Personal: Depo shot - having weight gain issues?



  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I am on Nuvaring for the past year. Love it. Yes, you can take it out for a few hours, to, ya know. ....

    I can honestly say that I have not gained 10 pounds on it. I am not sick to my stomach, either. I do yo-yo for 10 pounds, but that has to do with no counting my calories, white bread, french fries, etc. I have "yo-yo" down 10 pounds while on Nuvaring, so it has not affected my ability to lose weight. However, I still gain about 3 pounds right before my time, and I still get PMS. Can't have it all, I suppose.
  • when i was on that i gained 60 pounds and i was eating right exercising, i switched to yaz, and lost 10 pounds the first week it was weird

    wow.... thats great
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member

    Is it possible to lose the weight on Depo?

    Possible: yes. But it will be more difficult to lose weight with Depo as your birth control method (when compared to IUD's, vaginal rings, or combo-pills). In very basic terms, the P4 hormone fools your body into thinking it's pregnant. When you diet and exercise while on P4 birth control (Depo or the progesterone-only pill), your system will put up a fight. It's counter-intuitive to lose weight while you're "pregnant." The hormones are telling you to eat for 2. That's a hard paddle upstream, if you ask me. :ohwell:

    I would caution you against Depo if osteoporosis or other bone density concerns run in your family. Depo has been linked to calcium deficiency in both short and long-term use. Something to consider, especially if you're an active gal.

    Depo is a God-send, especially if you're a forgetful person! It's safe, easily obtained and highly effective. But it's important to know all the pro's and con's when deciding what to put in your body. What's ideal for someone else may not be right for you.

    Good Luck!
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