Have any of you been asked when the baby was due.



  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I haven't, but I did have someone asked me (after I had slimmed down alot) if I had just recently had a baby.
    HAHA I decided to take it as a compliment that I could get my pre baby body back so quickly.

    Let it roll off your back, she will learn with age :)

    My daugther called me fat as a whale once, blah!
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    I was at a friend's house with my fiance discussing the wedding and the friends little sister who is 16 asked if i was pregnant....Im not and i was mortified and embarrassed, i keep thinking how could i have let this happen to myself!!! Has anyone else ever had a similar experience and if so how did you ladies handle it?
    Did you smack her? I'm told that etiquette allows for that in these types of situations.
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    I got the question around December. I'm a middle school band director, so for concerts I'm in front of quite a few people. The next day my principal called me into her office and proceeded to tell me how about 12 people asked her if I was preggers. I was completely embarassed and got super serious about calorie counting the next day.
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    No; but for me that would be really odd. :-)
  • cxzawerf
    cxzawerf Posts: 23 Member
    One time a friend's mom rubbed my belly and said "What's this?" When I made a face she yelled out "Oh my goodness, you're pregnant!" My response.... "Nope, I'm just fat."

    Another time, a friend was looking through the pictures on my phone and asked "Is this a picture of your sister's baby bump?" My response... "Nope, that's my fat bump."
  • bonnyebrew
    bonnyebrew Posts: 20
    I've never had this happen to me, I tend to gain weight everywhere, including my stomach, although there have certainly been times I thought I looked preggers. However, it has happened to my step-daughter before, and I've seen how much damage such a seemingly insignificant comment can do to a teenager, she wasn't yet 16. I wish I could shake the people who ask this question without thinking.
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    I think whilst it's embarrassing or shameful for the one the question is being directed at - it must be MORTIFYING for the person who asked it. especially mums with kids :-D
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think I'd punch someone in the face if they asked me that...maybe even a kid :angry:
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Oh my goodness - I once asked a woman's husband when his wife was due (thank goodness I did not ask her!!) And that was when I myself was more than a 100lbs overweight......
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I was always told, unless you can see a head coming out.
    Or the person says " i cant't wait till this baby is born"
    Dont EVER ask if they're pregnant.

    Has anyone else heard this?

    Yes, my friend has a saying that unless a baby is actually emerging from the person at that moment, don't ask!

    This happened to a friend of mine who is not even overweight, BTW, so it can happen to anyone.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    YES!!! TWICE!!! I just LOST 20 lbs,, including 7 inches from my abdomen, 5 from my hips and 4 from my waist, so now I am wearing those cute little babydoll shirts. I have had 2 little old ladies on 2 different occasions ask me when I was due. I just look at them blankly and said, "I am not pregnant, in fact, I just lost a bunch of weight." They apologized profusely & I did my best to shake it off. But, gotta admit, I think twice before I wear those shirts now. It does hurt your feelings. Consider the source..they usually don't mean it, they are just guilty of verbal diarrhea...
  • eidnahenri
    eidnahenri Posts: 16
    I've been asked many many times in very public places. Now when someone asks when I'm due, I just say, "last October and I'm starting to get really impatient waiting for it."
  • 00babyk00
    00babyk00 Posts: 21 Member
    AWWW I know exactly how you ladies feel. Some people have no tact whatsoever! Im apple shape and carry my leftovers in the front, and have been asked a few times now, last time was a checkout lady saying "youre going to be very busy soon" while looking at my tummy. I said Huh? Then she says Oh never mind. (I even had my sucky in pants on that day LOL and was feeling great) And then theres the "look" without the person saying anything, thats happened millions of times. Theres an unspoken rule that you just dont assume curvy ladies are pregnant, it really hurts peoples feelings for along time after.
    Theres a saying "Better to be thought the fool than open ones mouth and remove all doubt".
  • Afterblue
    Afterblue Posts: 78 Member
    I have been the "asker".

    To be fair, I didn't just approach a random woman and ask her this. One of my colleagues got married late last year and all she could talk about was how she was eager to start a family and they planned to er...get on that right away if you catch my drift. She went on vacation, and I saw her after a few months. She is a very slender girl but she was wearing an empire waist dress and had a visible belly where there had been none when I last saw her. I squealed loudly, hugged her, and screamed CONGRATS. She smacked me. I deserved worse.

    I know it is mortifying when you are asked this question, but believe you me,you might feel a little better if you knew that there are three kinds of people who ask these question.

    1. Jerks- who are doing this just to upset you. They don't deserve the remorse.
    2. Innocents- like children or the like who don't know how upsetting it is.
    3. Idiots like me, who think they have made a logical deduction but are absolutely horrified when they know they made a mistake and have upset someone.

    I am just socially awkward. I don't mean to be mean.
  • rolandgaspar
    True Story... This was actually one of my main "kick in the *kitten*" factors...

    I was the heaviest I had been in a long time...

    My wife was 7mo pregnant...

    My 1st child, she was ~3yrs old, ran up to her and said: "Daddy, Daddy, Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" .. big pause... "And Daddy, Daddy, you have a baby in your tummy too!"



    There is nothing malicious about a 3yr old (well, maybe others, but not mine :p ) ... so, that, right there, THAT was a huge kick in the *kitten*...


    probably not at all the answer you were looking for, but, as a guy, yeah, it's happened to me.. once.

    .. More typical answer, as stated above very clearly, unless you unequivocally know she's pregnant, zip it...
  • recbutterfly
    I work with pregnant women every day and have frequently been asked when is my baby due. It used to be daily. Now, its "how have you lost the weight!" Of course, it still happens occasionally, but not like it did. I always laughed it off: "Nope, just fat" and "See, I struggle with this just like everyone else." But it feels VERY good to state that I am finally working on it, and I am setting a good example. Now folks are asking " now that you are loosing the weight, when are you going to get pregnant again?" To most of the world: women are supposed to want to be pregnant. I do admit that part of the motivation to lose weight was to have a heathier future pregancy after obesity related complications with the last two.

    People will always lack tact when it comes to discussing someone's weight and not trying to rub pregnant bellies. FYI: good way to combat the rub the pregnant belly request: "only if I can rub your tummy too" Even funnier if that person has a buddha belly.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    No I haven't. I'm very thankful that I haven't been through that. I don't know how I would handle it.
  • bbaker172
    bbaker172 Posts: 93
    I have...now I gotta figure out how to get rid of it!!!! Is it sugar? Just flub? WIll sit up's get rid of it? Help!
  • randomnennie
    randomnennie Posts: 84 Member
    YES :( by a nurse at my orthopedic surgeon's office...10 days after having a total hysterectomy at 32 :( Talk about emotional

    omg my heart goes out to you. i had to have an emergency hysterectomy at 25 ... after my first and only child. and people who KNOW that happened to me still joked about me being pregnant when i was heavier. people just need to shut it!!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member