Do you track EVERYDAY?



  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I try to track every day, but lately that has been pretty difficult for me. I don't have a smartphone, so I can only enter my food on my computer. If I'm working really late like I have been a lot lately, and don't get the chance to enter the rest of my food till late at night I sometimes don't bother finishing logging the day. I kind of want a smartphone now for the sole purpose of having MFP wherever I go haha
  • scoobiesaan
    I don't track on Saturdays. I usually have 1 cheat day that I eat anything I want.
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    I track every day. If it goes in my mouth, it goes in the diary. That includes the good and the bad, water, supplements (even if there are no calories). I like to have a good idea about what different foods are doing to my body. I look to see when I have the greatest loss and when I don't lose anything. I look back to see what things I was eating on the days that I lost the most to incorporate them into future meals to continue weight loss. I look at the days when I didn't lose anything to see what caused it and to limit those types of food.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    Everyday without fail, since I started this some 150+ days ago, via the app on my phone.
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    I track every day! It just helps me stay on track, especially since I've just recently start to shift into maintenance mode, I want to make sure I'm eating enough.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Will not be logging for at least part of this week....

    Wedding is enough to stress about. But I know what my days look like when I came out under on calories and I intend to continue working out...

    I'll do my best but make no promises.

    I aim to track 6/7 days/week (but this week will definitely be less)
  • ByTheNumbers
    ByTheNumbers Posts: 5 Member
    I track my calories every day with the iPhone App. Estimates and guess sometimes need to be made but I don't sweat it. What's important is to collect the information, look at it, and then decide how you can improve diet going forward.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I mean to... but I missed the last few days. I think when I'm a little demotivated I don't track... but I really should to see what I am eating and how it reflects how I feel, etc. Also for reports accuracy. I am starting to pay attention to those.
  • AwesomePossum82
    I track Everything
  • fhsjewfro
    fhsjewfro Posts: 101 Member
    yep, i track everyday

    i dont always complete my entry tho because i forget, but its on there i promise!! :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I have missed a day or 2 in the past but I usually do track. Even on my cheat/spike days when I eat 4,000+ calories I will log it. I always log the good and the bad. Thankfully I have friends who don't judge my bad days and infact support and motivate me to do better :)
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I try to log everyday. Sometimes, like last night while I was at a wedding I just gave up :)
  • loleina777
    Yes, I track everyday! That way I know what I have eaten and that also helps me plan out an eating plan for a special occasion!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • natalianogueira
    natalianogueira Posts: 76 Member
    I really try to get things accurate even when I eat something I shouldn't. I wanna know what i did wrong so I don't do it again.
    The most difficult days to track are on weekends, I usually spend the whole day out and it's hard to keep guessing the nutritional values of everything. And I always try to make the right choice about food, really cutting the crap out.
    I usually use the app on weekends, it's easy and it's becoming a habit for me.
  • mszebra
    mszebra Posts: 94
    I don't track every day. I try to track 5-6 days per week.

    I do this intentionally, for purely mental reasons.

    This. I don't want to get too obsessive.
  • tarrinlin
    tarrinlin Posts: 4
    I track everyday I am somewhere where i am able to track. A lot of days I dont have access to a computer or my phone. Those days I write everything down. Just because we dont log it doesnt mean we didnt eat it
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    Agreed (see below)
    However I know what you mean! It's almost near impossible to be 'exact' with calories consumed! I find you have to guesstimate sometimes espeially when you're searching for a specific calorie count and there is such a vast difference. I try and over estimate just in case!
    Every day but rarely eat somewhere I can't get the nutrition information, when I can't I estimate.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I track every day, everything I eat. It is about accountability to myself. Yes, it can be frustrating trying to figure out the numbers of food you don't prepare yourself, but with all the foods available in the database (and other websites) you should be able to come up with a pretty good guess. For me, the weekly summary is more important than the daily total. If I keep my cals low all week I can eat a cheeseburger on Saturday. Or if a friend calls me up and wants to go out for some drinks and a bite, that's totally okay but I know i have to work the next few days to get the numbers to even out in the end. But to do that, I need to know the indulgent calories i have to work against. And again, with the the mobile app you can track anywhere. When I first started I was little embarrassed and kept apologizing to my dining companion (usually my boyfriend) "I'm really not obsessive, I just need to get this in" but he was just happy that I'm taking getting healthy seriously.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    WOW...this is so true!! You look great!! :laugh:
    Every single day, even when I'm eating badly or having a drink. Phone app makes it too convenient to not log.

    I've done the mental math on some days before I started getting healthy. There were some days sitting at the bar watching football all Sunday long, drinking and eating crap for 6+ hours, and I could easily be 4000+ calories into the day before dinner. One day could undo everything I worked for during the week. I won't let that happen.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    I've done this too!!
    I track everyday. If I don't know the cals, I look up average cals for it, and rpund it out. But on occasion, I have stopped tracking due to being unable to figure out cals.