Unsupportive Family



  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    If they are able to circum to reason, e.g. "i'm doing this for me.. please accept it" then you will do just fine,

    If not, then you need to do everything you can to avoid the situations, there is one thing I have noticed, the ability to reason with someone goes such a long way, but if not then it is literally hopeless
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    It's because they know that if you change they are either going to have to also or that they don't want to lose control of the world around them. I can't imagine how hard this is because they are your parents. You are right not to allow them to feed your child food that you don't approve of because you want to teach good and healthy habits.

    Of course it is pure selfishness that they act that way. They are uneducated about what healthy living is. I say give it right back to them. If they insist on eating what they shouldn't just start telling them facts. Like if you eat that this is what it does to your body and remind them that they will never see their grandchildren grow up if they continue to live like they do.

    Stay strong and stick to your own life, they will eventually just accept it and hopefully things will be better for you. You can even bring and plan your own food when you visit their house... this I'm sure would be subject to much ridicule, yet it's your life and your body!

    Keep your head up! You have your family and your life to worry about!! Let your hubby be your rock and celebrate the new healthy changes together!!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I honestly think families (and friends) do this out of fear. Your success shows it can be done and scuttles their wrong-headed reasons to not try. Reclaiming yourself is hard. And people fear that tremendously. The thing to do is try to redirect the energy to be all the more determined to not follow their path. Stay strong and lean on the supportive husband when you need to.

    You can do this. You're gonna be awesome. Good luck! :smile:
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I have a friend like that. I should really say "had" because I have very limited contact with her now. She never eats. She is also overweight but lost a ton by just not eating. She has 5 different diseases and claims she can't eat. But--she wants to feed me! So not happening!

    IMHO, I would limit contact with the folks if they are not helping or making fun of you. Just keep doing what you're doing and always eat before you go over there or don't go at mealtime. This is important to you and your kids. Don't explain, don't start any drama--just be busy. Say you're having family time--just the 4 of you. Say you're all out for a walk, or exercising. Just don't take any crap. You have the power to control this situation. It's just about doing it. Take a stand, without drama--you are doing this for YOU and your family. They have a right to their opinion, but it doesn't have to influence or even matter to you!
  • monkeyjmonkerson
    About 8 years ago I let my entire family go. Meaning I have zero contact with my parents and brother. (or anyone close to them). Just because your mother gave you life it doesn't mean she gets to treat you like that. It took me a long time to realize what was the best thing for me, my 3 daughters and my wonderful husband was to let my family go. Best thing I ever did. Don't regret it at all.

    You don't owe your parents anything. You are an adult with your own family. Props to your supportive husband. He is your family now. Let the baggage go. It's ok. You'll be better for it, so will your children.

    This is SO true!! Agreed fully...my dad is skinny and has been his whole life...he doesn't know what it's like to endure this and hints all the time at how gross fat people are...awesome....so I decided to stop talking to him completely...best decision EVER!!
  • LisaEileen
    LisaEileen Posts: 185 Member
    I can totally relate. My Mom is exactly the same way. She has every health problem due to being morbidly obese. She buys all kinds of junk food and tries to send it to my house. Her only activity in life is going out to restaurants that serve crap food. She's really jealous of my weight loss right now and some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is really NOT nice. I have had to limit my time with her because it stresses me out too much. I'm sorry you're dealing with a Mom like that too. :( Friend Request me if you want and we can chat about our unsupportive mothers.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Some folks just fear change and are afraid of the new you. I agree that it is a reminder of their failures. Don't throw away your family. Find a way to limit your exposure, and change the subject if it gets to that, walk out of room if you have to. If this doesn't work, then limit your exposure more. But your parents will always be your parents. They wont change at this date. Make the changes you seek in your life. Find a way to deal with them. If it means less time with them, then so be it. But don't just write them off. You will figure it out. Maybe you should just blurt out how much you love them and recollect a happy instance of family life. That may shock them into silence!
  • debrawallin
    debrawallin Posts: 55 Member
    I can't help but feel compassion for people that don't support what we do. It obviously brings up something in them that they are not capable of honestly looking at. ♥ I keep at it even though there is no support for me in my family, I don't need it any more, I kind of like it being a party for one, I'm the only one that I ever lives in my skin. :smile:
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Ugh. I'm sad sometimes that my family finds it hard to say good job. I've forgiven, and they are trying to act better. I've learned to listen more than I speak, not brag and generally keep quiet regarding my goals. I've been very blessed, and they are a part of that blessing, so I don't have much to complain about.
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I have the same issue. :( Due to financial issues, I'm living at home, so I have to eat what's here. My dad, when he shops, buys horrible things: cookies, candy, cake, fatty food. For the most part, I avoid the junk food, so I have the willpower. But if they buy food like pizza, Steak 'n' Shake, Zel's roast beef, it's rude to not eat. Then when my mom makes too much food, you have to eat or else she gets offended (I have a one-plate rule for myself). Whenever I exercise, I get the constant hovering: "You're going to faint." "You're going to hurt yourself." "Don't do that." "You're too big for that." ;( And when I was excited I lost three pounds, I heard "you're losing weight too quickly. What are you, a person with an eating disorder?" >.< It's ridiculous, but you're not alone. :)
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    my mom is kind of unsupportive, I told her my goal was to be a size 6 or 8, and she said the same thing as someone else's mom on here, "Oh well, you will never reach that." Also when I post something on facebook about losing weight, she is very negative or tries to be funny, for example, I had put that I had lost 25 pounds, and she said, "Well, I found them!" It really irritates me because her doctor told her she needs to lose weight badly otherwise she is going to start having problems, heart disease runs crazily through my family... and so she goes and gets a dr pepper and some cheez-its...
    I was on the phone with her the other night and she asked what I was having for dinner, I said something healthy (I don't quite remember) and she was like I'll be having such and such with cake and ice cream. It hurts me that she doesn't even attempt to eat better, especially since the dr said something and she has my younger brother and sister at home to look after....
    Sorry to vent, but gosh.