help :-( done exactly as i done last week yet gained????

Please can someone explain this to me ??:frown:
Im very commited to what im doing, for reasons you will read at the bottom, i have done well for 4 weeks now, last week i lost 4.5lbs, yet this week doing nothing different than i normally do ive gained 0.5lbs . (i know its only half a pound, but there is no explanation).:angry:
I have no understanding of this and logically it makes no sense, when you see my whole week on paper, on here in black and white....its not even possible to have gained. :mad:
Its not fluid retantion as i dont have any, its not time of the month as ive had a hysterectomy, and i will swear on my kids lifes (something i never do) that i have not cheated in the slightest and ive put everything on here that has passed my lips, everything is accounted for, and like i say its no differnt to what i done last week and for the last 4 weeks.:explode:
Dont get me wrong im not on the floor with disappointment or ready to throw the towel in, im a fighter in life and it will take more than this to throw me, but its the science, the logic, the sheer its not possible thing, that is getting to me :-(.
Im not bothered what i lose every week even if its only a pound, its not a race, there is no hurry, and im happy with any loss, but to gain when your not setting a foot wrong ??? its has left me a tad deflatated today:cry: , this means a lot to me as along with doing this for myself, i'm also doing it for the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity, so when i help myself to a better healthier life, im also helping others.


  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? If you've eaten an excess amount of sodium it could just be water retention. Just up your water intake and see what happens? Also if you've done excercise your body isnt used to it could be from aching muscles.
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks Sarah
    I dont really understand or watch the sodium part of it, Im always concentrating on calories, fat and sugar levels.
    I have looked back over MFP Diary and im within my sodium level every day, but i admit to not being great at drinking water, will give that a try this week.
    Cheers x
  • MySunshine76
    MySunshine76 Posts: 389
    It could be slight water retention due to high sodium. Of course, not to be crude, but when is the last time you had to go to the bathroom. I've noticed with me that makes a difference too. Also, if you eat or drink anything before you weigh or weigh at different times of the day. I hope this helps, it's all I've got.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    OP you need to open your diary otherwise it is impossible for anybody to give helpful advice to be honest.

    When people ask the question that you have but keep their diary closed, it is exactly the same as the following dialog:

    Q: "why can't I do this?"
    A: "do what?"
    Q: "THIS!"
    A: "what is "this"?"
    Q: "I cannot tell you because I prefer to remain private"

    If you open your diary, people may be able to help.
  • Kybelle132
    Kybelle132 Posts: 71 Member
    Yes very hard to help when we dont know your stats??
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    I appreciate any advice, so thanks.
    Dont worry its not crude its natural lol, im not regular as in every day, its every other day, which is the way ive always been so fairly normal for me.
    I will keep an eye on sodium now as i wasnt before, didnt realise this can have an effect.
    Im going to make an effort to drink more water as well as im not good with that.
    Thank x
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Losing 4,5 pounds one week is a lot, maybe your body is just recovering. Just be patient
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    Very true, ive now opened my diary
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You aren't eating enought...
  • bigchee419
    bigchee419 Posts: 4 Member
    its honestly could all be the difference in what time of the day you weigh yourself. obviously i dont know what your weigh-in schedule is but i weigh-in everyday at the same time, it helps set a routine for you which just overall makes things easier, or at least for me it does.
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Looking at your diary i see you haven't logged any water. Do you drink any at all? That'll help flush the fat and it's works wonders when dieting.
  • typingathome
    typingathome Posts: 100 Member
    Yes, agree with that. You are barely eating anything. I found the closer I get to my recommended calories the better I lose. Go below and everything shuts down.
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    One thing I've had to learn is that our bodies don't always make sense. A half pound gain could be many things, including water retention, undigested food or that you weighed yourself at a different time of day. If you pick up an exercise program you will see a gain for a couple of weeks after (so be prepared for that). There are also times that despite our best efforts the weight loss stalls, make sure you just keep on, you are changing your body and it will be a bumpy road. Make sure you are prepared to handle the bad weigh ins along with the good and if you stall for more than a month then start looking at alternatives. A couple of things that help, exercise (even 20-30 mins most days), water (and then more water), and sleep. If I don't drink my water and get good sleep I don't lose or even may gain that week.

    Hope this helps, good luck _ I am just getting off a 6 month plateau so I feel you!
  • sunshine12870
    sunshine12870 Posts: 92 Member
    I understand that your saying im not eating enough, i was already told this a few weeks ago when i was eating just 800 calories a day, not for the reason to lose massive amount of weight fast, just that it was enough for me, so ive went up and im now eating approx 1100/1200, struggling to reach this every day.
  • MuscleJunkieK8
    NO WORRIES :) Stay calm, it will all be okay.

    First off, hows your water intake? If it is too light, that means your body is holding onto salts, sugars and water and causing you to have water weight.

    Second of all, if you were strength training then that means you were burning fat and building muscle, muscle takes up so much less space than the fat does, and it looks better.

    So...start off by drinking green tea, eating some fresh fruit and granola, going for a jog, or zumba. and relax :) Your body is just doing some natural stuff.

    Oh, also, don't plateu...keep changing up your foods and workouts so your body won't know what hit it!
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I cant even read this, I am mobile and it just looks like one big jumble ( only saying this as I also saw your "why didn't anyone answer" post). Also people may not respond because you titled it "done exactly as i done last week yet gained????" makes you sounds pretty stupid. (again, since you asked). Hope you get the answers you need.
  • desilu69
    desilu69 Posts: 79
    From what I see with your diary, you are eating lots of sodium.. prepackaged foods like that have tons of sodium which will cause weight gain or no loss. Go to your diary settings and add for MFP to help you watch your sodium.. I am speaking this from experience because I was on a plateau because of my sodium intake. Also, I see no exercise in your daily routine. Start putting a little bit of exercise in there. That will help tremendously
  • KathieSwenson
    Just wanted to add several things.

    When you exercise, which it looks like you haven't been, you retain water especially if you are sore. Muscle is more dense than fat. So as you build lean muscle you may actually gain a little first. Don't let that scare you. Also. Sodium levels are very important. Your diary does nit indicate sodium levels. It needs to. I think you will be surprised about how much sodium you are taking in. Sodium makes you retain water so you may want to watch that. I try for half of the daily allotted allowance. Also. Make sure you get all of your allotted calories. That could play a factor.

    One final thing....... Dont get discouraged. You body is used to having to store fat not use it. It will argue with you. Mine has been arguing with me for three months now and I have stayed at 179-177 and could not get under that. Keep doing what is healthy and it will eventually come and start down again. I finally passed the 176 mark yesterday and hopefully will continue down to my 160's by the end of August. Good luck.
  • vtsantiago
    vtsantiago Posts: 12 Member
    Plateaus are normal. It could be several things. You may have gained muscle which weighs more than fat. Or you may need to change your work out routine. It is good to do different workouts. "Muscle Confusion" keeps your body changing.

    Try calorie cycling. Eat the same amount of calories for the week but cycle them. Example instead of 1500, 1500 1200, 1800, 1500. This keeps the body out of starvation mode.

    I am not an expert by any means - I gathered this off other users and input from my hubby. (he is afaa certified and a certified boxing coach)

    I didn't lose any weight last week so I am trying the calorie cycling, I increased my overall calories and I switched my workouts. I will know tomorrow if it worked!

    Stay positive. Focus on your long term results. :)