Spreadsheet for BMR/TDEE Deficit calc, Macro calc, HRM



  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    Awesome, and thanks
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    Also on BLOG:

    After observing so many desiring to increase their calories to get out of a stall, but the confusion over different BMR values found, different TDEE calculators doing things different ways, desires to still eat back exercise calories and basically use MFP but tweak it, I wanted a spreadsheet with everything in one place.

    I could never find a site that really had everything in one place, though some came close. If I could do web page coding, I could have done it there. But I think there is something to be said for a spreadsheet you can download as Excel or into your own Google account, and keep your figures for future reference and changes, which a web page can't give you.

    So this Spreadsheet is hopefully self-explanatory if you have seen any of the discussions regarding TDEE and deficits (Roadmap from helloitsdan, EM2WL group, ect), and BMR, ect. It is not totally meant as educational, which you can get elsewhere.

    I'm hopefully done tweaking, as I got suggestions from my friends list and the first version was out for awhile, but let me know if something lacking or wrong. Which means check back for updates compared to your saved version. The date is there.

    The sheet mentions the fact you can copy it to your own Google account, or download it as Excel, and most the formatting looks correct, the math is the same. The one that is there is locked of course so no accidental changes.

    Hope you can find it useful.


    Great idea..and lots of hard work went into this...so kudos.

    Just FYI - Most current data show that your RMR not only changes as you lose weight, and slows as you diet, but that it doesn't increase when you exercise, nor is it what the typical formulas suggest - it's lower.

    Therefore your typical calorie burns will not have the amount or effect you expect them too...but less.

    A recent article referred to just this and provides a model for a new calculator other than the typical Mifflin-St. Joer which predicts how many cals you need to maintain a setpoint - ie if you weren't dieting.

    I'll give the link below to the article which contains a link to the calculator. Getting a Metabolic Cart and measurement of your RMR is the most accurate for your current weight and would have to be redone after losing significantly more weight.

    Bottom line - you don't necessarily want to eat back all your calories that you exercise off..or eat all the calories MFP tells you that you can. Do what works for you..but be aware of the facts as you do.


  • bluestocking01
  • breezy62037
    bump for later use
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Wow!! Thank you!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you! This is great! Now i know why i'm not losing and what i need to do!

    My BMR is just over 1200, and my TDEE at 1400! Very little space for a good deficit! lol

    Very informative tho :) x
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great idea..and lots of hard work went into this...so kudos.

    Just FYI - Most current data show that your RMR not only changes as you lose weight, and slows as you diet, but that it doesn't increase when you exercise, nor is it what the typical formulas suggest - it's lower.

    Therefore your typical calorie burns will not have the amount or effect you expect them too...but less.

    A recent article referred to just this and provides a model for a new calculator other than the typical Mifflin-St. Joer which predicts how many cals you need to maintain a setpoint - ie if you weren't dieting.

    I'll give the link below to the article which contains a link to the calculator. Getting a Metabolic Cart and measurement of your RMR is the most accurate for your current weight and would have to be redone after losing significantly more weight.

    Bottom line - you don't necessarily want to eat back all your calories that you exercise off..or eat all the calories MFP tells you that you can. Do what works for you..but be aware of the facts as you do.



    Correct on RMR on couple points.
    As weight is loss, it lowers, along with BMR of course. Hence need to update stats.
    As you exercise and become a more efficient system, it lowers. Hence TDEE estimate of calories is very minor, like 100-150 / hr.
    If you take too big a deficit especially with exercise it lowers more, as body conserves other movements to conserve limited energy. Hence need to take a reasonable deficit.

    The RMR measurement can be great, and if you wait until you've done a decent amount of cardio and had improvement, not likely to see much more efficiency added, only the slowing with weight loss.
    So multiplier from weight stays about the same, unless you massively lose or gain muscle, or undereat too bad and cause slowdown.

    And the TDEE deficit method takes care of exactly your concern over calories.

    Actually, if you followed MFP method to the letter, and their calorie burn estimates, you'd probably be saved.
    You'd likely be given a goal too low if just done by itself with no exercise.
    But you exercise and calorie burn is inflated, so you properly eat back those calories, and increase yourself to a more reasonable deficit on workout days.
    This also causes automatic calorie cycling.

    Some of the desires to improve things actually make it worse. Using HRM for accurate burn data, and then only eating some of it back - coupled with a still too low of a goal for your activity level.

    At the bottom of the TDEE calculator section, you'll see how many calories per hr is estimated for your stats there. Probably no where near what you actually burn per hour.

    Nice info though, and taken care of in the TDEE deficit method.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you! This is great! Now i know why i'm not losing and what i need to do!

    My BMR is just over 1200, and my TDEE at 1400! Very little space for a good deficit! lol

    Very informative tho :) x

    That's true, if you don't exercise, little movement for a deficit.
    Because that is less than sedentary actually - might confirm the stats are entered correctly. Because 1200 BMR would give 1440 TDEE if no exercise.
  • nannabannana
    Thank you!
  • nannabannana
    bump to download later...Tks:smile:
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    this is awesome, bumping for download later when I get home :)
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    I love spreadsheets - and this one is awesome! Thanks!
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    heybales, you helped me set my calories up about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I haven't gained or lost anything yet. But, this morning it looked like I had lost a little less than a lb. So, I am still hopeful its going to work for me..

    I really appreciated your help!! I'm so close to my goal any weight loss will be slow I guess....
  • MDS369
    MDS369 Posts: 36 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    heybales, you helped me set my calories up about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I haven't gained or lost anything yet. But, this morning it looked like I had lost a little less than a lb. So, I am still hopeful its going to work for me..

    I really appreciated your help!! I'm so close to my goal any weight loss will be slow I guess....

    Make sure you are measuring in many spots. You may be losing more than weight. Inches counts big time too.
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Great info!!!!!
  • NPS1985
    NPS1985 Posts: 79 Member
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    heybales, you helped me set my calories up about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I haven't gained or lost anything yet. But, this morning it looked like I had lost a little less than a lb. So, I am still hopeful its going to work for me..

    I really appreciated your help!! I'm so close to my goal any weight loss will be slow I guess....

    Make sure you are measuring in many spots. You may be losing more than weight. Inches counts big time too.

    Thank You I will!!
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