5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Its Sunday evening...have you set you food and exercise goals for the week? Do you make a menu plan for the week and stick to it? Personally I do not....the kids schedules sometimes dictate quick meals before we are off for an event, but the food I keep in the freezer and fridge can make healthy meals quickly....every Wednesday to Turkey Taco night. I skip the shells and make a taco salad with low fat sour cream and Medium pace picante as my salad dressing.

    So what you planning for your meals for the week to help you star in your calorie goals?
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Okay, I have a confession to make. I did not update my weight last week like I should have because I gained a few pounds over the holidays and I was very upset with myself. I was also sick during the holidays so was not able to get in all my workouts and I know that did not help any.

    So, here is my starting weight and my weight from this morning.

    01/02/10 171.0
    01/09/10 168.8

    Okay I lost a little, but I am still upset with myself. My goal last year was to get down to 165 and I still have not gotten there. It is very frustrating, because I have worked really hard to get there. I know, I only have 3.8 to go, but I have now added needing to lose another 10 pounds before my wedding in August.

    Today I decided to change my meals for the week, so I am hoping that will help. Also, I am pushing myself even harder in my workouts for the next couple of weeks to get that scale to get down to 165. I will be starting Insanity on February 1st, so I am sure that will help tremendously. Then after that first round I am going to start training for a 10k. That will be a start for the half marathon I want to run in October. I know I can do this, I just have to remember that.

    Thanx for listening and understanding. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:


    You are beating yourself up too much. Do you know when I "grew" out that wedding dress I am trying to get back into? Within the first six months of my marriage. I made a resolution at New Years in 2006 to loose back down to that size, and not only have I not lost that weight, I have gained more!

    After Katrina in 2005 (I live in Louisiana), I was a mess. I went to the doctor (as per my counselor's advice) for meds and was told I was borderline diebetic. After everything we had been through I knew how fragile life was and took it seriously. I cut back on my sugar and carbs and lost some weight, enough to buy a size 10 dress for my wedding. Once my sugar went down and my doctor was pleased, I settled into martial bliss and well, you know the rest of the story...

    Be happy with yourself, and breathe! We can do this together. We have a wonderful support group here. We will succeed!!Take care and have a wonderful week! :)

  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Its Sunday evening...have you set you food and exercise goals for the week? Do you make a menu plan for the week and stick to it? Personally I do not....the kids schedules sometimes dictate quick meals before we are off for an event, but the food I keep in the freezer and fridge can make healthy meals quickly....every Wednesday to Turkey Taco night. I skip the shells and make a taco salad with low fat sour cream and Medium pace picante as my salad dressing.

    So what you planning for your meals for the week to help you star in your calorie goals?

    WOW! What a challenge. I am not sure exactly. I planned the end of last week through the weekend, but am not sure about the upcoming week. I know I will do my best to make everything as healthy as possible. Tonight for example I cooked Shake N Bake chicken thighs and legs. I have NEVER taken the skin off. i offered to take it off for my family and they declined, but I did skin a thigh for me tonight and a leg for lunch tomorrow. I was pleased with the way the skinless chicken turned out. While my daughter was struggling with hers which was not as crusty as she would have like, mine was finely coated and had a nice dry crust. I will NEVER have Shake N Bake without first taking the skin off again!

    I do plan my lunches everyday though. I work at a school and have started taking my lunch. I plan and measure everything that goes into the bowls!

    Have a good week!

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    It is Sunday night and today was a good eating day (as long as I eat no more before going to bed:wink: ) during the week eating well at work is not that hard for me. Snacking at night is sometimes tough though. Saterday was BAD, but today I did my usaul walk plus I tried Wii fit for the first time (my mom has one). I only burned 92 cals in 20 min but it was fun and more than I was doing most Sundays in the past. I am two lbs down from last weigh in on Monday!
    Here is to a good week! :drinker:
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    It wasn't the best weekend for good eating - my daughter turned 16 and we celebrated all weekend with various friends and family members, always involving eating out and having cake! I have logged my food every day since Dec 28, so last night I decided to log in Sat and Sun's food and see just how bad it was. Amazingly, I still ate less than 2000 calories those days, which is a miracle since I ate what I wanted both days at special restaurants. Now I'm back on the plan. Had a very light breakfast, going to the gym, then to the grocery store to buy fuits, veggies and Lean Cuisines! I'm not going to weigh for a few days so the weekend won't affect the scales and make me feel discouraged! This morning I covered up the leftover cake with a towel so I won't have to look at it through the clear cover - I'll try to get the kids to finish eating it this afternoon! :)
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    You are beating yourself up too much. Do you know when I "grew" out that wedding dress I am trying to get back into? Within the first six months of my marriage. I made a resolution at New Years in 2006 to loose back down to that size, and not only have I not lost that weight, I have gained more!

    After Katrina in 2005 (I live in Louisiana), I was a mess. I went to the doctor (as per my counselor's advice) for meds and was told I was borderline diebetic. After everything we had been through I knew how fragile life was and took it seriously. I cut back on my sugar and carbs and lost some weight, enough to buy a size 10 dress for my wedding. Once my sugar went down and my doctor was pleased, I settled into martial bliss and well, you know the rest of the story...

    Be happy with yourself, and breathe! We can do this together. We have a wonderful support group here. We will succeed!!Take care and have a wonderful week! :)


    Thanx Pat, I appreciate it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    It is Sunday night and today was a good eating day (as long as I eat no more before going to bed:wink: ) during the week eating well at work is not that hard for me. Snacking at night is sometimes tough though. Saterday was BAD, but today I did my usaul walk plus I tried Wii fit for the first time (my mom has one). I only burned 92 cals in 20 min but it was fun and more than I was doing most Sundays in the past. I am two lbs down from last weigh in on Monday!
    Here is to a good week! :drinker:
    Weekends are always the hardest. I know I am guilty of it as well. Try to plan ahead for the weekends, just like you would the week. You can do it. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    It wasn't the best weekend for good eating - my daughter turned 16 and we celebrated all weekend with various friends and family members, always involving eating out and having cake! I have logged my food every day since Dec 28, so last night I decided to log in Sat and Sun's food and see just how bad it was. Amazingly, I still ate less than 2000 calories those days, which is a miracle since I ate what I wanted both days at special restaurants. Now I'm back on the plan. Had a very light breakfast, going to the gym, then to the grocery store to buy fuits, veggies and Lean Cuisines! I'm not going to weigh for a few days so the weekend won't affect the scales and make me feel discouraged! This morning I covered up the leftover cake with a towel so I won't have to look at it through the clear cover - I'll try to get the kids to finish eating it this afternoon! :)

    Happy Sweet 16 to your daughter. It sounds like you had a great weekend with her. We deserve to splurge on occassion. Today is a new day and better foods. You can do it. Have a beautiful week. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I do plan my weeks in advance. I normally eat the same thing all week and then change things up a little over the weekend. This week I am starting a new meal plan and am looking forward to some changes for my lunch and snacks.

    My weekends are definetly the hardest for me. Since I am not on a regular schedule for the weekend I tend to eat anytime I want. This last Saturday I did really good, since I knew I would splurge on Sunday at the Bridal Fair. Yeah, Sunday was bad, I would have to say after all the tasting of cakes, I think I ate the equivalent of 2 pieces of cake and various other foods. I would say, not too bad, but not too good either. Today is a new day and week. I am back on track.

    I am starting week 12 of round 2 of P90X. I am almost done, I can't believe it. I will then take one week off and then start the new program Insanity. I am really excited to start it. It will definetly kick my bootie, but that is what I need. I am ready to sweat buckets and be in the best shape of my life after this round of Insanity.

    I hope you all have a beautiful week. :bigsmile:
  • sld63
    sld63 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi All,

    I didn't stay on track over the weekend, I was active but didn't actually get to the gym... iyiyi... and I know it is what I need to do most...:embarassed: I did ok on cal's - not perfect but only 100 over on Sat and 50 over on Sunday... weekends are hardest for me too.

    So far today I've kept on track with my cal's...and will be going to the gym for 45 min cardio after work.

    As far as planning, I do plan out my exercise weekly and I plan out my food daily.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Just walked a 5k on the treadmill. I did while on hold waiting to talk to a customer service rep at a company. I was almost done before I got to talk to a live person...the worst part was the music. They had a song that was about 2-3 minutes long and then it would start playing all over again. The good news is a 600 calorie burn. I love my new treadmill.

    Dinner tonight, left over turkey....yes I still make the mashed potatoes and gravy, but now I do not go back for seconds and I watch the portion size.

    Winter exercise got you down...how about one of the following

    Cross Country Skiing 476 calories burned per hour
    Down Hill Skiing 374 calories per hour
    Ice skating 374 per hour
    Snowshoeing 544 calories per hour (based on a 150 woman) (from Weight Watcher's Magazine)

    Just thought I would share...my only winter outside exercise the going from the car to where it is I need to be:laugh: I hate the cold. That is why I have lived my whole life the Minnesota.:happy: :laugh:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    TCASMEY-Wow the same song over and over for what 45 mins or so? That had to be pretty annoying after a while. Good for you for getting your workout in while on hold. Never heard that one before, but if it works it works. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Hey the good new is that it is no loinger Monday morning! Keep at that treadmill Girl! I am happy for you that you have a way to work out considering all that cold surrounding you...What is it about weekends anyway? When I weighed this morning I had again yo-yoed back and forth since my offical weigh in on Friday and this morning I was sitting above Friday's weight. Granted it is not by much, but to me it seems like I have let myself down.

    I know it could be a number of things, but I have to take accountabilitiy for my choices. My calories were okay, it is the exercise that is not up to par. I do exercise, but am not getting into that mode where I feel I am burning calories. Yea, I am hitting that "if it is only for 15 minutes" goal, I had set earlier, buy now my goal for the week is to increase a little more each day along with intensitiy.

    Oh, I did manage 12,779 steps today. I guess that is a plus, for I walked over 6.1 miles and burned 572 calories!

    Have a WONDERFUL Tuesday!

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hey the good new is that it is no loinger Monday morning! Keep at that treadmill Girl! I am happy for you that you have a way to work out considering all that cold surrounding you...What is it about weekends anyway? When I weighed this morning I had again yo-yoed back and forth since my offical weigh in on Friday and this morning I was sitting above Friday's weight. Granted it is not by much, but to me it seems like I have let myself down.

    I know it could be a number of things, but I have to take accountabilitiy for my choices. My calories were okay, it is the exercise that is not up to par. I do exercise, but am not getting into that mode where I feel I am burning calories. Yea, I am hitting that "if it is only for 15 minutes" goal, I had set earlier, buy now my goal for the week is to increase a little more each day along with intensitiy.

    Oh, I did manage 12,779 steps today. I guess that is a plus, for I walked over 6.1 miles and burned 572 calories!

    Have a WONDERFUL Tuesday!


    I have noticed that on Mondays my weight is usually up but I tend to eat saltier foods on the weekend. Drink water and it usually help flush the extra water gain from the sodium. I think weekends make us struggle because we get out of the normal routine. We stay up later and sleep in. We don't have our lunch break at the normal time. I love weekends but they tend to be harmful to my weight loss.
  • kenya84
    kenya84 Posts: 41

    The weekends get the best of all of us. We might be "off," but our healthy eating habits don't get "off," days! Are you on the go on the weekends? Or do you stay at home?

    Working out gets easier ....well it should always be a challenge but getting motivated to continue gets easier every time. I struggle too but I made a promise to myself to go 5 days a week and I've done just that. Since last Sunday I only skipped last Tuesday. If you can get a personal trainer or take a group fitness class. I have never tried Zumba but I have heard really positive things about it.


    My personal goals:

    * Lose 50 lbs
    *Lose 5-10lbs a month until I have reached my goal
    * Work out 5 days a week for 40 or more min.
    * include veggies in my meals
    *hold myself accountable
    *if I fall off the wagon pick myself right back up
    *continue to eat healthy and stay active when I meet my goal

    My 1st weigh-in was today and I am down 6lbs!! I am really enjoying the motivation and support that I receive from being a member of MFP!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member

    I have noticed that on Mondays my weight is usually up but I tend to eat saltier foods on the weekend. Drink water and it usually help flush the extra water gain from the sodium. I think weekends make us struggle because we get out of the normal routine. We stay up later and sleep in. We don't have our lunch break at the normal time. I love weekends but they tend to be harmful to my weight loss.

    I guess I knew that, but to read what you wrote I feel like I understand why Im having trouble (clearly) for the fist time!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Saturdays always put me off a schedule. I get up and work out..usually exercise happens in the afternoon or evening. Then I go out to run errands which usually means I am out at lunch time....I stupidly skip lunch. When I get home I start putting the groceries away I snack because I skipped lunch. Then I start cooking dinner and usually eat too much. Sunday gets off schedule because church takes up the whole morning. Lunch is usually everyone for themselves and then dinner. Not the way my work week looks at all. I need to really come up with some goals to keep me on track on weekends!
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    I have started inputting my dinner into the mfp right after breakfast, that way I know what I have left for lunch and snacks. Plus it helps me to stick with the plan for dinner. Today I'm really looking forward to tonight's dinner. I am making tacos for the kids, and for me I am turning it into taco salad with salsa instead of dressing. 4 oz ground round with taco seasoning, 1 cup boston lettuce, 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup shredded cheddar, 2 Tbsp Arriba roasted Garlic and cilantro salsa. It came up slightly over 400 calories, which is on the high end of how many calories I like to use in a meal, but I will save those calories for tonight. I'm on 1200 calories plus exercise calories, and I like several 200 calorie meals a day instead of 3 bigger ones. Just wanted to share my yummy dinner plan!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I have started inputting my dinner into the mfp right after breakfast, that way I know what I have left for lunch and snacks. Plus it helps me to stick with the plan for dinner. Today I'm really looking forward to tonight's dinner. I am making tacos for the kids, and for me I am turning it into taco salad with salsa instead of dressing. 4 oz ground round with taco seasoning, 1 cup boston lettuce, 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup shredded cheddar, 2 Tbsp Arriba roasted Garlic and cilantro salsa. It came up slightly over 400 calories, which is on the high end of how many calories I like to use in a meal, but I will save those calories for tonight. I'm on 1200 calories plus exercise calories, and I like several 200 calorie meals a day instead of 3 bigger ones. Just wanted to share my yummy dinner plan!

    Sounds like a great dinner! I too try to log my meals in at breakfast if time allows. I had a high calorie/carb/sugar breakfast this morning which is unusual for me (I am a 5 day a week oatmeal kind of girl :smile: ), I planned my lunch with leftovers, and know I will have to watch my self tonight. I think I am eating some of the left over homemade veg beef soup from the freezer and if calories allow, something neat on the side!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Saturdays always put me off a schedule. I get up and work out..usually exercise happens in the afternoon or evening. Then I go out to run errands which usually means I am out at lunch time....I stupidly skip lunch. When I get home I start putting the groceries away I snack because I skipped lunch. Then I start cooking dinner and usually eat too much. Sunday gets off schedule because church takes up the whole morning. Lunch is usually everyone for themselves and then dinner. Not the way my work week looks at all. I need to really come up with some goals to keep me on track on weekends!

    I think I need weekend goals also! I did drink water this weekend which I seem to have a hard time with in the past. I find that if I over plan I end up feeling snacky all day. I eat under cals last night because I eat lots of Veggies during the day. Maybe I should try having a veggie tray that I can eat on all day for weekends. I am going to try that this weekend and see if I feel full all day.

    What sides do you serve for dinner? I tend to use processed sides (like frozen bagged mashed potatoes) that are fast and easy to make. But I would like to get away from the processed food as much as I can. Any ideas that I can use? I need to make a few a night so my kids have choices for dinner (they don't eat much meat). Mostly I make them a pasta, a veggie, and a ____ side.