Mother of a problem...



  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Barring mental health issues, there's no excuse for treating your child so badly. Even my older kids who have made horrible choices and have hurt me with some of their actions get my love and affections. Perhaps a stern talking to when they've crossed boundaries, but then it's over. What she's doing is abusive.

    I'm with the "get counseling" crew. You need to get your head right regarding HER bad behavior, and seek to be healthy in all arenas of your life.
  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    I've had my own issues with my mother. I do love her, and I know she will help me out whenever I need it. However, she has said some nasty things about me - to me and to others. Some things were weight related, but not all.

    I've learned to cut back the visits and not take the abuse anymore. I truly believe that if you just keep accepting the bad behaviour you're giving permission for it to continue.

    I suggest that you back away for awhile and when you do visit, if the abuse starts up, simply leave without any fanfare. Make the space between visits longer and longer as long as the abuse continues. If it abates, then visit more frequently. You can set the tone. I also recommend seeing a counsellor.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I also have issues with my mom. Not so much or extreme as yourself. However it is strained to say the least. I just deal with it by not contributing to it, no seeing her, and if she wants to see me she will call.

    I know it is your mom and we cant choose who our parents are, however you can chose how you will be if you have children. In addition give her space and either she will come around or she wont. You may need to confront her in front of everyone and be persistent, be rude, get your point across.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    My advice is same as what has been said, get some counseling because things are much easier said than done and try to stop seeing her no one should be treated badly by anyone let alone their parents.
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    i always believed that you should love your family no matter what. me personally, i wouldn't visit her as oftan, but i wouldn't cut her out completely. maybe visit her every other month or even just on holidays, that may help.

    I have family members that may as well be dead to me.

    And couldn't be happier with the decision. Somewhere along the line my parents screwed up because they always talked about how important family was etc, and I'm not a family person.

    To me a ****ty person is a ****ty person no matter what title I have to give them.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Family or nonFamily, people that put you down need to just go away
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I'm so sorry honey. I couldn't ever imagine doing that to my own girls, and I have three. Each has their own unique gift to bring to the table and I love them all.
    I would cut back on the visits, but do see a counselor. It would help a great deal.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Save yourself now. Find a good counselor to help you work through this. Stop visiting your mother. Move on and create a wonderful life for yourself and stop tolerating people who treat you badly.

    ^^^ This.... Although I do not know all of the whole story but from what I told I would say that you can still see or talk to her, but not as frequent. Maybe only see her once a month or two.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    unacceptable behavior is unacceptable. doesn't matter if it's ur mom. don't accept unnacceptable behavior.

    i get a lot of unacceptable behavior from mine. i've had to cope by distancing myself.

    i DON'T believe in giving someone a pass *just because* s/he is family.
    i DON'T believe in respecting someone *just because* s/he is family.

    if u r a db, i don't care who u r. u r not gonna b in my life, blood or no blood. what u described is db behavior. i would not stand for it.
  • andysmom
    andysmom Posts: 61 Member
    I have similar issues with my Dad. I have learned (took a while - I'm 51) that I can forgive him - because hate, anger, etc. is bad for ME. However, I don't include him in my life. I see him occasionally and I am pleasant and polite, but I don't let him into the interior of my life. It is important to protect yourself from people who don't love you. LOVE means "willing the good of the other". By that definition, he doesn't love me. I accept that he has issues I can't understand or affect. He has to take care of himself and I have to take care of me.

    Hang in there hon, and spend your time and energy on people who love you and want the best for you. It takes time to reach this peace. Good luck.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    Save yourself now. Find a good counselor to help you work through this. Stop visiting your mother. Move on and create a wonderful life for yourself and stop tolerating people who treat you badly.

    I had to walk away from my whole family because of my mother. Toxic relationships do toxic things to the mind.

    I will tell you that I've never been happier and healthier now that that horrid woman is out of my life.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 985 Member
    prove to her that she was wrong..

    She is being resented by her mother for existing.
    No matter what she does, she won't be able to "prove" anything to her mother.

    OP, like everyone else says.... seek counseling, and stop visiting her. If you want to have family around, call your sisters. But leave your mother out of it. You don't need that in your life anymore. You might have had to deal with it as a kid, but as an adult, you have the choice to walk away.
    This was said beautifully.
  • BeinAwesome247
    BeinAwesome247 Posts: 257 Member
    just because you're related does not mean you have to allow someone to treat you badly... love yourself FIRST!

    unless you like feeling like a martyr...


    I don't speak to my father anymore and haven't in 5yrs - maybe I'll regret it but I know I've been happier pretending he's dead

    Just wanted to add, I had my daughter at 20, been a single mom now for 5yrs (she's 6) and becoming a mother is the best thing to ever happen to me - I'd give my life for her and tell her EVERYDAY how much I love her and how beautiful she is.
    Your mother has some serious mental issues that do NOT have to be YOUR issues
  • cristynfaye
    cristynfaye Posts: 88 Member
    I also have issues with my mom. I can't imagine how painful it must feel to have your mother treat you like that, and my heart is sad for you. I think a lot of people here have already given great advice...sometimes you have to just let her go. Just because she managed to give birth to you, does not mean that she in any way deserves your time or attention. We all come to a point where we just can't keep on being abused. I've recently come to that point with my own mother, so believe me, I completely understand how hard this is. My mom loves me, I don't doubt that, but she's completely delusional, and mentally ill, and was not a good mom to me. It's always been my job to be her mother, rather than the way it's supposed to be. Recently we had a falling out, and I've been keeping my distance. Honestly, this sounds weird....but there was recently an episode of this show called Kitchen Nightmares, and the most recent episode has kind of been in the news lately because the owners (Amy's Baking Company) are a bit crazy. A friend of mine has been talking about it a lot and laughing at the people on the show, and when I watched the episode, I had the worst anxiety, because the woman, Amy, is exactly like my mother in every way. Granted, my mom has gotten a little better recently since she's been in therapy, but she was *just like* Amy when I was growing up. So believe me, I really feel your pain about having a bad mom.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    This is something that I have been struggling with on a daily basis. My mother is a manipulative creature from hell. For a lot of my life I was made to believe that she was a wonderful person and that all problems in my family were my problem. She even went so far as to blame me (to my face) for her eventual divorce to my father. As I got older I found out that a lot of the things she said were not true. She would make things up to my siblings and tell them awful things I had said, that I had NEVER said. I developed a severe drinking problem at a young age and in my eagerness to get away from the emotional abuse I moved out with roommates but things that she has said and done haunt me.

    I have been living sober for a year and a half and have built a new life for myself surrounded by positive people and love. That need...that guilt that you feel when you walk away? It is so very hard to deal with. She will do something horrible that the people in my life shudder at and I will walk away but it never takes long for me to start to feel bad, that she's my mom and I want her love and I want that relationship that I see other women have with their mommies...and then she burns me again.

    Someone mentioned staying away from toxic people and I completely agree with that. It hurts and you will feel horrible and from experience that pain of not having her doesn't really go away, because we're like pets that are beaten but still crave the approval and love from our owner. But you HAVE to stay away. People can change and grow but cruelty is just cruelty and some things never change.

    Sorry this is so long. Your post really spoke to my heart. :flowerforyou:
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    do counseling for yourself first. Then eventually when you get to a good place, see if she wants to come with you. SOmetimes as a mom you react a certain way, and think back..why did I treat her like that, or why did i react like that. I am a mother of 2 girls. They are still young..but one thing I can tell you is that MOthers are HUMAN too, and we make mistakes, and someitmes dont realise it till the situation has passed.

    Focus on yourself and get some counseling for sure!
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    prove to her that she was wrong..

    She is being resented by her mother for existing.
    No matter what she does, she won't be able to "prove" anything to her mother.

    OP, like everyone else says.... seek counseling, and stop visiting her. If you want to have family around, call your sisters. But leave your mother out of it. You don't need that in your life anymore. You might have had to deal with it as a kid, but as an adult, you have the choice to walk away.

    I already posted but I just saw this comment and thank you...the goal of trying to "prove" to my mother that I am worth loving has been a painful one and your remark about no matter what she does...damn that rings true.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    prove to her that she was wrong..

    NO. You DO NOT have to prove anything to her.
    Shame on your mother.
    Walk away from her and don't look back.
    I did when I was 12..
    Im strong, Im independent, Im brave and most of all. I am awesome....without her.

    also, Im sorry you have gone thru this.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good for you for trying to keep a decent relationship with your mom. It takes a strong person to look past hurt and know you'll miss her one day.

    That said, you tried. You are consistently the better person, and she insists on trying to tear you down. You do not need that kind of poisonous influence in your life, even if it is your own mom. It's time to cut her out of your life. End it. Send her a Christmas card every year, and let that be the end. You deserve better.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Just because we have the same blood as someone doesn't mean that we have to have a relationship with them, and it definitely doesn't mean that they're allowed to abuse us. Cut your losses, go get counseling, live a happy life.
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    prove to her that she was wrong..

    NO. You DO NOT have to prove anything to her.
    Shame on your mother.
    Walk away from her and don't look back.
    I did when I was 12..
    Im strong, Im independent, Im brave and most of all. I am awesome....without her.

    also, Im sorry you have gone thru this.

    This! Awesome advice, cut that toxic crap out your life.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    Save yourself now. Find a good counselor to help you work through this. Stop visiting your mother. Move on and create a wonderful life for yourself and stop tolerating people who treat you badly.

  • LindaEmrys
    LindaEmrys Posts: 73 Member
    Save yourself now. Find a good counselor to help you work through this. Stop visiting your mother. Move on and create a wonderful life for yourself and stop tolerating people who treat you badly.

  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I would cut her out of your life.
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm in the opposite boat, but I do know that if family isn't there for you, stick with your friends. They can be like family, sometimes better than family.

    This is totally what I wanted to say! My mom and I were very close as I was growing up. I remained at home to go to college because she was very ill and I wanted as much time with her as possible. I, too, didn't want to regret it when she was gone. She passed away right after I graduated from college. My father, though, has been one of my biggest cheerleaders! My sister-in -laws have also been cheering me on from the moment they found out what I was doing. But my sister is a different story...I have found that I needed to distance myself in order to not feel horrible about myself. My girlfriends have become as close as family, and I have clung to them for the support and love that I need to carry me through this journey. I love my sister more than you could imagine, and I still spend time with her, but I do not discuss anything about my weightloss with her anymore. She does not want anything to do with that part of my life, so I found people who do. Hugs to you. I hope things get better.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I would take my dad out to lunch and converse with him about your issue I would ask his opinion on what I should do about this. Your dad is not blind and can see this happening throughout the years. The only way to get this to stop is to speak about this to her. She may see herself in a different light when others in the family have opinions about this treatment. Perhaps this should finally become the topic of discussion or you can leave things the way they are and continue being treated badly. After years of this, I would have exploded in anger about this. You are amazing......
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    She only has power over you if you allow it. As others have said, get away from her and don't look back. I speak from experience and I've seen my mother very few times in the last 20 years. It's never pleasant but every once in a while I have to remind myself why I feel the way I do and I learn, once again, that nothing has changed. Move on and build a life as far away as you can.
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Save yourself now. Find a good counselor to help you work through this. Stop visiting your mother. Move on and create a wonderful life for yourself and stop tolerating people who treat you badly.
    ^^^ This
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    It's time for some therapy, girl. No one has a right to treat you that way. And you are in no way obligated to subject yourself to emotional abuse just because it's your mom.

    This. This. This. Period.
  • ernielaurie
    ernielaurie Posts: 80
    She gave birth to you but she hasn't been your mother. Give her the same respect she gives you. Stop the visits, they do nothing for your self esteem. You can't control her, you can only control yourself. I'm not saying cut her out, just stay away, life is hard enough without having your mother add to the difficulty. You sound like a sweetheart for caring about her feelings, but you need to look after yourself! You matter!!!
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