jullian michaels 30 day shred?

Does anyone know if this really works before I spend the ONLY $15 I have on this dvd?


  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    I love it! Im only on level two but i can already tell a huge difference! I ordered the dvd, but all 3 levels are on youtube as well
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    You can get it on YouTube, amazon on demand and iTunes :)

    And yes worth it! I've lost an inch and a half off my waist alone after just 7 days on level 1
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    Well thanks for this! I was just thinking about trying this as well.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I am on Day 8 of Level 1 (Day 9 will be tomorrow). I definitely feel like it's making a difference in the size of my body. I haven't dropped too much weight (though that seems to be common for folks during level one), but I know I'm losing inches - I put on pants today that were snug at the beginning of the summer - there are now about two inches of extra material at the waist and the thighs are loose too.

    I like the workout, but I wouldn't say I'm "addicted" to it. I still prefer Turbo Jam and Chalene Johnson to everything else (except Zumba).

    However, for $9.67 at Wal*Mart, it was worth the $$ to me.
  • is that the workout i do everyday? im so confused.....
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    You do level one for 10 days, then level 2 for ten days, then level 3 for ten days. I did it Monday to Friday and took the weekends off so that meant it took 6 weeks. It is a good workout program that has clear modifications for beginners. I lost 14 inches from all over my body and 13 pounds when I did 30 day shred. I also walked my dogs each day for a good hour or more.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I am modifying the schedule to do it only 5 days a week. I can't do it 10 days in a row or my knees will fall off.
  • thank you guys I am grateful for you all seriously!