LOVE BREAD, PASTA OR SWEETS? Hurting your fat loss

JUMP START Your Body Fat gotta remove these...and here is why:

If you only read the first paragraph of this, get this: Simple carbs (sugars) turn into glucose quickly, they go into your cells for energy. Any glucose that is not burned is stored as fat. Plain and simple. Not opinion, science. And this happens quickly. Simple carbs also cause a sugar spike, so you tend to experience more highs and lows with simple carbs. Bread (non-wheat). Pasta. Fruits. Candy and other sweets. CUT THEM OUT and you should lose weight fairly quickly (keep reading though to see other pitfalls and helpful tips).

Why do we love simple carbs then?

Well, my personal opinion is because of the “high” they give us. Something about that piece of chocolate, that sugary Twizzler, that yummie bread that makes us feel happy – for the moment. Ever eat those and soon enough your body is like “what the heck did you just do to me? I am feeling down”. Well that is because the glucose rush is now gone (the spike) and now your blood sugar levels are low so you don’t have energy. Note to self: Stop eating simple carbs! :) NOTE: High-Glycemic foods have been linked to an increased risk for diebetes, heart disease as well as other health issues. :((

The Exception: Eat some right after your workout!

Most of your day you want your blood sugar levels to stay consistent (read about the Glycemic Index sometime). However, a spike in glucose after a workout can help prepare your muscles for growth (I won’t get into the medical stuff – this is a forum so let’s keep it language we all understand – including me). I often will take a vanilla protein shake with Gatorade (or G2) right after my workout with a few M&M’s, or a Twizzler (or you can choose a piece of chocolate). This will give you the protein your muscles need to be built back up and the blood sugar spike you need to get your muscles prepared to take in the protein.

Too much of a good thing?

Yes, there is such a thing with carbs. I had a friend who thought that because it was whole wheat bread, he could eat as much as he wanted (pretty much). Well, not so! It may take longer, but not burned they will turn to fat too.

Strike a Balance!

Listen, I’m not telling you to live your life never eating simple carbs. I’m telling you this: If you are 15+ lbs overweight and want to lose it or get a quick jump start, cut them out for a bit (try 3 weeks) or very small portions on occasion, preferably right after your workout. If you do that and exercise and you don’t lose weight, come back here and yell at me (don’t eat too many complex carbs either though).

Once you see progress, let that motivate you to continue as long as you need to. Once you reach your goal – create good eating habits that you can do FOR LIFE. Never eating ice cream, a candy bar, bread, or whatever your vice is for life is silly. But you can jump start your body fat loss by doing this. I did it for 3 months and lost over 35 lbs in body fat.

PS. I encourage lifting weights or some sort of strength training too. Having more muscle will help your body burn calories even when you aren’t working out!

My 2 cents.....................


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Dang, I could go for some chocolate now. Can't wait to get home!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    JUMP START Your Body Fat gotta remove these...and here is why:

    If you only read the first paragraph of this, get this: Simple carbs (sugars) turn into glucose quickly, they go into your cells for energy. Any glucose that is not burned is stored as fat. Plain and simple. Not opinion, science. And this happens quickly. Simple carbs also cause a sugar spike, so you tend to experience more highs and lows with simple carbs. Bread (non-wheat). Pasta. Fruits. Candy and other sweets. CUT THEM OUT and you should lose weight fairly quickly (keep reading though to see other pitfalls and helpful tips).

    Why do we love simple carbs then?

    Well, my personal opinion is because of the “high” they give us. Something about that piece of chocolate, that sugary Twizzler, that yummie bread that makes us feel happy – for the moment. Ever eat those and soon enough your body is like “what the heck did you just do to me? I am feeling down”. Well that is because the glucose rush is now gone (the spike) and now your blood sugar levels are low so you don’t have energy. Note to self: Stop eating simple carbs! :) NOTE: High-Glycemic foods have been linked to an increased risk for diebetes, heart disease as well as other health issues. :((

    The Exception: Eat some right after your workout!

    Most of your day you want your blood sugar levels to stay consistent (read about the Glycemic Index sometime). However, a spike in glucose after a workout can help prepare your muscles for growth (I won’t get into the medical stuff – this is a forum so let’s keep it language we all understand – including me). I often will take a vanilla protein shake with Gatorade (or G2) right after my workout with a few M&M’s, or a Twizzler (or you can choose a piece of chocolate). This will give you the protein your muscles need to be built back up and the blood sugar spike you need to get your muscles prepared to take in the protein.

    Too much of a good thing?

    Yes, there is such a thing with carbs. I had a friend who thought that because it was whole wheat bread, he could eat as much as he wanted (pretty much). Well, not so! It may take longer, but not burned they will turn to fat too.

    Strike a Balance!

    Listen, I’m not telling you to live your life never eating simple carbs. I’m telling you this: If you are 15+ lbs overweight and want to lose it or get a quick jump start, cut them out for a bit (try 3 weeks) or very small portions on occasion, preferably right after your workout. If you do that and exercise and you don’t lose weight, come back here and yell at me (don’t eat too many complex carbs either though).

    Once you see progress, let that motivate you to continue as long as you need to. Once you reach your goal – create good eating habits that you can do FOR LIFE. Never eating ice cream, a candy bar, bread, or whatever your vice is for life is silly. But you can jump start your body fat loss by doing this. I did it for 3 months and lost over 35 lbs in body fat.

    PS. I encourage lifting weights or some sort of strength training too. Having more muscle will help your body burn calories even when you aren’t working out!

    My 2 cents.....................

    Lol on everything from the title, the GI index stuff and fast GI carbs for muscle growth
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    JUMP START Your Body Fat gotta remove these...and here is why:

    If you only read the first paragraph of this, get this: Simple carbs (sugars) turn into glucose quickly, they go into your cells for energy. Any glucose that is not burned is stored as fat. Plain and simple. Not opinion, science.

    Now tell me what happens when an individual eats at a calorie deficit with macronutrient sufficiency?

    Fat oxidation exceeds fat storage and any adipose storage from dem sugars gets oxidized between meals.

    Not opinion, science.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    My 2 cents.....................

    And that's EXACTLY how much your post is worth....if that.

    SMH. Do some REAL research on the subject please.
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    It really annoys me when anybody says not to eat fruit. Fruit will not make anyone fat! I can guarantee nobody is on here because they ate too many grapes, bananas, melon, etc. Years ago I went through a program at a hospital and was told this by a nutritionist!! They are natural sugars.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    For giggles

    Diaz EO et. al. Glycaemic index effects on fuel partitioning in humans. Obes Rev. (2006) 7:219-26.


    The purpose of this review was to examine the role of glycaemic index in fuel partitioning and body composition with emphasis on fat oxidation/storage in humans. This relationship is based on the hypothesis postulating that a higher serum glucose and insulin response induced by high-glycaemic carbohydrates promotes lower fat oxidation and higher fat storage in comparison with low-glycaemic carbohydrates. Thus, high-glycaemic index meals could contribute to the maintenance of excess weight in obese individuals and/or predispose obesity-prone subjects to weight gain. Several studies comparing the effects of meals with contrasting glycaemic carbohydrates for hours, days or weeks have failed to demonstrate any differential effect on fuel partitioning when either substrate oxidation or body composition measurements were performed. Apparently, the glycaemic index-induced serum insulin differences are not sufficient in magnitude and/or duration to modify fuel oxidation
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    JUMP START Your Body Fat gotta remove these...and here is why:

    If you only read the first paragraph of this, get this: Simple carbs (sugars) turn into glucose quickly, they go into your cells for energy. Any glucose that is not burned is stored as fat. Plain and simple. Not opinion, science.

    Now tell me what happens when an individual eats at a calorie deficit with macronutrient sufficiency?

    Fat oxidation exceeds fat storage and any adipose storage from dem sugars gets oxidized between meals.

    Not opinion, science.

  • lauraniwa
    lauraniwa Posts: 131 Member
    Any energy surplus will make its way to our fat cells. And cellular nutrition relies of carbohydrates to process other macro nutrients. Most "diets" that target specific food groups work because of nutritent deficit, not the absence of a certain food.

    The only people that really need to be concerned with low processed CHO are those with insulin deficieny. Everyone else, get exercise, meet your macros, stay in your calorie goal, drink water. K.I.S.S.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    ARF, ARF, ARF!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    JUMP START Your Body Fat gotta remove these...and here is why:

    If you only read the first paragraph of this, get this: Simple carbs (sugars) turn into glucose quickly, they go into your cells for energy. Any glucose that is not burned is stored as fat. Plain and simple. Not opinion, science.

    Now tell me what happens when an individual eats at a calorie deficit with macronutrient sufficiency?

    Fat oxidation exceeds fat storage and any adipose storage from dem sugars gets oxidized between meals.

    Not opinion, science.


    I'm saying that the acute effects of fat storage are irrelevant when you fail to factor in the big picture.

    Short term fat storage or fat oxidation is not the same as net change in fat.

    All that matters when trying to lose fat is that fat oxidation exceeds fat storage in the long term. This happens in a calorie deficit.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    JUMP START Your Body Fat gotta remove these...and here is why:

    If you only read the first paragraph of this, get this: Simple carbs (sugars) turn into glucose quickly, they go into your cells for energy. Any glucose that is not burned is stored as fat. Plain and simple. Not opinion, science.

    Now tell me what happens when an individual eats at a calorie deficit with macronutrient sufficiency?

    Fat oxidation exceeds fat storage and any adipose storage from dem sugars gets oxidized between meals.

    Not opinion, science.


    Why was this confusing for you? Seems what Sidesteal said was pretty clear to me.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    I got lean on all this stuff!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I miss the days when eating too many calories meant you'd gain fat, and eating less calories than you burn means losing fat.
  • poshcouture
    What about dark chocolate? I indulge in a piece of Green and Black's organic chocolate as my dessert. As far as bread, I have celiac disease so that's no longer an issue because now I have to stay away from wheat and gluten.
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    so annoying
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Um, no.

    My food diary and ticker are a pretty good indicator that this is wrong.
  • MissAlexxMarie
    I love bread <3
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Taubes, is that you? :tongue:
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    I like puddin.....
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Taubes, is that you? :tongue:

    ^ LOL!