Anyone Give up WW to join MFP?



  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    I just signed up for another 3 months WW online when I found this site. Not resigning again. This is sooooo much better!!!
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    MFP > WW All Day!! and it's free

    I feel the same way!!!
    ^ this. I'm SO happy I switched. :)
  • I'm a Lifetime member with weight watchers and went back last December to get back on track. I have to say that, although WW has its benefits, I really see more results keeping track of not only my calories but WHERE those calories are coming from. It's not as easy as calories in/calories out for some people, so knowing that I'm not getting enough protein even when I work out hard is very important. I actually stopped going to WW about a month ago when I began writing down everything for my trainer. She wanted to know the macronutrients breakdown and "points" don't supply that. Plus, unless you're a Lifetime member, WW and the online menus, calculators, etc are not free. So I'm a huge fan of MFP and have only been using it a couple weeks. I have the iPhone app, the iPad app, and love that they all sync together with the website. And the scanner is awesome too because it saves having to look up a product. Oh, and the pie chart. I like pie. :-)
  • Oh, and don't miss out on the Recipe builder on here. You put in your ingredients and it'll calculate the calories & breakdown per serving. I use it all the time for recipes and especially for basic "recipes" that I eat often so they're easy to find.
  • ktsail
    ktsail Posts: 21 Member
    I left WW several months ago. About ten years ago, I lost 20 pounds with them and became a lifetime member. However, I have recently regained about ten of those pounds and have been trying to lose them. I started WW again and the Points Plus plan did not work for me. I lost and gained the same two pounds for five months. It just didn't seem worth it to pay the $42 every single month to lose and gain the same two pounds. I started on this site and have been very pleased with the food diary and database. Calories are also a lot easier to keep track of than points.
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    I am currently a member of WW but have found it easier to track calories with the MFP data base since I basically eat the same stuff. It's allot easier just to click on lunch and have all the previous selections there and you can just check mark all that apply rather than pulling one item at a time into the points tracker. I did track points and calories for about a month and found that they were in sync. WW gave me a start on my journey and with the app on my phone to scan items for PPV I found it easy for a beginner. Let's not forget about the little charms and such you receive for reaching certain weight loss numbers. I have my 10% key chain, the 16 week charm, the 25lbs loss charm and the 50lb charm all on my key chain to remind me of how far I have come. I don't agree with the zero points for fruits and veggies on WW. Let's face the real truth a plan only works as long as you work it. Bottom line you have to do what works for you. Right now I need to have that "accountability" factor for my journey and with the weekly meetings and weigh ins that is my accountability. I think allot also depends on the group and leader of the meetings. If you click with the group and have a fun leader it's great. I like the leader but I don't feel like I really click with the group..probably because most are lifetime and didn't have a large amount of weight to lose. WW is one more activity I do in real life that helps keep me focused on the journey. Once I reach my goal I will probably just use MFP for calorie tracking, advice and inspiration to maintain.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    After losing 110 pounds on WW, I hit a major plateau and then regained 20+ pounds. I am an online only WW user and have grown frustrated with the slowness and complications of the WW site. I have not dropped WW, but this week am doing MFP to see if my weight loss will come back.
  • Determinedgirl02
    I tried WW a couple of months ago. I never quite got the hang of figuring out the points. A few years ago I lost a little over 30 pounds counting calories. I found this FREE site and thought I'd try counting my calories again since I had good results last time. I'm very new on here, but already LOVE this site. Good luck!
  • debbcc
    debbcc Posts: 2
    I am going to do both WW & MFP. I need the extra motivation that both will give me. :smile:
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I had great success with WW going to the meetings. It really gave me the tools I need to lose weight - beyond the tracking. I liked the focus on recognizing your habits and making changes to not just what, but how and why we eat. I found the e-tools on their own really lacking, and not at all worth the money they charge. MFP is far superior for tracking, especially the bar code scanner! I LOVE this app.

    Sometimes I miss the kind of support that came with WW, but maybe I'll find that kind of motivational support here as i spend mroe time on the forums. MFP community is definitely supportive, it's just a little different.
  • onebluesock
    onebluesock Posts: 19 Member
    I totally agree with you Bizorra! I learned a lot from WW meetings. It helped me start a new and healthier life. I moved overseas a month ago and then just yesterday realized that it wasn't worth the money anymore. I have just finished my first day on MFP and LOVE the simplicity of it. I did like the small point system of WW plus but I'm sure I can get used to thinking in calories. I was also surprised when I scanned some random asian rice cracker with the app and it was actually in the database.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I gave up WW for MFP as well. I liked some parts of their new point system (not counting fruit) .... but for the most part I was annoyed with the new way to figure the points. I had been on the old point system so long that I had a pretty good idea of what the points would work out to when looking at food labels.
    The new points plus was much more complicated to figure, so you had to have the calculator tool with you at all times.

    I love that MFP is free, I love that I can log everything on my smart phone, I love that it syncs with my Fitbit and I love my friends on MFP! Sorry WW, but MFP rules!

    Exactly the same - the best is the FitBit integration and that it's all free!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Me - while I did lose 30 lbs with WW in the past, I wasn't loving their latest program and did not have time to go to meetings. I also felt like I wasn't focusing enough on nutrition even with the healthy guidelines. I pay more attention to what I am eating here and I love the site and the APP much more than WW. Plus it is free - gotta love that!
  • shilgart
    shilgart Posts: 1
    I did WW online for years and have been using MFP for the past 3 months. I know the food choices I need to make but I need the discipline of tracking the I get with MFP. It works as well as WW for me and is free.
  • mdmcmillen
    mdmcmillen Posts: 97 Member
    I've done both. WW is hard to use, and clunky. They do a point system and always change it so you have to keep paying for their product. It's like some super secret formula that only they can know. Basically, WW is all about making $$.

    This site is free *yay* and a lot easier to use. You get more information, and I think the community is better. In short, hell yes MFP is better.
  • JessKrcmar
    JessKrcmar Posts: 33 Member
    I was using eTools for WW online, and I agree with comments that MFP is superior in the website. It took a while to get out of the mindset of not counting points and thinking about calories again, but once I did, it makes sense. I love that MFP also tells you whether or not you went over or didn't hit your goals for protein, fat, etc. The biggest bonus for me? People out here on MFP are WAY LESS RUDE than the message boards on WW. I've found that so many people on WW message boards have a superiority complex and have driven me to tears more than once! I'll stick with all of you wonderful people out here in MFP! For me, support is a huge part of my weight loss and I just don't feel supported on WW.
  • ladyofstyle
    ladyofstyle Posts: 28 Member
    I did WW for 10 years and my weight was like a yo yo up and down. I got tied of counting points and the expense of the food and the program. I does work but MFP is much better for me
  • meangreen11
    meangreen11 Posts: 42 Member
    I lost 18 pounds on WW last year and got about 3 pounds from my goal weight. After three months, the weight started to come back on. I knew if I joined again I would lose again, but I didn't want to spend the $$ for something I knew I could do. A friend of mine introduced me to MFP and I am eating better than I did on WW because I watch my nutrients closer. Much happier hear and enjoying more success. 10 pounds in 60 days while beginning an exercise program because I have learned to watch nutrients...not little blue triangles.
  • ouchristie
    I have never used WW, but have been using this on my weight loss journey. I love my android app for MFP and also, I like that MFP has taught me to eat better, rather than selling me pre-packaged meals in my grocer's frozen aisle. All fresh, all clean food here!
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I started my weight loss journey with a friend on Weight Watchers. It worked for me at first, but I started to lose momentum because the point system was a tough way to keep track of my food (I would be eating 900 calories, so after the initial big loss my body was not happy with me). I started trying MFP to keep track of the calories and make sure I was eating enough on WW, but why use both? MFP is free and I was losing better on it. I liked the weight watchers recipes, but you don't need to be a member to get that benefit, and I've found SO many great ideas through the community here that I don't need it. I think you'll be happy you made the switch. I've learned a lot reading through the posts on here about both diet and exercise, so make sure you're digging through those. Best of luck!