5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    I'd like to join, my resolution is to not have a weight loss resolution next year. This year I lost 36 lbs, so I have 30 more to go!
    I LOVE THAT! :smile:
    I would love not to have weight loss as a goal next year!
    Count me in for the unofficial Friday weigh-ins and the Official first of the month weigh-ins!

    My strategies include
    continuing with my Tuesday trainer at the gym plus 2 more days a week on my own
    getting in 2 of my running days each week
    continuing my classes to achieve 3rd Dan b4 I turn 55
    drinking my 8
    keeping within calorie range
    Rewards will probably be getting into this great dress I bought to wear at my niece's wedding in June
  • I'm in! My goal is to lose about 20 pounds and get down to 150. 5 pounds a month sounds good to me. How I'll do it: cut back on sugar and salt, not neccessarily count calories but eat healthier, and exercise at least 3 days a week
  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    Lets weigh in every Friday just to stay accountable but use the first of the month as our official tracking guide.

    I need a good night's sleep I find it much easier to "cheat" when I am tired!

    Ok I'm at 206 this morning, down 4 since returning on Tuesday!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    January 1 weight 185.4

    Going to go do the eliptical and watch Biggest Loser while working out.

    Happy New Year Everyone!:drinker:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    January 1st 2010 weigh in: 175.8 (about 7 lbs gained since the 22nd!)...but thats the end of that!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    01.01.10 Weigh In: 200.2 - I'm down about 6 pounds since this weekend... awesome! I was afriad that was here to stay a while.. I can't wait til I can kiss the 200s goodbye forever! :bigsmile:

    Happy New Year!
  • Oh wow. I made major typos! My goal is to lose 20-27 pounds. My ideal weight is 160, so here's to a new year! :D
  • PhatMom
    PhatMom Posts: 5 Member
    This sounds like just the group I need. I'm at an all time 208 today. I still am in shock. I knew I put on a few pounds over the holidays, but Gosh!!!

    5 pounds sounds very do-able. So maybe with the support group, I can get myself motivated again.

    My goal today is to go on a 45 minute walk around our area and then start gym tomorrow - maybe three times a week with walking every day. Like everyone else, life is very busy with a couple of teens in the house, but I better find the time or else!

    So I guess we start our official weigh in: 208

    Blondie - - Goodbye 200's. That's Awsome!

    Here's to a happy new year to everyone. Stay Safe.
  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    Def. goal to say goodbye to the 200's!!!:drinker:
  • I am new here but I think this is just what I am looking for. I want to say good bye to the 300's (Currently 310) and eventually want to get under 250. I know that we can support each other and make 2010 our year ! Five Pounds a month, I think that we can make that work !
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Bump! Definately want in on this challenge! I will respond tomorrow morning with my weight and goals!!
  • Hi, I have just rejoined and am really serious in losing one kilo a week. Cheers
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    oh cool! I just think about create a new support group - 5 lbs/month but now I can just join in...
    I want to lose 50 lbs .. 5lb/month.. I will reach it in 10 months.
    I was bad last night.. 3 beers .. lots of deep fried food.
    Today.. bad again... went to chinese food.. lots of deep fried food again. My excuse is .. I'm having my period. :)
    OK I will stop my gym before I go home (I'm over my mom house) so I will do 30 min on elliptical.. and 30 minutes in the sauna.
    I'm going to target 2 lbs weight loss this week-next friday.

    How do I get to go there?
    1) 6 times cardio workout/week. 2 times full body weight lifting.
    2) Don't eat food just because it's free. I don't buy junk food when someone offers to me.. I can not say NO. :(
    3) Don't junk food over my mom house, my sister house.
    4) Don't use eat junk food when I feel bad about my body. Don't eat junk food when I feel stress out.
    I will call my friends, go work out or write in my journal. I feel find a way to release my emotion without involving food.
    5) Do more cooking.
    6) Don't eat carbo too much.
    7) Don't overeat. Eat until I stop feeling hungry.
  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    Im in too.. How to join???? Im new at this.... =)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    My start weight as of yesterday is 141.4. My overall goal is to lose about 3 lbs a month because I don't have very much to lose I know it is going to take a while. I tried to set realistic goals for myself knowing that this is not easy to lose weight. My first mini goal is to get to 137 lbs. My overall goal is 120 lbs.
    My plan:
    Eliminate diet pop (haven't had it in 5 days so far)
    Drink lots of water
    Eat lots of fruits and veggies
    Start running again
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    My weigh in for Friday Jan 1 was 196. That's up a pound and honestly, I was expecting it because of the beer, wine and unhealthy finger foods and lack of exercise this past week.

    So, that lets me know where to start...

    to cut back if not completely cut out the beer, wine and mixed drinks
    ---this won't be too hard to do as alcoholic drinks aren't usually the norm for me, tho I do enjoy a good margarita now and again
    cut out the unhealthy, fatty foods
    ---need to get to the grocery store, the cupboards are bare which has led to more eating out or fast convenience (but unhealthy)type foods
    get back to exercising regularly
    ---if not today, then get to the gym tomorrow
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! This is a pretty informal group. Plans are to weigh in every Friday and then on the first of every month. Post encouragement, food ideas, exercise ideals....or whatever else is on your mind.

    My eating this weekend has not been great, but have gotten in some great exercise sessions. I did a 10k on the eliptical yesterday morning and swam for 1.5 hours today. For me it is not about getting the exercise it is about controlling my eating.

    I wish there was a way to change the 20210 in this thread but i can't figure out how to fix that typo.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all! Hope everyone had a good weekend...

    I did go to the gym yesterday and did 45 min of the hill workout (level 12) on the treadmill. Approx. 400 calores... woohoo! I'm thinking I'll do this cardio this week M,W and F and then next week I'll add in the 30 day shred on T, Th and Sa...

    However, and I have to be honest, I blew my calories yesterday with a dish of ice cream. Not beating myself up or anything like that - just acknowledging. I had enough calories for a small serving of ice cream, but went over the top when it actually came to eating it.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    What is your exercise goal for today? I feel that I am more motivated if I have a plan!

    I have already done level one of the 30 day shred. I was planning to get up and do the eliptical for 30 minutes but it was so cold and the bed was so warm....needless to say I did not achieve my eliptical goal. I hope that when I get the daycare kids down for nap I can get on the bike and burn 500 calories.

    For me this year this journey involves finding balance. Last year I was so obsessed with exercise that I really ignored my favorite hobby...quilting. I have moved my sewing machine into the dining room so it easier to sit down and sew for 5 minutes when I have a free moment in the evening, or at nap time.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I already got my workout done for the day (thank goodness lol). I did an hour of calisthenics... glad to be done with it! Now I just have to try my best to eat healthy to make the day a total success. :wink:
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