5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • koalasue
    koalasue Posts: 52 Member
    I would like to join. It would keep me on track. Great idea! I like the weigh in idea.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would like to join. It would keep me on track. Great idea! I like the weigh in idea.

    Welcome to our informal group!

    I was reading another thread about cardio and weight training and I have decided to only do one a day. Cardio at least 4 days and week and lifting at least 2. I really only added lifting at the end of December but had been doing cardio every day. After reading the other thread I decided that maybe I should not do cardio on the days that I lift. It will be interesting to see if I feel any difference.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102

    The weekends get the best of all of us. We might be "off," but our healthy eating habits don't get "off," days! Are you on the go on the weekends? Or do you stay at home?

    Working out gets easier ....well it should always be a challenge but getting motivated to continue gets easier every time. I struggle too but I made a promise to myself to go 5 days a week and I've done just that. Since last Sunday I only skipped last Tuesday. If you can get a personal trainer or take a group fitness class. I have never tried Zumba but I have heard really positive things about it.


    My personal goals:

    * Lose 50 lbs
    *Lose 5-10lbs a month until I have reached my goal
    * Work out 5 days a week for 40 or more min.
    * include veggies in my meals
    *hold myself accountable
    *if I fall off the wagon pick myself right back up
    *continue to eat healthy and stay active when I meet my goal

    My 1st weigh-in was today and I am down 6lbs!! I am really enjoying the motivation and support that I receive from being a member of MFP!

    Welcome!! I am on "go," but not on the "move." I always have errands to run on the weekend, but have no incorporated the exercise into it. I am changing that, I may even take my husband along for the ride!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey the good new is that it is no loinger Monday morning! Keep at that treadmill Girl! I am happy for you that you have a way to work out considering all that cold surrounding you...What is it about weekends anyway? When I weighed this morning I had again yo-yoed back and forth since my offical weigh in on Friday and this morning I was sitting above Friday's weight. Granted it is not by much, but to me it seems like I have let myself down.

    I know it could be a number of things, but I have to take accountabilitiy for my choices. My calories were okay, it is the exercise that is not up to par. I do exercise, but am not getting into that mode where I feel I am burning calories. Yea, I am hitting that "if it is only for 15 minutes" goal, I had set earlier, buy now my goal for the week is to increase a little more each day along with intensitiy.

    Oh, I did manage 12,779 steps today. I guess that is a plus, for I walked over 6.1 miles and burned 572 calories!

    Have a WONDERFUL Tuesday!


    Weekends are always hard for me as well. I think it is because we are not on our normal routne is why it is so hard. I always start my day with my breakfast no matter what time I wake up. That will get my mind ready for the rest of the day. Then from there eat every 3 hours like you would at work. It worked for me really well this last Saturday, so I will continue with that and see how it goes. You can do this, remember why you are here and that should help. Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kenya, welcome to the group. You have set very good and attainable goals. You can definetly do this. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have started inputting my dinner into the mfp right after breakfast, that way I know what I have left for lunch and snacks. Plus it helps me to stick with the plan for dinner. Today I'm really looking forward to tonight's dinner. I am making tacos for the kids, and for me I am turning it into taco salad with salsa instead of dressing. 4 oz ground round with taco seasoning, 1 cup boston lettuce, 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup shredded cheddar, 2 Tbsp Arriba roasted Garlic and cilantro salsa. It came up slightly over 400 calories, which is on the high end of how many calories I like to use in a meal, but I will save those calories for tonight. I'm on 1200 calories plus exercise calories, and I like several 200 calorie meals a day instead of 3 bigger ones. Just wanted to share my yummy dinner plan!

    Dinner sounds great, what time should I be there? :bigsmile:
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I love this, count me in! Holding myself accountable by posting my info with you folks is exactly what I need!

    My goals:
    -keep logging food journal daily to watch those calories and portion sizes
    -exercise 5-6 days per week ( I like to do a cardio dance video that isn't too challenting from Prevention every second day because I have the energy left to do about 20 min of weight training moves afterward, then either walk my dogs, jump on my treadmill or bike, or do another DVD on the alternating days)
    -stay away from beer (this is my biggest personal challenge, sigh)
    -pick myself up after a bad day and start all over the next morning (trying not to allow my negative self talk to sabotage me in the meantime)
    -lose 1.5 lbs per week, or at least 5 lbs per month.
    -weigh myself each Friday and on the 1st of each month and post to this challenge
    -keep motivated and just take one day at a time

    Looking forward to sharing everyones, and my, success stories!!!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I love this, count me in! Holding myself accountable by posting my info with you folks is exactly what I need!

    My goals:
    -keep logging food journal daily to watch those calories and portion sizes
    -exercise 5-6 days per week ( I like to do a cardio dance video that isn't too challenting from Prevention every second day because I have the energy left to do about 20 min of weight training moves afterward, then either walk my dogs, jump on my treadmill or bike, or do another DVD on the alternating days)
    -stay away from beer (this is my biggest personal challenge, sigh)
    -pick myself up after a bad day and start all over the next morning (trying not to allow my negative self talk to sabotage me in the meantime)
    -lose 1.5 lbs per week, or at least 5 lbs per month.

    Welcome aboard! Look forward to your posts!

    -weigh myself each Friday and on the 1st of each month and post to this challenge
    -keep motivated and just take one day at a time

    Looking forward to sharing everyones, and my, success stories!!!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    NOTE TO SELF: Do NOT eat all your calories, carbs, sugar etc for breakfast! I was having a craving kind of day. Even with exercise credits I went over today. At one time I would have been bummed and this would be the last day of "THE DIET." With the support of this group of friends I have acquired, I know I will pick myself up, dust myself off, and be readyi to ride again tomorrow. Thanks for being there! :flowerforyou:

  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    Count me in! That sounds like an attainable goal. How am I going to achieve this goal?
    *Do Couch to 5K three days/week
    *Tuesday yoga class
    *Track calories
    *Water, water, water
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Motivated today as I got home late from work (yet again) but put on my workout wear and got into one of my fav cardio DVD's. Sweating and typing right now in fact . . . water, water, water . . . another goal to work toward . . . getting those 8 glasses in.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    NOTE TO SELF: Do NOT eat all your calories, carbs, sugar etc for breakfast! I was having a craving kind of day. Even with exercise credits I went over today. At one time I would have been bummed and this would be the last day of "THE DIET." With the support of this group of friends I have acquired, I know I will pick myself up, dust myself off, and be readyi to ride again tomorrow. Thanks for being there! :flowerforyou:


    Hi Pam,

    I have done that in the past, good for you that you see it with hope! I had a bad day Saturday and have been thinking about the ways that I can change so that I wont fall into that hole again. But I need to also work on the forgive, forget, move on part!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey....count me in!! i can lose 5lbs a month and hopefully more!! i just had my 1st weigh in and lost 3.5lbs....whooo hooo!! that got me pumped and motivated! this web site has helped alot too, im glad i found it. i wish i would have found it sooner. i was on the slimfast site when i came across it, this is soooooooooo much better!!! when im bored or hungry i come on here so therefore my mind is off of food and its really helping. i definately need friends, support and motivation because i dont have that here at home.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome Newcomers! Always great to have more people on board to lose weight and get in shape.

    It's Wednesday. Can't wait to say its Friday! Have you planned your meals for today? What is your plan for exercise? I plan to do a 5K on the treadmill. I will see how it goes I can feel that I am getting shin splints. Need to go to Runners World's website and review the stretches for runners. Have a great day!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have not done Weight Watcher's for 15 years but still pick up their magazine from time to time. In the current issue there are some ideas on how to kick your mental game up a notch. How to tackle the psychological hurdles that get in the way of your winning the weight game priority. I thought I would share an idea a day because I agree this process is as much mental and spiritual as it is physical. Today's thought...

  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    Hi I just joined MFP this week but I started my WL on January 4th -- so Im 1 1/2 weeks in :happy: Id love to join the group! I am loking for support, ideas and motivation too. I have read through ALL the past posts and am excited to find a place to "go" each day.
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    What an inspiration! I am doing the Couch to 5K program and am only in week 1 - so no 5 K for me right now -- but Im getting there!
    My exercise plans for today are Week 1 Day 3 of C25K, for tomorrow I like to do a at home video (strength reststance training) and Friday I will go to the gym and do Week 2 Day 1 of C25K and an additional 30 minutes on the eliptical.
    Over the weekend I will go to the gym and on Saturday aim for 1 hour of cardio and Sunday aim for Day 2 of C25K and an additional 30 minutes of cardio.
    Amazing - ! Writing what I plan to do seems like a real commitment...i love it!
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    My goals for 2010:

    Learn to love myself for who I am not what other people think I should be
    Accept that my body isnt perfect - what is perfect anyway - I want to be healthy, fit and toned, not size -0!
    Be able to put on clothes and not feel constrcted, tight or that Im falling out of them (unless I want to be :wink: )

    To do this:

    Follow the recommended calories per day from MFP (1200 without exercise - follow plan when I do exercise)
    Add exercise daily (yep - add exercise to my life just like brushing my teeth...something everyday!)
    No more soda! Water, Water, Water
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    1/2 an hour ago I stated I was about to do my C25K workout -- I have to get off this site and get to it! Hey, at least Im not eating right?
    Ok, wish me luck - here I go.....and its cold in the garage (where my at home treadmill is)....cant go to the gym today 'cause one of my kids is home sick....ok, Im procrastinating...here I go :ohwell:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I love this, count me in! Holding myself accountable by posting my info with you folks is exactly what I need!

    My goals:
    -keep logging food journal daily to watch those calories and portion sizes
    -exercise 5-6 days per week ( I like to do a cardio dance video that isn't too challenting from Prevention every second day because I have the energy left to do about 20 min of weight training moves afterward, then either walk my dogs, jump on my treadmill or bike, or do another DVD on the alternating days)
    -stay away from beer (this is my biggest personal challenge, sigh)
    -pick myself up after a bad day and start all over the next morning (trying not to allow my negative self talk to sabotage me in the meantime)
    -lose 1.5 lbs per week, or at least 5 lbs per month.
    -weigh myself each Friday and on the 1st of each month and post to this challenge
    -keep motivated and just take one day at a time

    Looking forward to sharing everyones, and my, success stories!!!

    You have great goals that are definetly attainable. We are all here for you to help you along the way. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile: