whats the weirdest thing you've eaten?



  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    sea weed chips. tasted like i was eating baked mermaid tears. LOL

    OR when i was a kid i ate octopus. and shark jerky. those were better than the damn sea weed chips.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    My Dad brought me up on rabbit cows tongue and calves brains (Austrian) The Italian (mom)side was more traditional

    now I eat deer meat wild hogs dove wild turkey basically anything that moves
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Horse (in Paris)
    Alligator (lots of places in the South USA)
    Rabbit (with all those tiny little bones, it was waaaaaay more work than it was worth)
    Chicken Hearts & Gizzards Spaghetti Sauce
    Blue Cheese

    Blue Cheese was definitely the grossest....
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    Curried goat. On a beach in Jamaica.

    Funny. That's a regular food in my house(I'm western).

    The weirdest food I've eaten is jellied eel. I know its supposed to be a thing that we British eat but I personally think its rather strange.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Rocky Mountain Oysters, yummy
    Snails (at a French Restaurant)
    Haggis, loved it
    Deer, Elk, Bear - grew up with a bunch of uncles who loved to hunt.
    Octopus, Squid
    When I was little my cat and I would share food, both his and mine. Lol
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    sea weed chips. tasted like i was eating baked mermaid tears. LOL

    Had tons of seaweed living in SK, I liked it. Also tried raw bass, and other raw fish. Had lots of mystery meat. I just preferred not to know what it was.
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    Fried praying mantis in SE Asia.
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    No time for lunch and breakfast was coffee. Dang! I'm hungry.
    Mustard packets on my desk from lunch yesterday.
    A quick check for witnesses...and YUM
    4 mustard packets later I am feeling fine!
    Came to log mustard packets on the food diary to be sure there were no calories and I see this post going...
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    Fried praying mantis in SE Asia.

    MMMM sounds better than mustard packets...
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Unfortunately for me, I've not had a whole lot of things that are too strange, but I want to, just for the experience.

    I'd say the strangest thing I've tried is probably Durian.

    EDIT: I eat curried goat regularly. Love it.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Balut. aka duck embryo. Popular in SE Asia countries. Asian people laughed when it was on fear factor :laugh:
    Oh sweet Jesus. I cannot even say that word without cringing. Some pinay I am.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Icelandic puffin (which was very fishy and salty and, curiously, jet black).

    Bulbs, once, when I was a kid. (The kind that grow into flowers, not glass light bulbs - THAT would be silly.)
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    OoOoOohhh you people are freaky lol...as strange as it's gotten for me was eating a chocolate debbie cake with some pretzels or chips like a sandwich! And I must say it's so yummy :D
  • Roseanna1017
    Roseanna1017 Posts: 37 Member
    My brother made me eat cat food!!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Dog food, on a dare :-x
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Nine live goldfish.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    Crickets, shark, squirrel, nothing too crazy I guess...
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Blue Cheese was definitely the grossest....

    LOL!! I LOVE blue cheese or stinky cheese in general. For me, the worm in the tequila bottle (years ago) ranks up there for gross. Dog treats were standard fare as a kid. Sweet feed for horses is pretty good. I like frog legs. But I think the 2 most disgusting foods on the planet are okra and rhubarb. NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!
  • in the village of my country we penis fried goat
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    When I was pregnant I craved canned asparagus with mayo.
    I've eaten durian, which smells like the dumpster behind a seafood restaurant in August. It tasted like rotten onions. My husband found one at an Asian market and brought it to my parents' house. After he cut it up, my parents told him he had to get rid of it, and they didn't want it to stink up their garbage can.

    My husband ate dog by mistake in Korea.