Wii Fit, Fit Plus, etc for December



  • tigermom79
    Hi all.....I am so glad I found this thread. I have a Wii fit and love it. Am going to get the fit plus after the first of the year. I try and get on it at least 3 times a week, but this week, hopefully more as I need it!!!!

    Have a great day..

  • judithwelch
    judithwelch Posts: 33 Member
    I did 25 minutes of Gold's Gym Cardio and did 30 minutes of speed walking yesterday.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hi all.....I am so glad I found this thread. I have a Wii fit and love it. Am going to get the fit plus after the first of the year. I try and get on it at least 3 times a week, but this week, hopefully more as I need it!!!!

    Have a great day..


    Hi Ann!!!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I shorted myself by a quarter of mile on the treadmill this morning, but I did complete 30 mins with WFP. I've decided to use the free step as my warm up and then the balancing games as my cool down. I also got a lot of walking in today, if you consider running around the base escorting people as exercise. :laugh:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome everyone new!

    It's no surprise to us but the Wii Fit Plus was a big seller for Christmas this year. Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky ones to get it and will have to go buy my own after the 1rst of the year.

    All of your post have helped me rediscover how much fun the Wii Fit is. I had gotten into a rut just doing 30 minute free step while watching TV.

    Today I did 2 rounds expert boxing and 1 round advanced step. It was a lot of fun. After that my daughter and I went swimming for 30 minutes at a city pool.

    Come Thursday I will start a new thread for January and then come back in here and post the link. Start thinking of weekly challenges and ways to keep us all motivated! I took over starting the posts when the original lady moved on to other excercise, so any ideas or thoughts on how to keep us all going and motivated to keep working out with a Wii will be greatly appreciated.

    Have a great day and here's to good choices :drinker:

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I just wanted to lodge a complaint.

    On the days where you gain weight & the little scale dude asks "Think about the reasons for your weight gain", they never have "BECAUSE I'M ON MY FRICKIN' PERIOD, YOU $@#$%!!"
    I hate when I'm 3lbs heavier 1 week a month, and I hate that the above is not one of the options for women using WF+. I mean, REALLY! They have every other option you could think of, why not "Because AF is in town"

    Sorry if that's TMI, but just needed to vent.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Trish you always make me laugh :laugh: I noticed that the little scale dude is rather upfront and ANNOYING! I didn't get on for ONE day (because I was doing crunches and stationary bike, and walk/jogging outside) and it yelled at me about training every day, or logging in just to do a body test at least every day. I'm like "forget that, I got this for FUN!" And when I did my initial test and it drops this chubby, defeated little Mii down and says "you're at an unhealthy BMI", I almost didn't want to try it out. But at some point you go "hello, it's a stupid computer. Why am I angry at a computer?" I laughed and moved on and just try to hurry through that greeting/ body test and get to the fun stuff. And just think, it's going to be REALLY impressed when you step on the scale next week and you've LOST 5 pounds (when that TOM is over, water weight gone, and healthy eating/exercising pays off). :drinker:

    So, do we usually update what we did each day, or how does this group work? I would totally love to go for the January challenge, whatever it may be. I'm thinking maybe something with total calorie burn? Since most of us are playing all diff games time is going to be diff for all of us.

    Update for today... I worked out for 59 min. on WFP(279 cals). I do the preset warm-up for 7 min, then Super Hula Hoop, Rhythm Boxing, Free Run for 20 min. while watching cartoons with kids, then some of the WFP games (obstacle, kung fu, etc.) Then cooled down with some strength training, did 3 on diff areas of body (arms, hips/legs, waist). I really think that the calorie burn is off on this though? I looked up jogging in place in the database here and it says 20 min burns 190 cals, wfp only counted it as 122 cals. Oh well, better to underestimate than over.
  • tigermom79
    Hi all.....I am so glad I found this thread. I have a Wii fit and love it. Am going to get the fit plus after the first of the year. I try and get on it at least 3 times a week, but this week, hopefully more as I need it!!!!

    Have a great day..


    Hi Ann!!!!
    Hi Amanda!!!! ;)
  • tigermom79
    I just wanted to lodge a complaint.

    On the days where you gain weight & the little scale dude asks "Think about the reasons for your weight gain", they never have "BECAUSE I'M ON MY FRICKIN' PERIOD, YOU $@#$%!!"
    I hate when I'm 3lbs heavier 1 week a month, and I hate that the above is not one of the options for women using WF+. I mean, REALLY! They have every other option you could think of, why not "Because AF is in town"

    Sorry if that's TMI, but just needed to vent.

    Trish....Thiss is hilarious. At least you haven't lost your sence of humor!!!! I agree though that we should get that option!
  • strungoutmom
    new to My Fitness Pal.
    And just found this site. We love the wii fit plus at our house. We all use it. Hubby and our girls. They are so competitive its fun to watch the other beat the others scores on the games. I try and get on it atleast twice a week. But lately that has been hard to do. When i get home all the kids in the neighborhood are over watching tv. And by the time i get a minute its time to cook dinner and get ready for bed. My bedtime is at 8pm i have to get up at 2am for wrk.

    But after the new years i will be able to get on it more and do what i need to do. I also got the biggest looser as well and that is fun as well. I got these for my birthday on Thanksgiving so it was a nice gift. We have all loved playing the games on it as well. I think the last time i was on it i lost 4 pounds but think it might be more. Put on some jeans today and they were really loose. So that is a good sign. Would love to see if i can rent out My fitness Coach before i buy it.

    chat soon.
    deana in texas
  • judithwelch
    judithwelch Posts: 33 Member
    30 minutes speed walking during break today and then 25 minutes tonight with Gold's Gym Cardio Workout.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Sorry for my absence for the last 2 days, feels like 2. I was sick yesterday and only got to feeling like half of myself today.:sick: I plan to start my New Year's bright eyed and bushy tail by going to the gym (then again it might be crowded with everyone trying to start their New Year's off right) so I will get a good workout in on MFC and then WF+. Happy New Year's :drinker: to all! Have fun and be safe! :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Here is the link to the January thread...............


    I'm still shovelling snow, so I haven't been on the Wii in days. I can hardly wait for it to scold me. lol

    I hope everyone had a nice New Years and Happy New Years! to all,


    PS: Deana- I agree - It's a good idea to rent the DVDs before we buy them. I have a few losers around the house I wish I had tried first. Thanks for reminding us all of that option as we head into a new year.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I did 30 minutes on the Gold's Gym Cardio Workout for the Wii and 30 minutes of Free Step on Wii Fit Plus last night.

    Do you like the golds gym? does it give you a workout.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Did 20 minutes on the treadmill then 35 on the Wii ......
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Boston, see our new thread at:

    We've all pretty much moved there :)
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Okay- I moved over there also- TY
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Did Free Run for 20 mins, and Basic run for 10. Felt great. Did Wii Biggest Loser for 45. Burned over 700 cals between the 2. It's a first. I hope they have something naughty to eat at our ladies church group tonight. I earned it!

    EDIT: Oops, wrong thread