Anyone Give up WW to join MFP?



  • meangreen11
    meangreen11 Posts: 42 Member
    I did. I find tracking calories to be more effective than points. The whole 0 point thing bugged me, because although veggies and some other items are very low cal, it still all adds up. Plus, this was free, and there are WAY more foods in the database on MFP than on WW's tool
  • meangreen11
    meangreen11 Posts: 42 Member
    I did. I find tracking calories to be more effective than points. The whole 0 point thing bugged me, because although veggies and some other items are very low cal, it still all adds up. Plus, this was free, and there are WAY more foods in the database on MFP than on WW's tool
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Bumping to read later.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    I've joined WW too many times to count. Joined again about a month ago and realized that the same problems I had with WW before continue (at least for me). I accidentally found this site and signed up. I am amazed at the database! I was always having to manually add foods for WW. I think WW is a great program and some people do very well with it. Points just never seemed to work for me. I tended to make bad food choices (just because it has a points value doesn't mean it's a good choice) and always seemed to run out of my extra weekly points, usually on the weekend. What I find I'm doing here is PLANNING better. Before I go out to eat, I look through the database and plan my meal. I usually come up with 2 choices that appeal to me. I can't really explain how that works better for me than WW....
  • bgunn38
    bgunn38 Posts: 3
    What is this scanner that you are talking about? Is it a MFP tool that you can buy?
  • bgunn38
    bgunn38 Posts: 3
    Plus it's free!!
  • sgall123
    sgall123 Posts: 133 Member
    I left WW in may to come here after losing & gaining the same amount of weight with WW.. Since may I've now lost 11lbs just using this site!!.. At the end of the day counting points isn't realistic for ever but everything you buy has calories & it's so much easier!!.. Alot of foods weren't in the WW app & annoyed me having to work the points out!!..
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I didnt give up WW, I could never afford them to start with. Our lifestyle change has, at times, proven to be a cost so I couldnt afford to pay for a program. We opted for good quality exercise equipment for our home.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    My friend gave up MFP to go to WW - she ended up gaining :ohwell: She's doing better not actually following their points system but watching what she eats using their facilities - go figure...
  • ashp09
    ashp09 Posts: 5 Member
    I did ww and had little result. For me I like mfp much better it has more structure. And u don't have to calculate points for everything. Which frustrated me to no end. The calories are already labeled on the food. It's easier for me.
  • schoeppner
    schoeppner Posts: 12 Member
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ive done WW successfully in the past loosing 35kg. Put nearly all of it back on and tried WW at home again over last few months with little results...
    Loving MFP and have already lost 5kg in four weeks! I have the scanner for my pantry and am finding the calorie counting a lot easier - and fun!

    How does one get this scanner you speak of?

  • LORA0504
    LORA0504 Posts: 22
    Glenn - the current WW program really wasn't working for me. Your fruit is zero points and most veggies are zero points (startchy veggies cost you). Your given a week points value and then you get 49 weekly points to use as necessary. You track your activity and can choose to eat your activity points or not. There database is not nearly as good as MFPs and neither is there MobileApp. I think you learn a lot more about your food choices with MFP than you do on WW. Tracking points is more difficult than tracking food on MFP. I did lose 15 lbs on the old WW system but for long term I think MFP is a better choice and as many others said its free.
  • wannagetfit02
    wannagetfit02 Posts: 49 Member
    I still have one prepaid month on WW online. I try to log there but I just can't keep it up. The food data base on MFP is so much better. I cancelled my membership.
  • I got on WW lost weight gained weight .then got on it again lost weight then gained weight. Now Im making a life style change not going to gain it this time. No WW for me.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I had ww met goal, lifetime, then gained it back after quitting mtgs, hubby found this for me and i never looked back. its so much more supportive, some of my bfs are on here, got hubby to get an acct, told mutiple people about it. i love how everyone is so supportive. as long as you dont post a bunch of crap! lol ww got too expensive, i knew this was free! i love how i dont have to worry about the scale so much as im working out, and measuring and my body fat is less. i weigh more than i did then at goal but now i fit into smaller clothes.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I had ww met goal, lifetime, then gained it back after quitting mtgs, hubby found this for me and i never looked back. its so much more supportive, some of my bfs are on here, got hubby to get an acct, told mutiple people about it. i love how everyone is so supportive. as long as you dont post a bunch of crap! lol ww got too expensive, i knew this was free! i love how i dont have to worry about the scale so much as im working out, and measuring and my body fat is less. i weigh more than i did then at goal but now i fit into smaller clothes.
    oh and the app on the phone is the best! you can scan things is what they are talking about. the scanner makes it so you dont have to enter stuff.
  • LORA0504
    LORA0504 Posts: 22
    I had no idea starting this thread would generate so much great feedback. I said thanks of page one and then came back to check it out again and saw four pages of comments. Thanks so much for all of the great comments and advice! Hope everyone has a great evening.
  • RenaHewitt
    RenaHewitt Posts: 47 Member
    I'm so glad you asked this ? my youngest daughter wanted the two of us to do WW since a friend of hers had done it and had been successful when I had a friend of mine tell me about MFP. I wanted to try this first since it is FREE and LOVE it!! It is so easy and I'm happy to say I have lost 11LBs so far....more to go....
  • semnae
    semnae Posts: 3
    I was on WW for about a year, right at the start of the Points Plus program. I lost weight, and I liked the idea of it but I was frustrated with having to convert everything into the point system. I quit WW since I had plateaued and was frustrated. I gained by 10 of the 20 pounds I had lost. Then, I started doing research into nutrition and carb vs calories and all the various other nutritional data and I stumbled on this site.
    Figured, why not? It can't hurt.

    I've only been here a week and already lost 3 pounds. I think being able to see the calories and carb reports really helps. Plus, I love the phone app with the barcode scanning! It tickles me every time I use it.