Is there any reason not to eat a Steak every Day?



  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    It really depends on the type of beef your buying. Grass fed, antibotics free beef is an excellent and healthy source of protein, however it is very heavy on your pocketbook. The American Heart Association does state there is an increase in chances of heart disease for a diet rich in red meat. However as an RN who loves beef, I do as I please and just maintain a biannual check up to monitor.
    The studies in regards to red meat did not differentiate processed vs full beef.

    There have been many new studies that promote the omega fats and usefulness of grass fed red meat.
    btw I grad in Dec with my BSN :-D
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Variety? Then again, I eat toast every day. My concerns are mainly colorectal cancer, however, my typical response to a few studies that make suggestions for supplements (for anaemia, low testosterone, etc) is: "why aren't they suggesting steak instead?"

    I had a pack of liver sausage last week (or was it the week before?) as I wanted to up my Vitamin A and Ferritin stores "just in case" and I eat burgers and "steak" (the processed kind) on occasion. I limit processed meats because of what I've heard. I don't consume much red meat mainly because I don't cook.

    Real steak... price and the difficulty in cleaning my George Foreman grill afterwards (think it still needs cleaning). That and if I ate steak like I eat chicken I probably wouldn't appreciate the taste as much.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member

    hahahah awesome.

    At the moment I am eating a lot more steak than usual (about 2-3 times a week) cooked with herbs and only a small portion (150grams) and ALWAYS lean. No problems for me :)
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    People seem to think i'm scrooge mcduck or something... where i live you can buy a 250-300g rumpsteak (grass fed beef), a medium sweet potato and some veggies at the same cost (or maybe a little more) as your standard meal at one of those fast food joints and many people can afford those every day. i doubt it's that much different where you live.