People are way to easily offended because...



  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    You would probably have to physically shove me to offend me...words are just words. I find it hard to be offended by the opinion of people who don't pay my credit card bill, or buy my groceries:)

    PS: that being said, I am offended by the OP's profile pic, because her *ss looks so much hotter than mine;)
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I enjoy it. It allows me to post images and comments on a thread to fan the flames a bit higher. I think it's because we are all biatchy due to lack of food.

  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I think what has been lost in all this is that the OP is straddling a cannon. I for one am not offended! :laugh:
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I agree we need to stop being so sensitive and stop worrying about insulting others by not using the "politically correct term" but you are wrong about the child thing.

    "And I think that's just horrible. We're making a world a horrible place because there are perverts and rapists. I really don't think it's a good idea. Banning this stuff is not going to rid the world of weirdos, it's starting to create them. Wouldn't it be more proactive to teach the kids to tell someone when they think someone is doing something wrong? "

    Nice idea but it doesn't work like that. As a victim of child abuse and one who has spent a lot of time trying to figure out ways to help children avoid predators, I can personally say this does not work. You can tell your children a million times to always tell you when they are made to feel uncomfortable by someone or touched in an inappropriate manner, it does not work. Those freaks know how to manipulate children and one way is by their authority another by threats of harming their family. Children tend to keep their mouths shut when it is someone mommy and daddy told them to respect and listen to or when they think someone will get hurt or in trouble. That is why a lot of the pedophiles have jobs where they are "in charge" of children. My children are well aware of what they should tell me but that does not mean they will tell me.

    I have volunteered at my kids schools and I find it so difficult when a child is upset or even one who is happy to see you runs up to hug you and you cannot reciprocate. But I would rather that be the rule if it keeps a pedophile away from a child.

    I did enjoy your post though and I am not offended just have had a little experience in the matter.

    ^Well said about the kids! I do agree though that the stuff like clothes lines is stupid. People do get offended over stupid stuff like that and I think "where the heck is YOUR head at?" So many people read too far into things and thats how they get offended. Either they are on the search for something to get riled up about or they don't open their minds enough to understand the true meaning.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I agree we need to stop being so sensitive and stop worrying about insulting others by not using the "politically correct term" but you are wrong about the child thing.

    "And I think that's just horrible. We're making a world a horrible place because there are perverts and rapists. I really don't think it's a good idea. Banning this stuff is not going to rid the world of weirdos, it's starting to create them. Wouldn't it be more proactive to teach the kids to tell someone when they think someone is doing something wrong? "

    Nice idea but it doesn't work like that. As a victim of child abuse and one who has spent a lot of time trying to figure out ways to help children avoid predators, I can personally say this does not work. You can tell your children a million times to always tell you when they are made to feel uncomfortable by someone or touched in an inappropriate manner, it does not work. Those freaks know how to manipulate children and one way is by their authority another by threats of harming their family. Children tend to keep their mouths shut when it is someone mommy and daddy told them to respect and listen to or when they think someone will get hurt or in trouble. That is why a lot of the pedophiles have jobs where they are "in charge" of children. My children are well aware of what they should tell me but that does not mean they will tell me.

    I have volunteered at my kids schools and I find it so difficult when a child is upset or even one who is happy to see you runs up to hug you and you cannot reciprocate. But I would rather that be the rule if it keeps a pedophile away from a child.

    I did enjoy your post though and I am not offended just have had a little experience in the matter.

    Agree. And different people have different ways of interacting with kids and what they see as acceptable. Better to just keep things professional and leave it at that.
  • ....they don't open their minds enough to understand the true meaning.

    This is why I think it is actually a good thing that everyone gets a little offended from time to time. It can be character building.

    There is nothing wrong with being offended at some point or another because, well quite honestly, there are some things worthy of being considered offensive. The root problem is as stated earlier... many folks are too easily offended by things that shouldn't be considered offensive. The P.C. movement only makes it worse.
  • I am going to be non-pc here and say something stereotypical :) but my wife's kids and parents that come from a hispanic background are typically a very physical bunch (hugs and kisses). It is just their culture. They hug my wife from all angles before she even knows they are coming. And my sister gives all the hugs she can to the abused children to help build trust and aid in their healing. Now isn't it silly that the unabused kids don't get hugs for fear of abuse, but the abused kids get them to make them feel better. Things that make you go hmmmm?


    This is what I was thinking the whole way through the thread!

    Sure it is a stereotype, but so what. The Hispanic families I know are far more physical. So too are the Persian families I hang with who hug and kiss everyone daily, touch when they talk, have a hand on your shoulder just because. Or the Brazilians I worked with who (shocking to me) were coached by their company to be stand off-ish to the Americans because you'll freak them out otherwise.

    I already felt like Americans are over-repressed as a bunch (sweeping generalization, i know... sorry if that offends you) then we start having these crazy rules about kids. Sad, really. We're going to raise a generation of emotionally scarred kids the way things are going. The fact that people think the rules are good because it protects the adult too, the fact that we ended up in that position is a sad statement about society as well.

    People are so scared of something that *might* happen that they ruin everything. My aunt got kinda bad about that awhile back when it came to helping raise her grand daughter. She got so worked up that she'd flip if she were outside by herself or walked to the corner unattended. My dad finally talked to her and one thing he asked was "In your small town, in the 55 years you have been raising kids and grand kids, has there ever... EVER been a child abduction?" No. This, and several other reality checks regarding odds got her to change her ways.

    Sure, something *might* happen to a kid one day and it would be horrible, but does that mean we put them into isolation chambers? No, because something might happen to it and hurt the child. Can't win. :(

    Hell, from time to time a child is killed in an auto accident. Do we make it illegal for children to be in cars??
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    There's something wrong with the world today...People are way to offended

    I think there are far to many people who are offended by nothing these days. I'm not talking about people who are obviously mean and rude to others. I think that's reasonable though some of it can be in humor. I'm talking about things like this:

    A friend of mine was working with kids that were visiting our university and one of them was upset and crying. He's a real kid person and he stood up, stepped back from the crying kid who had his held out his hand in hug position and said it's OK and to go sit down. The kid look heart broken. So did my friend. I thought it was kind of odd and awkward of him to do that so I had to ask him why. Apparently, they're instructed to do so and cannot come in contact with any of the kids and if they do they can be sued...they are not allowed to hug them or pat their back or have any kind of physical contact except for 'high fives'. If the kid runs jumps at or goes to hug them they have to move away immediately. I'm sorry, but if you think there's something wrong with touching little kids, you're a pervert. And its reasons like this that there are so many people who are so easily offended these days...When someone does something that isn't wrong.

    Also there was a law here that was trying to get passed for clothes lines to be banned, they've been here forever but suddenly it's like there was something wrong with letting people see laundry. I'm sorry, but if you're offended by laundry, you're a pervert. Also, who cares about the environment? It's definitely more important for us not to see anything...

    Ever year we're trying to come up with some offensive word for things. Don't call them a garbage man, call them janitor, don't call them a janitor call them a sanitation engineer...Don't call them retarded call them special needs...don't call them special needs call them intellectually disabled...Don't call Don't call them obese call them this, don't call them over weight call them large, don't call them large call them heavy, don't call them that!...every year we have to come up with a word to fool confuse ourselves by because we're easily offended. Yes, there's some things that make sense, like people are not 'fat' they do not morph into a substance only when they gain weight. There's other things that are ridiculous though.

    This week I've seen posts that involved:
    being offended because people wear lulu lemon/spandex in public when not exercising - You try losing a bunch of weight and suddenly owning a wardrobe that isn't spandex, or having big hips etc. Some people like to be comfortable
    being offended because people post pics of their rack - Why are you so concerned with this womens rack?
    being offended because people post pics of their stomach - What gives you to judge what's ok and what's not ok? I'd much rather show my stomach then my face, it looks much nicer lol
    bineg ofefnded baceuse poeple psot thnigs taht arent spealed cerroctly - Really, you can still communicate
    being offended because people post pics with little clothes - perve
    being offended because people are smaller then them - no, you don't lose self worth as your self gets smaller
    being offended because people eat more then them - no it doesn't mean that they're weaker or lying or not losing weight because they eat more????!?!!?!

    I just changed my picture to something that someone finds offensive because I don't think it is or should be. I think you should do the same.

    I think it's about time we all stopped growing up and started acting sensible like little kids.
    I'm with you another thread has someone comlaining that some one called her fat. And she is fat!!!!

    I am having such a hard time with not going in there and telling her It's like "...REALLY? REALLY????"
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    On a completely unrelated topic, I got the 69th post... ^_~ Giggity.