Has your appetite changed?

Wetterdew Posts: 142 Member
I used to be able to eat a whole large pizza in one sitting. I could eat several burgers, or fill up on a starter, main course, and desert at a restaurant and still raid the food pantry when I get back home.

I've only been using this program for about 24 days, but the urge to constantly eat has gone. When I eat out, I'm willing to stop and ask for a box (I just tell myself I'll be able to enjoy the rest of it tomorrow!)

For my whole life I've eaten not for emotional comfort or anything--I just love the taste of food and the feeling of chewing the flavor out of it. I'm a lot better about not eating too much now. I also appreciate the money it saves me on food.

What about you all?


  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one! YES, the amount I can and want to eat has changed dramatically.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    My appetite has changed dramatically just in the last year but even more so in the last month. I dont like 90% of the foods I grew up eating or ate as recently as a year ago. Im so picky about the meat I eat and the look of different foods. Before "this".......it was nothing to eat a plate of potatoes and gravy, a vegie or two, a huge piece or two of meat and a salad, then maybe later a homemade dessert of some kind. It was nothing to eat 2 or 3 cheeseburgers, fries and a drink.

    Now I shy away from most of that stuff. Im satisfied with a salad and a burger or fish patty. I dont eat breads or pasta or rice and havent for quite awhile. Most meat is icky and I hate the way it smells when cooking.

    yup.....Im gonna make this all work in my favor and stand strong....
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Nope. I could probably still sit down and eat an entire pizza. I just don't let myself anymore. A few things I used to eat are now too sweet tasting so I think my taste buds have changed but I am certain a burger and fries would go down in no time. Maybe I would skip the shake now. :-)
  • kdawn130
    kdawn130 Posts: 18
    Definitely. My once favorite foods now taste very blah to me, which I'm assuming is a good thing.
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    Yes, and for me today was the proof. I went to a baseball game, so decided not to be overly strict with calories. Had a cheeseburger and fries. Ate the cheeseburger and maybe a quarter of the fries and my friends ate the rest. Before, I'd have eaten the burger, all of the fries and have been ready for dessert by the 7th inning stretch. Two of my friends did go get ice cream about then, and I didn't really want any. Was kind of amazed at that.
  • AHealthyMe15
    AHealthyMe15 Posts: 20 Member
    Same here. Anything too sweet makes me sick feeling. I have not drank soda in about 6 years and and I never miss it. Instead of craving a cookie I crave bananas or yogurt now...weird!
  • marinebiologist_girl
    Been using the site for a week but dieting for a cumulative about 22 days - exactly the same as the original post.
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 164 Member
    Unfortunately, I have not noticed any change. Everything tastes great so I just have to control my portions!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    After three months, I notice a big change in my appetite. I know when I'm hungry, and when I'm just thisty. That has made a world of difference.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    It changes for most people. For a variety of reasons. Some physical. Some emotional. Some people just need a push to find out what a portion is and other nutrition facts. Lots of us have no idea. Sometimes it's the good feelings we get from starting a program. Doing something for ourselves. Whatever the reason. Go with it. It all takes some settling in and getting used to.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Yes, I went to Red Lobster and only ate 1 cheddar bay biscuit. The extra biscuits ended up being sent away. I ordered mashed potatoes and fries (their broccoli is always overcooked, so I had no more green choices except asparagus, which I still hate) and didn't eat either one. I find myself taking home portions of food when I eat out.
  • jwilson80121
    jwilson80121 Posts: 72 Member
    Example before:

    Over half an applebees sampler, many drinks (think mudslides and the like) and the jalepno burger with fries.

    Example now:

    No sampler, 1 drink (usually a juice or my favorite redbull+vodka or juice+vodka) and order the steak with mashed potatoes and veggies, but only eat the potatoes and veggies and save the steak for lunch the next day.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    Nope, although I wish it had.

    Luckily, I'm pretty self-diciplined, and with MFP to keep me accountable for the calories I consume, I can keep myself in check.

    Though knowing that I'll feel a lot more full after eating the same amount of calories in fresh fruit/vegetables rather than in say, chocolate, is helping me manage the sweet cravings xP
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    The amount that I CAN eat has certainly decreased, because my stomach has shrunk. The amount that I want to eat? No, not really... but I'm pretty good at ignoring my wants at this point.
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    Yes and yes. I'm more satisfied with what I eat now than 3 weeks ago. In fact this last thrusday I got together with some friends and ate a brownie and some crackers with cheese (I passed on the sangria) and I felt a little sick to my stomach when I got home. I think it is because I haven't been eating fatty foods for awhile. My appetite has changed for sure :)
  • Numitkon
    Numitkon Posts: 12
    I fasted before I decided to lose weight (for migraine prevention) and it taught me a lot about my body. It helped me break a lifelong food addiction and I am no longer a mindless eater. I enjoy food but I don't let it control me anymore.

    Since I fasted, I get full very easily (and this is 2 months or so after the fast) and I have just kept my portions smaller instead of stuffing myself. I think the key to feeling full on less is just training yourself to eat smaller portions, and after a while, you're actually full and content with a smaller amount of food. I never want to get back to the point I was before when I could eat a full entree at a restaurant and then come home and snack on junk food. Yuck!
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I had a total change of taste while I was pregnant and now I'm just using it to my advantage.

    Cheetos, cheesecake, salted caramels, yum.

    Cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes, arugula, yum.

    Not that I would eat all those before things all the time... but when I was craving something tasty, that was what it was. Now I get really amped about salads.
  • evanesco
    evanesco Posts: 52
    No, not at all. I could still demolish a whole pizza, chips, coleslaw. I just don't. I work at a fast food chain and we are given a break allowance, I incorporate this into my calories, have nuggets & fries, or I'll have a burger & fruit. Yesterday I had salad and fries, because my calories allowed for it. It's about making choices that work for you. Eating a full pizza would be nice, but it would not help me on my weight loss journey.
  • ockara
    ockara Posts: 33 Member
    Definitely, I also do IF's at least 1x a week to reset my system and give it a break. When I started eating clean, if I do cheat and have junk it doesn't even taste good anymore. My daughters birthday was last week and we decided to do cupcakes (the sugary ones) and we ended up throwing all the extras away.
  • Deemeeks
    Deemeeks Posts: 1
    I have been on this Myfittnesspal, for 10 days, and I find I am not hungry, . lost 5 pounds first week so not going to complain.
    This is a great way to keep track of what you eat.