Review of Jillian Michaels body revolution



  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Check out my blog
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    i LOVE it! i think it's because she makes it more fun and entertaining with more people because yeah it is the same kind of moves from her other workouts. i'm still on phase one but i'm on the last week of it so i've done workouts 1-4 and cardio 1. they're all bearable.. so far! :)
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Hey, I have a bunch of jillians other dvds and love them. I want to get body revolution. How long are each daily workouts? Thanx guys

    The workouts range from 26-36 minutes. This is very very doable.

    You'll love it!
  • I'm new to myfitnesspal but not new to using DVDs as my main source of exercise and inspiration. I've done most of the popular ones... starting, back in the day, with Billy Blanks Boot Camp, Mari Windsor Pilates... Then the P90X set came out and I was hooked on that and did 2 90-day sessions (of course I got bored and annoyed with Tony Horton) so I quickly moved on to Insanity... mixed it with P90X... Threw in a little Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis... Then continued on with the Asylum set and mixed that with a recently completed P90X2 in combination. For diet I did WW for about 6 months and got to where I wanted to be. Learned to eat again but I got lazy with counting points and logging everything (as if life is not busy enough already with a f/t career and 2 kids)... blah-blah-blah. So, I was in search of the DVD set that could fulfill my need for a good meal plan (easy to follow with foods I like) and workouts (challenging, quick) - Out comes Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. I had found some of her meal recipes to be tasty and was very hesitant because I found her to be a little annoying on the Biggest Loser... but so far, so good. Because I was on my last couple weeks of 90-days of P90X2/Asyum I pulled into the Body Revolution by utilizing her Quick Start meal program (adding a protein shake here and there)... I have been stuck at 155-160 for many months and finally plowed through to be in the 150-155 range. This week I jumped into the Revolution at Phase 2 with the recipes but not her exact meal plan. I documented all the meals and calories to make up my own 1200-1500 cal/day plan (because I'm not a fan of beets, lamb, and a few other things in her recipes)... Phase 2 is kicking my but, the workouts are short, but dont' let that fool you. I'm actually sore. But it's a good sore. Not like the first few weeks of P90X when I couldn't even scratch my head. I'm still a fan of all the DVDs I've used and have found my answer to "which one is best?" - that is: All of them. Changing things up in exercise and meals is what gets me up at 4:30 in the morning. So, as I head back to my goal of 140-145 I'm finally posting information to see if anyone cares to listen and perhaps blog in more detail about all of the DVDs I've actually completed in their entirety.
  • I'm considering this program but am concerned as I have limitations due to multiple shoulder surgeries. Will I be able to modify things like pushups?
  • I ordered Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on 6/20/2012 (8:30 a.m.) Called on 6/22/2012 to see about e-mail (still nothing not even tracking) told my item shipped and promised tracking e-mail. finally got tracking e-mail on 6/23/2012. Item should arrive on 6/27/2012. I called in time on infomercial to get upgraded to express shipping so this will take 7 days for me to get? Without express it's 7 to 10 days so what is the point? No customer service skills and they are full of crap! I really don't want it anymore. On the phone it was a long hard sell asking if I wanted this offer or that. Finally get off of the phone and can't say I am happy with them since then.
  • ladynblu87
    ladynblu87 Posts: 43 Member
    they told me it would take seven days as well. It only took 3 days.
  • Hi everybody! I joined my fitness pal yesterday, but I have been doing Jillian Michaels' workouts for a while now. I really love her Six Week Six Pack DVD. I recently started her Body Revolution because you can only go so far with the Six Week Six Pack. My mom actually bought Body Revolution and she went through the first two phases (without me... because I didn't feel like doing them :P) then gave them to our neighbor. So, that left me with starting workouts 9-12 the past month plus cardio without the beginning phases. It really kicks your butt, and is so worth it! I don't follow the meal plan because I am a super picky eater.
    She has so many variations and workout moves that I have never seen or heard of ever before. Now, my only issue is finding out how many calories I burn during workouts 9-12 and cardio.
    Can anyone help me with this? It isn't in the database, and I don't know how I would create it as a new workout because it has a mix of everything.

    Thank you. (:
  • Quiona4
    Quiona4 Posts: 2
    I have the program! For week 1 I lost 3 pounds. Week 2 I lost 4 pounds. I've to date lost 27 pounds however, my husband and I worked out to week week 2 for 3 weeks because we were basically afraid to move on to the more challenging weeks! WE HAVE FINALLY MOVED ON! I am currently working on week 3. I do not follow her diet plan. I have a family of 6. =) and twins! Which is the reason why I have her program! =) Nonetheless, I eat great foods, fresh veggies, fresh fruits, baked food, very little junk. I'll continue to track my weight loss and I'll repost at the end.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I've had JMBR since March. I have not completed the full program. In that time, I've gotten through week 8 and, with life, have taken some short sabbaticals. Because the program is progressive, I didn't feel comfortable moving on to new, more difficult workouts after taking 2-4 weeks off. When I first started, I lost almost 16 lbs in my first month; I didn't follow her diet plan. I followed a 1500-1800 calorie per day limit (based on my daily needs). I've completed phase II several times (that's where my "sabbaticals" have fallen in due to two vacations and an injury) and saw results as well. In phase II,I saw more results in inches versus pounds, but my eating was not as consistent as it was in phase I.

    The program is designed for people to workout 6 days a week, 30 minutes a day. During the week, you'll alternate two weight-based interval workouts (circuits containing several weight moves, followed by a cardio move), with a cardio interval workout. In each week, you'll do each workout 2 times (e.g., three different weekly workouts done two times during the six-day week). Every two weeks, the workouts change. So, there are 6 sets of weight-based interval workouts in the 90-day program (weeks 1/2, weeks 3/4, weeks 5/6, weeks 7/8, etc.). There are three cardio-based workouts; you do each of these for a month. Therefore, you will use the same cardio interval workout during two sets of weight-based workouts (e.g., weeks 1/2 & weeks 3/4, you follow "cardio 1" during all 4 weeks).

    For the person who asked about physical can modify...somewhat. Jillian's workouts (at least through week 8) are very plank and push-up heavy. Many of her moves are holding your own weight, as in planks, push-ups, tricep dips (she calls them "crows", etc.). If you have shoulder issues, these could be a problem. Also, if you have knee issues, there are a number of moves, not just plyometric/jump moves that can be problematic. There are lots of squats, lunges moves that, unless done with great form, can offer potential for injury.

    Overall, I think it's a great program. I hope to restart the entire program after Labor Day (I have a vacation in September and do not want to "interrupt" my program again). I will still incorporate the workouts now, but will wait until then to "start over."

    Any questions, please do not hesitate to message me.
  • erinmorin
    erinmorin Posts: 1 Member
    I lost my calendar/ fitness plan. :( Can anyone please, please, please help??? I'm looking everywhere online and I can't find the schedule. I'd really like to start this soon, I ordered it last August then found out I was pregnant so I stopped doing it. :(
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Yes! I need the calendar too! Could someone email it to me? PRETTY PLEASE!?
  • nutzyrocker00
    nutzyrocker00 Posts: 3 Member
    Day 1- Circuit 1
    Day 2- Circuit 2
    Day 3- Cardio
    Day 4- Circuit 1
    Day 5- Circuit 2
    Day 6- Cardio
    Day 7- Off

    Change circuit dvds every two weeks, cardio dvds each month
  • MsLovely707
    MsLovely707 Posts: 5 Member
    Jillian Michaels-Body Revolution....WoW!! I am only in the first week but it is kickin my butt!! I am sore in a different place every day!! But as far as the diet plan, If you follow the 7-day fast start Metabolism that comes with probley have most of those ingredients in your cabinet already. very basic no carbs. But after the first 7 days it gets a little more complicated. The good thing is you cook enough for more than one person so if you have family...they eat healthy too!! And it is broken down very well and very clear so you can prepare everything without struggling. The bad thing is it does require quite a few items that if you are not a cook you may have to shop for. Little things like Lemon Zest or Arugula. If you are not used to preparing your own food regularly you will have to shop but it is worth it. If you follow the plan you will not be hungry. I am liking it so far but I will keep you guys posted. I will continue to update my progress. Lets do it!!!
  • MsLovely707
    MsLovely707 Posts: 5 Member
    Its not a calendar...Its a few pages in the back of one of her books. It is basic tho...
    Week 1 & 2
    Monday-workout 1
    Tuesday-Workout 2
    Wednesday- Cardio 1
    Thursday-Workout 1
    Friday-Workout 2
    Saturday-Cardio 1

    Then you do the same thing the following weeks but change the numbers
    so 3/4 for week 3/4.

    Just don't change Cardio until the end of the phase. So Cardio 1/phase 1, cardio 2/phase 2 ect...

    Good Luck!!
  • Well I should be starting Jillian Michaels Body Revolution soon. From what I can tell is that it's a very successful program, so I gues I'll have to see. I'm just hoping I can finally get the body I've wanted for the longest time! :)
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    I'm starting JMBR in September, I'll post reviews throughout my experience. :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I started JMBR last week and just finished my kick start week. To be honest, I was hungry. All the time. I know it's because of the way I was eating before. And it was hard to get up so early to do the first workout and then have the energy after work to do the second workout. I decided to stick to the meal and exercise plan to a t - which meant I had to buy a lot of things on the shopping list.

    I did stick to it and so far so good! I lost 5.6 lbs when I weighed in yesterday. I set up a blog at and plan on doing weekly video updates in addition to the daily logs. Wish me luck :) I have about 35 lbs to lose and if I can lose even half with JMBR I will be ecstatic.
  • MsLovely707
    MsLovely707 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok so...I finished week 1 and on to week 2. I am going to be honest. I did not follow 100% due to life getting in the way but I stayed active and watched my portions for the most part. So far I lost 3.1lbs and about 4 inches. It is trying at times is what it is. I like it. Im dripping with sweat at the end of the 30min workout and I can definately feel my body changing. Muscles I forgot I had are waking up. So back on track!! Weigh in is Sunday...will update as I go. Stay focused, motivated and dedicated and remember how good you feel when your doing well and how damn good you will look when your done!! MUAH!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    MsLovely707 that's great! I think we're almost on the same schedule, maybe I'm a couple days ahead. You're in the 707? I'm from Vallejo :) living in Silicon Valley now.