Rushfit vs. TapouT XT - My review/opinion/observation.



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Okay so what do you suggest for me? I'm overweight, but I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I take spinning 2-3 days and I do strength training (classes or by myself and both use free weights with ab worked in) 1-2 times a week. I've lost 55 lbs and I'm a little over 200 lbs now. Both Tapout and Rushfit interest me, but just when I think I've made a decision I read a new reply to this thread and I don't know which one I want or would be better for me.

    My goal is weight loss and overall health. However, I want to do something that will keep me interested. I tried p90x early on in my journey and I returned it as it didn't interest me. That was also over a year ago and I thought that would be my start to my journey. I realized I wasn't ready for it and now I'm wondering if I'm ready for either of these programs.

    I would like to keep spinning at least once or twice a week, but if that's not possible because I would over do it, I'm fine with that.

    What are your thoughts?

    If you want to keep doing your spinning classes that's fine, but you will need to make modifications to the schedule if you want to do TapouT XT. As I mentioned before Rushfit leaves open 3 days a week for you to do your own cardio. Taking a spinning class on these days would be perfect. My suggestion would be if you were doing TapouT XT to remove plyo and the lower body resistance workouts from the schedule and instead do spinning classes on those days. Are your goals more functional or aesthetic in nature?

    I want to look good, not necessarily in a bikini, but I want to be strong as well.

    You should consider a heavy lifting program such as Starting Strength.
  • I did them both including the P90x program all had there good points and bad points, but I join a gym in OHIO and started a program a true MMA Fitness workout called MMAXOUT this is by far the best workout ever and I haven't seen this kind of results in any other program. Its great to see post like this about reviews and it seems like everyone is enjoying the workouts but if you want to step up the game and get a very intense solid mma fitness program the MMAXOUT fitness is the way and alot of fun...

    I workout here 4 days a week in Akron Ohio MMAXOUT and its awesome, they now have like 74 locations worldwide.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Awesome review, thank you so much!
    I was planning on doing Tapout, but now I think I may do Rushfit first. I really enjoy being able to do my own cardio on some days.
  • I am going to throw in my opinion for what it's worth. I have done them both. P90 is a good workout. My problem is Tony. Sorry, he is probably a nice guy but I reached a point where I could not stand him. I do like the straight forward nature of Rushfit. Also, at this point in my life heavy lifting is starting to get painful. The calories required to maintain size is something I no longer want to do. At 47, I just want a good general work that does not require a lot of equipment. I now get up every morning and knock out a quick RF workout. There are days I will go to the gym in the evening and do a little extra. On some cardio days I will throw in a P90 plyo or cardio or yoga. They make a good adjunct to RF.

    I will give one warning tor RF. If you have any type of knee problems be careful and modify where necessary.
  • blud_13
    blud_13 Posts: 1
    So my wife and I are 3 weeks away from finishing Rushfit. She has to watch her ankle due to a strain that is keeping her from running for 6 weeks so she is doing modifications with RushFit and walking. I am prepping for my second 1/2 marathon.

    We have run the gamut of fitness videos, starting with the Jillian Michael 30 days, then going to P90X, Insanity, P90X+, Insanity again, P90X again, Insanity:Asylum, P90X2, Jillian Michaels 90 day one (name escapes me), and now Rushfit. We do Rushfit and on the cardio days, I run anywhere from 3-7 miles.

    We were looking at Tapout, but it sounds like with the high intensity workouts, it might not be the best for my wife (recovering knee) or me (1/2 marathon).

    It looks like we could modify Tapout, but are there any other DVD systems you would recommend to us? We did not like the J.M. 90 day one as it felt almost too basic until the final 2 weeks, so something upping (or keeping) the ante would be great.

  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    So my wife and I are 3 weeks away from finishing Rushfit. She has to watch her ankle due to a strain that is keeping her from running for 6 weeks so she is doing modifications with RushFit and walking. I am prepping for my second 1/2 marathon.

    We have run the gamut of fitness videos, starting with the Jillian Michael 30 days, then going to P90X, Insanity, P90X+, Insanity again, P90X again, Insanity:Asylum, P90X2, Jillian Michaels 90 day one (name escapes me), and now Rushfit. We do Rushfit and on the cardio days, I run anywhere from 3-7 miles.

    We were looking at Tapout, but it sounds like with the high intensity workouts, it might not be the best for my wife (recovering knee) or me (1/2 marathon).

    It looks like we could modify Tapout, but are there any other DVD systems you would recommend to us? We did not like the J.M. 90 day one as it felt almost too basic until the final 2 weeks, so something upping (or keeping) the ante would be great.


    A lot of the exercises in TapouT cannot be modified to suit a lower fitness level or someone with injuries they need to bear in mind.

    I think that Rip:60 is an excellent choice for someone who needs to keep everything low impact provided you know and understand going into it that the person guiding you through the workouts is demonstrating improper form and you know proper form and to keep to it yourself. I wrote a review of it a while back and while I did give it mainly negative reviews I do think someone who understands how to do the exercises with proper form can adapt the program to themselves well enough to fix it.
  • TonyCas18844
    TonyCas18844 Posts: 12 Member
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I don't know if this has been asked yet because I gave up reading after page two lol. You know a lot and I need your help. You should go to school and get the degree dude, you're good at this and you come off as very trusty worthy. Maybe you should make a workout dvd program haha, I would buy it.
    Ok, so you talk about not following the workout schedules that come with the Tapout XT program and to make our own. I have no clue how to mix and match workouts to suit my needs. I've completed many of the Beachbody programs and always followed their schedules and I am pretty anal and like to have my stuff planned out for me, but you make it sound like that's a waste of time and to do it out way and I just don't know how. I have no clue what muscles to work on one day, or lower body this day, upper body the next. I just want someone to write it all and and tell me how its done lol. So will I get decent results following their wall calender or do I have to try to figure out my own now? Which you might be doing for me since you started this mess :explode: Kidding :)
  • XT is indeed fun. However, as a martial artist, really..... some of the moves in XT are simply ackward! For ex. Elbowing and punching with feet planted is simply hard to do, weird, wrong, and will possibly casue injury to the knees. There are many other ackward movements too. the workouts are long and challenging ..that's good!. Plyo: there's a considerable amount of banging on the joint from the high impact jumping etc.

    Rushfit is taught by a BJJ Black Belt under Renzo Gracie. Between himself and GSP, expect ZERO ackward moves. He's not as high energy, so the "energy" coming from St. Pierre and Owings (the instuctor) is not as "Hey guys....Youuuuuuu can dooooo it"

    eleastic bands w/ XT, and dumbells (10-15-25) w. Rushfit.

    Just get both programs and use what you like, and toss out what u don't!
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I have been doing Tapout for a week almost and the damn trainer bugs me. I don't know why but something about him annoys me and the breathing, the noises hes makes lol. I am going to finish it though because I do like it, and then I will buy Rushfit. But I am totally stoked for the new Asylum Vol 2 on October 18th so that will be my next gig after Tapout and Les Mills Pump. I am doing them both right now. Tapout in the am and Les Mills in the pm.

    Edit: typos
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Anastasia: Be careful you're not overtraining. Muscles need recovery after resistance training and by stacking two programs like that you could actually be hurting your results rather than helping.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    Anastasia: Be careful you're not overtraining. Muscles need recovery after resistance training and by stacking two programs like that you could actually be hurting your results rather than helping.

    I'm was doing bits and pieces of Les Mills Pump not the whole program and then my best friend told me last night to quit. He's a football player and knows ways more about working out than I do so I listened to him and stopped the Les Mills. But I do want to use my Bowflex a few days a week if I can. I need muscle, that is why I am on this website dang it, to talk to other people doing strength training. I have been know to over train and ruin my body and I never learn. I will probably want to kick my *kitten* by age 65 lol. :D

    Edit: typos as usual
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Most of us can help you with that, Anastasia =) Feel free to ask me anytime.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I definitely will, you're the one I was wanting to get advice from in the very beginning. And thank you, I appreciate all the emails and replies :D
  • DLin79
    DLin79 Posts: 1
    I'm new to the site so please bear with me.

    I'm looking into starting a work out routine and was interested in Tap out XT but when i googled it came across Rushfit and then started to see if anyone compared the two, which lead me to this message board (was actually just trying to figure out how many workouts Tap out had each week). After reading all of the posts though I am still torn about which program to go after.

    My fitness goals are relatively simple I'd like to improve my endurace, flexibility, and strength while toning up a bit. Weight loss is not my primary goal but if I shed a few pounds I won't cry over their loss. I do not have a routine 9-5 job, I have a somewhat stable schedule but have days where I need to make myself available even in the middle of the night which tends to make working out the next morning nigh on impossible if I've been up all night. That being said I am in it for the long haul and really just want to get myself into more of a lifestyle change where I develop a work out routine that is fun and engaging that I can stick to.

    Bottom line is with my schedule I can commit to 3-4 workouts a week that can go from 45-60 min and was wondering if either of these programs would suit my time constraints or were modifiable to do so.

    Thanks in advance for any input.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I'm new to the site so please bear with me.

    I'm looking into starting a work out routine and was interested in Tap out XT but when i googled it came across Rushfit and then started to see if anyone compared the two, which lead me to this message board (was actually just trying to figure out how many workouts Tap out had each week). After reading all of the posts though I am still torn about which program to go after.

    My fitness goals are relatively simple I'd like to improve my endurace, flexibility, and strength while toning up a bit. Weight loss is not my primary goal but if I shed a few pounds I won't cry over their loss. I do not have a routine 9-5 job, I have a somewhat stable schedule but have days where I need to make myself available even in the middle of the night which tends to make working out the next morning nigh on impossible if I've been up all night. That being said I am in it for the long haul and really just want to get myself into more of a lifestyle change where I develop a work out routine that is fun and engaging that I can stick to.

    Bottom line is with my schedule I can commit to 3-4 workouts a week that can go from 45-60 min and was wondering if either of these programs would suit my time constraints or were modifiable to do so.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

    Because of the flaws in the TapouT XT schedule you're better off just putting your own schedule together anyway. As far as Rushfit goes there are only 3-4 days a week where you actually do video workouts according to the schedule. The other days are "choose your own cardio" which means find some time to do some moderate intensity cardio for 30 minutes. I would say either one is good considering that.
  • I just started TapoutXT one week ago and I have found out that its schedule is no
    appropriate to what i am looking for.
    I think Tapout workout are fun to do and I am not boring with that. i just would like to know,
    what is the best schedule I should follow to reach my goal?
    can anyone give me a good Tapout schedule?

    to add, my goal is have definition in my body.

  • I'm 6'5, 325lbs. Completed P90X, Insanity and Tapout XT. Almost every move can be modified!!! And that's only if they need to. Most do not other than plyo.
  • I need help deciding what to do next. I have done Insanity and ChaLEAN Extreme. I love the craziness that Insanity entails. Although I do love ChaLEAN, I feel like I need to burn off some fat and lose some weight right now and focus on building more muscle through heavy lifting later.

    I got results from both programs, but I need to get my nutrition on track because my results aren't what they could have been.

    My friend told my about Tapout xt today and felt it would be a good cross between Insanity and ChaLEAN. I hadn't heard of Rushfit until this thread. I'm the type of person who appreciates a good schedule. If left on my own to do my own cardio, it probably won't get done.

    Because of this, do you think Tapout xt would be a better fit? Thank you for your advice!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    TapouT XT is a good program, just a lot of stuff in it is redundant and pointless. The fact of the matter is that you can get the results you want without working out an hour and a half a day, 6 days a week like P90X and TapouT XT have you do. It sounds like you have some motivation issues though if you need the schedule to tell you exactly what cardio to do.

    What equipment do you have and what equipment are you willing to invest in?