My fellow joggers...

Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
Well, happy mother's day to all the moms.:flowerforyou:
Mine has been great so far. I was able to get out and run today. I have to say, I extended my route by about 1.5 miles and holy cow, it was so hard. I want to run at least 6.2 miles on Sunday's which is the equivalent of 10k and it took me forever! I felt good throughout the run but I was at a slow pace. It took me 1h 25 minutes.:grumble:
The good news is I'm going to do this 10k every Sunday and I'm hoping by the end of July have cut at least 10 minutes off my time. I've always told myself that if I can get my 10k down to 1h, that I would sign up for a 1/2 marathon (my dream!).

Anybody else get the chance to run today?


  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Well, happy mother's day to all the moms.:flowerforyou:
    Mine has been great so far. I was able to get out and run today. I have to say, I extended my route by about 1.5 miles and holy cow, it was so hard. I want to run at least 6.2 miles on Sunday's which is the equivalent of 10k and it took me forever! I felt good throughout the run but I was at a slow pace. It took me 1h 25 minutes.:grumble:
    The good news is I'm going to do this 10k every Sunday and I'm hoping by the end of July have cut at least 10 minutes off my time. I've always told myself that if I can get my 10k down to 1h, that I would sign up for a 1/2 marathon (my dream!).

    Anybody else get the chance to run today?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Morning Mireille!

    Didn't get a chance to go today, but went about 5 miles yesterday. I wanted to try a 10k too, but the wind really started to kick up so I turned back. (Any-ol'-excuse-Shannon-here!) :tongue:

    Running a 10k on Memorial Day so I really have to step up my training. :embarassed:

    Happy Mother's Day to you too! :smile:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    That is awesome!!

    I wish I could run 6 miles.....I have a hard enough time running a 43 minute 4 mile

    Keep up the awesome work
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    I think that it's amazing that all of you are running. Most people today are to lazy to do anything, more or less run. Great job and keep going for your goals. I hit a big goal today. I'm an avid athlete, so I'm not trying to toot my horn or take away from your great accomplishment. But, i completed 20 miles today. I have a 50K (30 miles) in July, so I had a big run today and I only stopped once and that was to stretch and eat something.
    HOpe that everyone has a great mother's day!!!!:bigsmile:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I finished my 5K in 26 minutes yesterday (that is my personal best so far - working towards 24 minutes)! Took 2nd place in my age group (the older than dirt category!)

    Taking a rest today. Eating brownies for breakfast :tongue:

    30 Miles! OUCH!!! I am working towards a 10 miler in August, looking for a training partner. The local running club meets on a night when i cannot make it unfortunately.

    Happy Mother's Day!! :heart:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I think that it's amazing that all of you are running. Most people today are to lazy to do anything, more or less run. Great job and keep going for your goals. I hit a big goal today. I'm an avid athlete, so I'm not trying to toot my horn or take away from your great accomplishment. But, i completed 20 miles today. I have a 50K (30 miles) in July, so I had a big run today and I only stopped once and that was to stretch and eat something.
    HOpe that everyone has a great mother's day!!!!:bigsmile:

    TOOT!! TOOT!! TOOT!!

    If you won't toot it, I will!!!!! 20 miles?????? WTG!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Way to go Shannon on your run yesterday. The wind really does make a difference. lol :tongue:

    Audunm, 4 miles in 43 minutes is so awesome!! BEEP BEEP girl!

    Afaurot, you are my idol!! 20 miles and 30 miles, wow that is incredible. How do you train for those?

    PMKelly, you rock girl. That is a really good time! I did a 5k last summer and it took me 35 minutes. Be proud!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I'm waiting for it to warm up, I am wuss when it comes to the cold(anything under 60 is cold in my book:tongue: ). It got down in the mid 40's last night:frown: Right now 49 and winds at 25 mph...BRRRR. I'll run much later after the sun has been out for awhile:blushing: :happy:
    Happy Mom's Day!!! I told my kids all I wanted was an agruement free day:laugh: :noway: :smile:
  • mhsrnmz
    mhsrnmz Posts: 86 Member
    I jogged about 4 miles this morning and maybe I imagined it but all the Mom's who were running on my route seemed extra happy. I felt quite a sense of camraderie too. Happy Mother's Day!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I jogged about 4 miles this morning and maybe I imagined it but all the Mom's who were running on my route seemed extra happy. I felt quite a sense of camraderie too. Happy Mother's Day!

    Must have been the Mother's Day mimosas! :happy:
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I like to run, but get so bored on long runs. So I've started doing the 'daily double" whenever possible. 3 miles or an intense workout class in the morning and 3 miles in the evening.

    I only get to do it once or twice a week but I feel good when I do!

    I don't think I could do 6 miles all at once though. 35 min of running at a time feels good. Anything past that starts to feel like it's just dragging on, and I want exercise to be FUN!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I like to run, but get so bored on long runs. So I've started doing the 'daily double" whenever possible. 3 miles or an intense workout class in the morning and 3 miles in the evening.

    I only get to do it once or twice a week but I feel good when I do!

    I don't think I could do 6 miles all at once though. 35 min of running at a time feels good. Anything past that starts to feel like it's just dragging on, and I want exercise to be FUN!

    Do you have a ipod or mp3 player?? It has helped my running out immensely.

    Sometimes during a song break I'm surprised at how hard I'm breathing. The mp3 player blocks my gut-wrenching-air-gasping noises so I don't realize how much pain I'm in. :laugh:
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399

    Sometimes during a song break I'm surprised at how hard I'm breathing. The mp3 player blocks my gut-wrenching-air-gasping noises so I don't realize how much pain I'm in. :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I can't run w/out my ipod, sometimes if a lower volume song comes on i can here my breathing and I turn around b/c i think someone is behind me,then I realize-it's me:tongue::laugh: In fact i'm off to run off the awful KFC from my mom's house earlier today-good grief!!!:sick: :laugh: :smile:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I can't run w/out my ipod, sometimes if a lower volume song comes on i can here my breathing and I turn around b/c i think someone is behind me,then I realize-it's me:tongue::laugh: In fact i'm off to run off the awful KFC from my mom's house earlier today-good grief!!!:sick: :laugh: :smile:

    I've done that too! lol!!

    Enjoy your run! Run a extra mile for me so I can stuff my face some more today. :laugh:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I run every day and I actually took today off so I could go to the fleas market and to buy some plants...but back to the grind tomorrow.....I do 5.5 miles everyday....and it kills me...I am such a sprinter...and Have NO endurance!!!

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I run every day and I actually took today off so I could go to the fleas market and to buy some plants...but back to the grind tomorrow.....I do 5.5 miles everyday....and it kills me...I am such a sprinter...and Have NO endurance!!!


    Good heck! :noway:

    5.5 miles sounds like endurance to me. :drinker:

    I don't think my knees would forgive running every day. :sick:
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    All I have to say is... U gals are awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm a runner, too--don't you dare call me a jogger--j/k:wink:

    I'm impressed with all of y'all, too. Wish we could go running together. Now wouldn't that be fun and not boring, huh? :happy:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I run every day and I actually took today off so I could go to the fleas market and to buy some plants...but back to the grind tomorrow.....I do 5.5 miles everyday....and it kills me...I am such a sprinter...and Have NO endurance!!!


    That is awesome! I'm not fast at all and I don't think I could do sprints. You rock!
    I'm running about 4 miles 3 times a week and I have just added a 4th day in which I'm trying to run little longer, about 6.2miles (10k).
    I don't know if it's a combination of running longer yesterday and my TOM starting in couple of days but I'm beat today. I'm not sore, just tired and hungry!!! :grumble:
    Monday is my regular day off and I hate it cuz I really want those exercise calories to eat!!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I'm a runner, too--don't you dare call me a jogger--j/k:wink:

    I'm impressed with all of y'all, too. Wish we could go running together. Now wouldn't that be fun and not boring, huh? :happy:

    I know, I would love to have running partners. Most of my neighborhood friends don't run or they refuse to run early. I'm not an evening runner. Even when my hubby is home early (doesn't happen often), I'm just not in the mood to go out.
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