix my hair the way I like it (which I have to be very flexible with because wavy/frizzy hair can be so finicky), put on pretty make-up, spritz some smelly good all over and voila! I feel good! I walk with my head high and know that I am in MY comfort zone. That exudes to others and they respond with a smile or even a nice comment.

    I think what a lot of this boils down to though is you can't put any stock into comparing yourself to anyone else. No one is as fabulous as you. We are all awesome in our own way. Remember, looks fade, but what is in your heart lasts. If your heart is good and you use that goodness to shine, then that is what real attractiveness is, to me at least.

    Sorry if that was a bit long, hope it helps. * * * Be proud of you! You rock!
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Most definitely, but also I feel a lot taller. :huh: I don't know why I feel taller. Just do.

    You probably feel taller because people who feel good about themselves stand up straighter. And, if you carried a lot of the weight up front, you tend to slouch over.

    I can't wait to feel better about myself. :)
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Even when I was 280 lbs, I thought I was attractive. Now at 190, I still think I'm attractive.


    When I look back at those 280 pictures and I realize that I was NO WHERE NEAR attractive, I question now whether I really am attractive, or whether it's all in my head like before.

    Does that make sense?
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Even when I was 280 lbs, I thought I was attractive. Now at 190, I still think I'm attractive.


    When I look back at those 280 pictures and I realize that I was NO WHERE NEAR attractive, I question now whether I really am attractive, or whether it's all in my head like before.

    Does that make sense?

    I follow your logic, but if you feel good about yourself that is awesome. Don't second guess that feeling.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    This is such a tricky subject. Some people will lose weight and feel fit and great and some people will always feel like they have more to lose. And I'm in the latter! Quite a few years back, I lost 50kg-ish doing all the wrong things (before I went to Uni) and I maintained it for my entire 4 years at Uni but I always was trying to lose 10 more kgs. Since I started working (and stopped exercising 6hrs a day - hey I said it was all the wrong things!) I've slowly put weight back on. Now when I look at the photos from back then, I realise I really didn't have 10kg to lose, to be fair I probably didn't have 1kg to lose!

    The mind is a powerful thing... and there are times when I wish it wasn't :P
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I think it may be a mental blockage! I have it if so! I've never considered myself "attractive" and so that's still a struggle. I can only say I go by how happy I am feeling. And with every workout, every walk, every pound loss I feel that much better about me! I definitely think I look a million times better than I did say 5 or 10 years ago. I smile more, do more, want more and feel like I'm living more. Hahaha if that's possible!:wink: I can't say I don't compare myself to others...I'm guilty...but I do it far less now! There are still days when I can't stand to look in the mirror but perhaps that just goes along with being a woman. :flowerforyou:
  • supersarah14
    supersarah14 Posts: 170
    I feel worse about myself even though I know it's silly.

    My brain understands that I must have dropped a significant amount of weight because my pants fall off without unbuttoning them. When I look in the mirror I feel like I look worse.

    I think the disconnect is that I didn't care how I looked when I wasn't trying to improve. Now that I am, I can't improve fast enough to satisfy myself. That's probably a product of living in our instant gratification society.

    Amen sister! That is exactly how I feel. Especially now that I'm near the halfway point. It almost feels more impossible to get to goal than when I was as my starting weight. Strange, huh? :huh:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I feel better!! I think the reason for me is, even though I've been overweight as long as I can remember, I felt really sexy last summer and then gained a lot of weight that I'm now working on getting off and then some extra just to get to a healthy weight. So now that I'm the same size I was last summer when I felt like hot stuff, I feel it again. Every time I go to the bathroom, I like to stop in front of the mirror and check out how I slim I am sideways and see how I'm looking. I've always been a tiny bit narcisstic so for me, yes, losing weight makes me feel better and more attractive.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I absolutely feel more attractive...yet also feel vain for saying things like that. :indifferent: