Do you track EVERYDAY?



  • I have not missed a day yet - going on two months.

    The blackberry AP makes it helpful and I also will go back and fill in when I don't get a chance to update for the day.
  • Irish_eyes75
    Irish_eyes75 Posts: 475
    Yes & plan to do so after I hit my goal
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    I track everyday, when I don't it just starts a downward spiral of not logging when I "cheat".

    God bless,
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I track every day because it helps keep me motivated. If I have a bad day, tracking it helps me get back on track. I also make my diary available for my friends to view as I know I get ideas from other people's diaries - and if I've had a bad day I know others are going to see it so it also motivates me to get back on track quickly. If I didn't track every day I would go backwards pretty quickly!
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    I've tracked everyday for 517 days straight, and counting! It's a habit now. Even on vacations I track.
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    I track everyday. On special occasions I will splurge if I have exercise calories!
    Make everyday count!!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I track every day.
    If there is a day where I'm unsure about calories, I won't bother with the exact foods but I will just quick-add calories for an approximate number. And write a note :p
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I try to track everyday but it's rarely closed and finished as I get lazy after dinner.
  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    I track every single day because I know they day I don't track will get me into trouble.

    That is totally me, too! Knowing that I'm going to track it makes me eat less.... especially since I know other people will be looking at my day of eating. lol!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    everyday - but much easier now that its an app on my phone
  • me083167
    me083167 Posts: 4
    I track every day - I set reminders so that if I don't put in lunch or dinner, it goes off on my iPhone.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Every single day.
  • HellySuccess
    HellySuccess Posts: 39 Member
    Yup, every day, good or bad. I'm only cheating myself when I don't track, or when I'm not honest about my food and exercise.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    i track every day.
  • I log my food every single day. Regardless of circumstances, location, etc, I log every day. I would get very paranoid and off-track if I didn't.
  • I find that if I procrastinate tracking things, I forget what I ate, etc, and that leads to false net cal's. Nothing can be perfect, but I am finding that with nearly everything in the database, I can track easily with my Droid. I am getting much better as visually estimating portion sizes. It takes practice. If you don't track daily, its simply not going to work, just like every other failed diet attempt.