


  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    I would love to but IDK how :cry:
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member

    My newest addition, done last week :)
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    How do you add a pic?
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    @crush- love yours! so sexy :)
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    My profile pic is one of my three. I don't have pics hosted anywhere, so I can't post my 2 others. Getting 1 tattoo when I get halfway to my goal and another when I reach my goal.

    And I think you should go for the 3/4 sleeve!
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    I have a few :drinker:
  • GCAsMom
    GCAsMom Posts: 120 Member
    Mhmm! ;)
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I love them. I have about 13
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
    I got this when I was 15, so its pretty old LOL

  • kaliso
    kaliso Posts: 42 Member
    Ugh. If I had unlimited funds and could decide on what I want, I'd add more. Just got my most recent one last month, and am hoping for a rib piece sometime this year. I've got 5 so far, and I feel like I may be running out of space for "work appropriate" areas. Thankfully Seattle can be fairly relaxed in terms of jobs + tattoos.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love tattoo threads :D
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love tattoo threads :D

    I can see why :love:
  • JeaninePaige
    JeaninePaige Posts: 464 Member
    Shine was a song written by my uncle for me. He unfortunately passed away at a young age and was very special in my life.
    My family always referred to him as the man on the moon as a comfort thing after he died.

    I also have a lipstick on my right foot and a kiss mark on my left foot. I'm a makeup artist and I thought this idea was unique. I'm not really a fan of the kiss mark so I want to get it covered up or fixed. Haven't decided yet.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I don't know how to post pics :/ so til I figure it out I'll just tell what I have:

    Full back piece of Angel wings (not finished needs more shading)

    A portrait on my right upper thigh of my 6yr old daughter

    A portrait on my right upper thigh of my 4yr old daughter

    Script on my left collar bone that says "family" in the style of "famous stars and straps"
  • rbl1225
    rbl1225 Posts: 235 Member
    I want more after I finish up school I'll try to get one up here later of the one I have. It's on the back of my neck and says Love me tender and Elvis song and my favorite Elvis movie got me through a lot so I love it :)
  • MonicaLee92
    MonicaLee92 Posts: 222
    I love tattoos! I have three.
    One is words that form a peace sign that say "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace" which is on my shoulderblade.
    I have another one on my wrist that is a medical alert tattoo because I have type one diabetes.
    And my other one is of a rose on my upper arm that im going to slowly add to piece by piece.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    Plan on getting one this fall -wanted to drop some weight first--- its going on my left lower back/hip contain 3 butterflys and some flowers -thats i all know so far going to have the guy design it for me :) chose my lower back.hip so that i can hide it for work - not that it would matter where i am now but not sure when i finish school how well it will go over
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    this is my one and only... The saying is my favorite part of my wedding vows, but also how I feel I give of myself to my children.... The butterflys represent... pink- me blue- hubby then the little ones with pink and blue are for each of my girls, representing a little of each of us in each of them :) It was done in Ingersoll Ontario By Scott McCracken.. amazing talent :) he freehanded the entire thing, even the writing :) I love it more every day :)

  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    Ok so i'm a personal/business banker and I have several You can see some of them in my pics feel free to look I have a professional job and still plan to sleeve out but to each their own however I say go for it :happy:
  • ucpg
    ucpg Posts: 158
    absolutely love tattoos! can't wait to get mine in November!