Lose for Labor Day



  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    You are doing great! It is good to set a goal- But if you do not get under 200 by Labor Day DO NOT GIVE UP! It is a lifestyle to be healthy and fit. If you want to kick start with a great workout program try the Nike Training Club for women app. If you have a smart phone- It is great! It is free! you can do it in the privacy of your home or at the gym. They talk you through the routines and you can view the exercises before you attempt them. You will sweat like crazy and your muscles will be sore. I like the "get lean" advanced workouts. They give you bonus workouts and you can set your playlist to it! I am 44 and a mother of 2. I can wear my 15 year olds clothes now! LOL! She does not like it but I do! I have been exercising for 25 years, but this app is amazing. Your legs and butt will disappear! Before and after a workout try making a smoothie with fruit or veggies, greek yogurt, protein powder and 100% only fruit juice. it will give you energy and help you to stay on track with your diet! Good luck! You look great and no matter how much weight you lose - You will be a beautiful bride! Remember it is a life style!

    thank you for all then encouraging words! just this past week i started the Couch to 5K - I used to be a swimmer and soccer player in high school and I was really fit, and I could run! So inconjuction with losing weight to look super sexy on my wedding, I have also signed up for a Mini Tri in May 2013 (750 m swim, 20K bike, 5K run) that way I will have an event to work towards. But running has been my weakness, so I will def. check out the app! I've been successful in making small manageable changes, and I have lost weight and inches, but man my hips and butt do not want to go anywhere! Thanks again for the advice! please feel free to add me! :)
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    WOW! This sure has gotten to be bigger than I thought it would! Congratulations to everyone who has taken the step and made the pledge to Lose for Labor Day! I have tried many "diets" in the past and after a couple of days/weeks I would lose motivation and give up! After just being on MFP for a month, I am so motivated! Making friends and connecting with one another truly does make the world of difference! I encourage you all to make friends and push one another! On my "bad" days or when I am feeling unmotivated, I log on, and see all the great things my friends are doing and eating, and I do not want to let them down, so I put my butt in gear and get to it! I always tell myself I did not gain weight over night, and it fall off overnight! One day at a time. One small change after another! Make it a lifestyle and do it at your own pace! I have to remind myself that this is a marthon and not a race.

    I really wanted to reply to each and everyone of you, but it is hard - so I will try and answer and respond in a general statement.

    1. Thanks for all the well wishes for my wedding! My fiance and I have been together for 4 years now (and we live together) and we gained together! So i log here, and let him know what he can and cannot eat (based on what I am allowed for the day - haha) and we workout together too!
    2. If you look at my diary, I am a super picky eater, and I HATE IT! I want to like more things, but I am trying - one day at a time! :)
    3. I am training for a Mini Tri! So i love to swim and bike - and currently I am working out in a gym because it is hotter than anything where i live (VA)
    4. I plan to log my inches and weight each Monday - so feel free to do the same!
    5. I just started Couch to 5K (C25K) and it isnt too bad this will be my second week!
    6. I plan to start 30 day shred this week - if anyone has any suggestions that would be great
    7. I want to try P90X or insanity, but lets me honest I am just a little nervous! I may try after my C25K training is down, because I do not wan to wear my body out too fast!
    8. I need to find a way to drink more water! I have been staying away from sodas (and I will log when i drink something besides water) but i just find that i am not thirsty? So if you have any suggestions for more water consumption, that would be great!
    9. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD ME! I log daily, and I want to support as much as I can. I have learned through life, you get the most of an experience by the determination of how much effort you put in. Therfore the more you work, the better the results!
    10. Let me leave you with my favorite thing to tell my swim kids (i coach a swim team) Positive Attitude = Positive Results! Negative Attitude = NO RESULTS!

    Thanks again to all of you for joining! Welcome! :) Best of Luck on Meeting your goals! <6 weeks!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    We're already friends, but I'm in!

    Goal is to be 185 by Labor Day :bigsmile:
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Alright, I'm jumping on board a little late...shooting for 20lbs by Labor Day.
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    It's been week since I originally started this thread! I hope you all are making progress towards your goal. This week I have been trying to tweak my caloric intake that best works with my body for weight loss and I think I wa successful! I will post my results for this week below. Seven more weeks to achieve my goal of getting under 200! Whoot whoot!

    [WEEK ONE]
    Weight: 212
    Bust: 37"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 48"

    Now I did have a bit of a binge over the weekend... It was my sisters 21st birthday celebration! So I'm probably going to have to work extra hard this week to achieve my goal. However this is a new life style and sometimes it won't work out like we want, but I'm dedicated to get back on track tomorrow morning!

    I hope everyone is doing great! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :)

    [WEEK TWO] Monday, July 23, 2012
    Weight: 211.5 (-0.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.5)
    Waist: 37.5" (-0.5)
    Hips: 47" (-1.0)
    Neck: 15"

    Like I said, the weekend of July 14th I was out celebrating my sisters 21st birthday - so lots of empty calories in drinking and eating out! I had gained three pounds after that weekend! Ugh! But I worked extremely hard and I lost .5 lb! Small victory (because in my head it was really 3.5 - since i had gained)! Good Luck! I hope to rock it out this week!! :)
  • powemack
    powemack Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in hoping to be 10 pounds lighter by Spetember 3, 2012. :happy:
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    Joining in late, but this sounds like an amazing mini-goal challenge! My goal is to be 10 pounds lighter than whatever my weigh-in tomorrow says I am. I'm hoping this means I'll be 210 at most (and definitely hopefully under!) by Labor Day.

    That said, I am working with hypothyroidism and never know when my metabolism is working, so I at least hope to be 4-5 pounds lighter than whatever my weigh in tomorrow is since that will be about 2-3 percent of my body weight gone. So, even though I'm shooting for the 10, I'm happy with a mini-mini goal lol.

    And, honestly, any weight or inches lost is the ultimate goal no matter how small. At the very least, this challenge sounds like something to keep me having fun and being consistent with my workouts/food diaries :)

    Good luck to everyone who's already started this!
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    To all those who are taking on this challenge - well done! I always find it easier to work out and log with support, so together, we should hit our goals :)

    Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • lippy12477
    lippy12477 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in. 15lbs down by Labor Day!!!!
  • sunshine94
    sunshine94 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new but anything might help...so I'm in for being 10lbs by Labor day....
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Here's my plan, for the record... =)

    * Exercise (C25K, yoga, and continuing to add more pushups & crunches as I get stronger) 6X/week
    * Continued Calorie Counting
    * Slowly cutting more carbs & sugars and adding fresh fruits and vegetables
    * Eliminating "grazing" on crackers & snack foods and replacing with snacking on yogurt and/or fresh fruits/veggies
    * Not giving up if I get discouraged or don't meet my goal for Labor Day! ;)
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    I am in! I am doing a challenge to lose 15 pounds by the last monday in August so I would love to hit that. My current weight is 195 and I would love to be 180 by labor day.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    My goal lose for Labor Day is to 131lb ... My CW is 134 so 3lbs is very reasonable
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Gained 1.5 lbs. =( But I'm still losing inches and gaining strength! But now I have doubts that I can make this goal... we'll see. Come on pounds, go away already!!
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    Gained 1.5 lbs. =( But I'm still losing inches and gaining strength! But now I have doubts that I can make this goal... we'll see. Come on pounds, go away already!!

    Don't get discouraged! Your working towards a new lifestyle, be proud! Patience is a virtue! You can do it! :)
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    It's been week since I originally started this thread! I hope you all are making progress towards your goal. This week I have been trying to tweak my caloric intake that best works with my body for weight loss and I think I wa successful! I will post my results for this week below. Seven more weeks to achieve my goal of getting under 200! Whoot whoot!

    [WEEK ONE]
    Weight: 212
    Bust: 37"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 48"

    Now I did have a bit of a binge over the weekend... It was my sisters 21st birthday celebration! So I'm probably going to have to work extra hard this week to achieve my goal. However this is a new life style and sometimes it won't work out like we want, but I'm dedicated to get back on track tomorrow morning!

    I hope everyone is doing great! Looking forward to seeing your progress! :)

    [WEEK TWO] Monday, July 23, 2012
    Weight: 211.5 (-0.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.5)
    Waist: 37.5" (-0.5)
    Hips: 47" (-1.0)
    Neck: 15"

    Like I said, the weekend of July 14th I was out celebrating my sisters 21st birthday - so lots of empty calories in drinking and eating out! I had gained three pounds after that weekend! Ugh! But I worked extremely hard and I lost .5 lb! Small victory (because in my head it was really 3.5 - since i had gained)! Good Luck! I hope to rock it out this week!! :)

    [WEEK THREE] Sunday, July 29, 2012
    Weight: 207.0 (-4.5)

    Bust: 36.5" (-0.0)
    Waist: 37.0" (-0.5)
    Hips: 46" (-1.0)
    Neck: 14" (-1.0)

    I'm not sure what I did to loose that much this week, but I will take it! Holla ;)
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I will join...my Labor Day goal is 227! 8 lbs down in 38 days...I GOT THIS!
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm in. I haven't written it anywhere until now but I also have a goal to be at or below 200 by Labor Day. I have 11# to go.
  • momtokx2
    momtokx2 Posts: 37 Member
    Joining in late...my goal is to lose 6lbs. Not a lot I know but my original goal was to reach 153lb (I am 6'0") but now I am thinking I want to be below 150lb. I am having a hard time losing these last few lbs as I have had a few bad days lately. I am hoping this is the motivation I need.

    cookds36....I did the C25k plan last year and it was the best thing I ever did physically!! I am currently training for my second half. I say wait and start the p90x after you finish. I am jealous of your tri, that is my goal for next year :)

    Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    For the fellow from the U.K.. Labour Day is first Monday in September.