5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    I'm going to miss today's weigh in because I weigh at the gym, but today I"m going on a long walk with the dogs instead since it's finally nice enough outside! I have been weighing randomly every few days, which is working out well. I'm not disciplined enough to walk by the scales and not step on them 6 days a week, so I try to skip weighing most days but end up doing it every third day or so. I've lost 6 pounds since Dec 28. and that's enough progress to make me very happy and keep me motivated! 34 or so pounds to go!

    I will be watching my daughter's volleyball tournament all weekend, which includes a <gasp> CONCESSION STAND! That is my absolute number one weakness. So I have already bought food to pack and I will NOT visit the concession stand. Hopefully I won't even have to stop by there to by water or Diet Coke, because that's how it happens - I stop by for a drink and see a fattening treat, then I think about the treat all day, then by the end of the day I buy the treat. Determined to break that cycle for good this weekend!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    01/01/10 206.0
    01/08/10 205.0
    01/15/10 205.0

    Those numbers don't even begin to tell how hard this has been. I am down on Fridays and over the weekend wind up making bad choices and am up to 208 on Mondays. BUT not this coming Monday darn it! Working extra hard to maintain this weekend so next Friday I will break the 205 barrier!!!!!:drinker:

    You can do it! My goal is to behave this weekend too. I have goals for things I need to get done and those goals include exercise (if the treadmill is fixed a 5k and if not a 10k on the eliptical and weight training on Sunday during the football game) When I am out running errands I will not skip eating but have some healthy foods to eat.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    sid63 Do not get discourage! You know what you are doing wrong and now you need to find a way to fix it.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Ready to kick you mental game up a notch?


    I remember this idea from teacher training. When talking to parents always have 2 positives to say about a child before you have to talk about anything negative. Try to apply this to life.....try to find something good in everything and try to find the good before you find the bad. This will greatly improve your outlook when life serves you lemons!

    I will wait to Monday for the next idea! ( I sometimes am not around my computer much on the weekend!)

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanks for all the movtivation!! As for Friday weigh in, I am not sure what total Ihave lost this week but I know that On tuesday i was 176, and today I am 172.5 xD. So yeh... Not too sure how I lost so much in that time gap tbh. Its not like I am not eating lool. Hmm. :P But there we go...

    176 to 172.5, gives me 3.5lbs for the week :P

    That is awesome, whatever you are doing keep it up. Have a great weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi All! I just took Minerva up on her invite to join this group. I think it's a great idea - just weighed in yesterday, had lost 2.5 pounds, but will start weighing in on Friday next week. Started with 54 pounds to lose - am making progress towards my goal. This group seems like a great place to do so!

    Glad you found us. I wish you the best of luck. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    153.9 - 1/1
    152.6 - 1/8
    152.1 - 1/15

    A loss of last week of .05. I am determined not to be discouraged. I know I am loosing weight. It is obvious in the clothes I put on for work this morning! :smile:

    Hopefully the loss will show up soon on the scale!

    I hope everyone has a great weigh in and remember you are wonderful and in control of your life!!

    Have a great weekend,


    You are losing and that is all that matters. Your clothes are fitting better too. That is great. Keep up the awesome work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jan 1 196
    Jan 8 196
    Jan 15 196

    Heh, at least I'm consistant with the weight! But honestly, my main problem is consistancy... I'm not consistant with my exercise and I am consistant with allowing myself treats...

    I'll look on the bright side that at least I didn't gain...

    Hope everyone else has a good weigh in too... :flowerforyou:


    You are right at least you have not gained. Remind yourself of why you are doing this and hold yourself accountable when you want to pick up that cookie. Is that cookie really worth it? I wold suggest eating clean all week and make sure to at least workout 3-5 days a week. Pick one nite over the weekend to indulge in what you have been craving all week and eat as much as you want. Then the next morning start back up with your clean eating. You can do this, just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. You are worth it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Gosh you guys are so positive!!! I am impressed. I only started using this website on Monday and its brilliant, its amazing how little things count. The group sounds like a good idea too!
    Jan 15 - 181

    Welcome, glad you found us. I wish you the best of luck. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Is it too late to join up? :) I think I could do it. At least it'd be a goal! So proud of everyone.

    You are more than welcome. The more the merrier. What are your goals for this week, this month, this year? Remind yourself of those goals when you get discouraged and remember to come on the boards for the motivation and support you deserve. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    01/01/10 206.0
    01/08/10 205.0
    01/15/10 205.0

    Those numbers don't even begin to tell how hard this has been. I am down on Fridays and over the weekend wind up making bad choices and am up to 208 on Mondays. BUT not this coming Monday darn it! Working extra hard to maintain this weekend so next Friday I will break the 205 barrier!!!!!:drinker:

    Over the weekend choose just one meal to indulge in. I like Saturday nite's for that myself. Eat whatever and however much you want and then Sunday morning get back to eating clean. You can do this, I know it is hard at times, but you will get there. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm going to miss today's weigh in because I weigh at the gym, but today I"m going on a long walk with the dogs instead since it's finally nice enough outside! I have been weighing randomly every few days, which is working out well. I'm not disciplined enough to walk by the scales and not step on them 6 days a week, so I try to skip weighing most days but end up doing it every third day or so. I've lost 6 pounds since Dec 28. and that's enough progress to make me very happy and keep me motivated! 34 or so pounds to go!

    I will be watching my daughter's volleyball tournament all weekend, which includes a <gasp> CONCESSION STAND! That is my absolute number one weakness. So I have already bought food to pack and I will NOT visit the concession stand. Hopefully I won't even have to stop by there to by water or Diet Coke, because that's how it happens - I stop by for a drink and see a fattening treat, then I think about the treat all day, then by the end of the day I buy the treat. Determined to break that cycle for good this weekend!

    Take with you a couple bottles of water, so you don't have to go to the concession stand at all. That is great that you are already prepared with food. That is a big step in the right direction. Keep up the great work. I wish your daughter the best of luck this weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Ready to kick you mental game up a notch?


    I remember this idea from teacher training. When talking to parents always have 2 positives to say about a child before you have to talk about anything negative. Try to apply this to life.....try to find something good in everything and try to find the good before you find the bad. This will greatly improve your outlook when life serves you lemons!

    I will wait to Monday for the next idea! ( I sometimes am not around my computer much on the weekend!)


    I love this positivity you bring in! It is really helping me stay on target! I weigh in at 11am today so I will let you know how I did this week later, but I have high hopes! I did an extra little something something last night after dinner because of your "last chance workout" post last night!:flowerforyou: Thank you for that, I felt so great after. My man saw me doing leg lifts and said I was a super star. :love:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jan 1 196
    Jan 8 196
    Jan 15 196

    Heh, at least I'm consistant with the weight! But honestly, my main problem is consistancy... I'm not consistant with my exercise and I am consistant with allowing myself treats...

    I'll look on the bright side that at least I didn't gain...

    Hope everyone else has a good weigh in too... :flowerforyou:


    You are right at least you have not gained. Remind yourself of why you are doing this and hold yourself accountable when you want to pick up that cookie. Is that cookie really worth it? I wold suggest eating clean all week and make sure to at least workout 3-5 days a week. Pick one nite over the weekend to indulge in what you have been craving all week and eat as much as you want. Then the next morning start back up with your clean eating. You can do this, just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. You are worth it. :bigsmile:

    I did this and had trouble! Now I try and eat lots of veggies when I feel "snacky" and let myself have a frozen fruit bar instead of ice cream. IMO you should give yourself a break every now and then, but don't go hog wild. Keep track even on "cheat" days so you will at least know what you are eating and can make informed choices.
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    Hey ya'll. I'm new and was told to weigh in! 217.5. I'm up from 216 sadly. But I have a feeling I'm bloated, ugh women!
    I've eaten very lightly and about to go get my walk in and watch project runway, it's my present to myself, TV and running is the only way it gets done!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Also remember that even if the scale does not budge that is not the only goal. Its about getting healthy, eating better, getting the exercise our bodies need. Taking care of yourself!
  • uahorsegirl
    uahorsegirl Posts: 15 Member
    I've seen the 30 day shred here a few times. What is it?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    30 day Shred is a workout video from Jillian from the Biggest Loser. It is 3 workouts that are each about 20 minutes long. It involves cardio, weights, and abdominal exercises. It is 20 minutes that will really kick your butt. I can burn about 200 calories in that 20 minutes if I really push it. I've never done for the entire 30 days but like to use it when I don't have a lot of time.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Also remember that even if the scale does not budge that is not the only goal. Its about getting healthy, eating better, getting the exercise our bodies need. Taking care of yourself!

    Yea for this statement, thanks! I started out to loose weight. Now, as I make good choices in food and exercise, I realize it is about taking care of ME!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Friday weigh in! Here I go...

    SW: 181 (January 09)
    1/8/10: 160
    1/15/10: 155 :bigsmile:

    Yay! I was sooo good this week! I ate my veggies, drank my water, exercised everyday (last night twice :tongue: ), didn't eat the crap that called to me and it was soooo worth it. What a pay off- 5lbs!

    I just remembered that 1/8 was my time of the mth, so I might have been holding in water :ohwell: but WHATEVER! I am a happy girl today. If I can only stay on track this weekend.

    Good luck with your weigh-in ladies! :flowerforyou:
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