5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    01/01/10 222
    01/8/10 214.6
    01/15/10 216.6

    What the heck... I gained 2 pounds. I am soooo frustrated. Could I have eaten too much sodium last night? 2 pounds worth??? Ahhhhhhhhhh I am sooooooo mad. Or maybe last weeks weigh in was a fluke coz I lost 7 pounds. I dont know. All I know it I need not to be discouraged. I need to keep at it. I did cheat this morning and ate a lot coz I was frustrated, but I am back now and will be on track.....

    Congrats to all for losing.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    01/01/10 222
    01/8/10 214.6
    01/15/10 216.6

    What the heck... I gained 2 pounds. I am soooo frustrated. Could I have eaten too much sodium last night? 2 pounds worth??? Ahhhhhhhhhh I am sooooooo mad. Or maybe last weeks weigh in was a fluke coz I lost 7 pounds. I dont know. All I know it I need not to be discouraged. I need to keep at it. I did cheat this morning and ate a lot coz I was frustrated, but I am back now and will be on track.....

    Congrats to all for losing.

    If it was too much sodium get extra water. Sodium makes your body retain water and even though this sounds like the wrong thing to do, drink more water because that helps flush the sodium and extra water out of your system. Don't get frustrated this is only one week in the whole scheme of things!:flowerforyou:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    01/01/10 222
    01/8/10 214.6
    01/15/10 216.6

    What the heck... I gained 2 pounds. I am soooo frustrated. Could I have eaten too much sodium last night? 2 pounds worth??? Ahhhhhhhhhh I am sooooooo mad. Or maybe last weeks weigh in was a fluke coz I lost 7 pounds. I dont know. All I know it I need not to be discouraged. I need to keep at it. I did cheat this morning and ate a lot coz I was frustrated, but I am back now and will be on track.....

    Congrats to all for losing.

    When I drink all of my water I am trying to drink I weigh more. Just a thought. I agree that you should drink more water, that will help but don't get on the scale right after drinking. :flowerforyou:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Hello ladies I just read all of the posting and I would love to join. So here we go...

    SW : 159.0 lb
    GW for June 1: 140
    End goal: 125

    The way I plan on achieving my goals:

    1-Write down my food and exercise.
    2-Do 2 sculpting workouts and at least 3 cardio per week. (I realy like Jeri Love)
    3-Drink tea instead of eating or drinking bad things.

    Good luck everyone!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I just finished a great sweaty workout. I did level 1& 2 of The Shred. The first 2 times I tried that DVD I didn't like it so much but this time I enjoyed it. Hopefully this gives me great results in next weeks weight in.

    Good night!
  • cannon15
    cannon15 Posts: 26 Member
    I weighed 164 on 1/9 and weighed in at 159.8 this morning. I've been doing a good job of exercising every day and watching what I eat. I went out for dinner last night and checked the menu online and checked calories before I got to the restaurant. What a concept!!

    I'm new to this site, but loving it! For me, tracking calories is making a big difference in making me think twice about what I put in my mouth. Add to that, I think about how long it takes to burn those calories on the treadmill.

    Thanks for all of the encouragement and ideas! Good luck to all!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I weighed 164 on 1/9 and weighed in at 159.8 this morning. I've been doing a good job of exercising every day and watching what I eat. I went out for dinner last night and checked the menu online and checked calories before I got to the restaurant. What a concept!!

    I'm new to this site, but loving it! For me, tracking calories is making a big difference in making me think twice about what I put in my mouth. Add to that, I think about how long it takes to burn those calories on the treadmill.

    Thanks for all of the encouragement and ideas! Good luck to all!
    Way to go!! :flowerforyou:
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    Count me in:smile:
    I just found the fitness pal site yesterday. Is there a particular "place" I can look to always find the group?

    Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right!

    The fact that you commented on the message board topic will appear on your home page and your profile. You can go back in history, so to speak, to find it again easily. Or you can go straight to the message board and look for it. Another way is to make friends with the leader and several others and you will see that they've commented and can just click on it on your home page.
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    I need to commit! I have been stand still for 2 months~ but I guess that is good for the holidays?! 5lbs a month for 2-3 months, perfect. thanks!

    I have been playing with the same 5 pounds since last March. I'll lose it and then there is some "event" in our lives and I regain it and then lose it...I am stuck in a loop....

    On a positive note I ordered my Christmas Present last night....a new Nordic Track Treadmill. My favorite exercise is walking, but I hate being cold. Well here in MN that means I stop walking from late November til March. It was a gift that my husband I bought for each other.... he is training for a marathon in June and I want to run my first 5K in June. Here's to a little over a pound a week.:drinker:

    That's great that you're getting yourself a treadmill. I live in Maine, so it gets cold and icy, too, treacherous under foot. I'm lucky to live just a few blocks from a Snap Fitness, where I have a membership. Now to get me there is another story....
  • ccounts
    ccounts Posts: 57
    I weighed 164 on 1/9 and weighed in at 159.8 this morning. I've been doing a good job of exercising every day and watching what I eat. I went out for dinner last night and checked the menu online and checked calories before I got to the restaurant. What a concept!!

    I'm new to this site, but loving it! For me, tracking calories is making a big difference in making me think twice about what I put in my mouth. Add to that, I think about how long it takes to burn those calories on the treadmill.

    Thanks for all of the encouragement and ideas! Good luck to all!
    Way to go!! :flowerforyou:

    Ditto! Great to keep track. You're really working it!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Morning all! Had a breakfast that was too high in calories but then went down and did a 10k on the eliptical and burned 670 calories. Hope to make better eating choices as the day goes on.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Good Morning all! Had a breakfast that was too high in calories but then went down and did a 10k on the eliptical and burned 670 calories. Hope to make better eating choices as the day goes on.

    Great! I also had a high cal breakfast,:ohwell: lunch should be ok because I am working a half day today, always easier to stay in control at work for me, but dinner is an issue. I don't workout most Saturdays, but today I think I will need to so I can stay under my cals! Don't want to blow it cuz my pants are just starting to fit me better again! :blushing:

    Hope you all are having a great day so far! :drinker:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Did not finish my diary for yesterday and went back this morning. I did so great for breakfast and lunch and even planned out dinner. Yesterday was gameday at our house (Go Saints! I'm a Louisiana girl...). I resisted the game snacks except for the little smokies, deviled eggs and King Cake. But I did eat corret portions of these. Stayed away from the alcoholic drinks, soft drinks and cheese dips/chips. I grilled my catfish and vegtables on my George Foreman grill and fried my family's meal. The only draw back to this plan was I ate two servings of the hush puppies. More of a habit than anything else...The positive: Somehow I staiyed within my carb goal!

    Not enough exercise to offset the extra calories, unless you count jumping up and down after football plays!!! :laugh:

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well,

  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I just finished a 30 minutes Biggest Loser cardio workout and level 2 of Extremly Ripped. It feels great to feel sore because I know it's working. So that finishes my weekend oh soo well.

    Hope everyone had a good one too!
  • michellejayne
    i am in , i am ending my second week with MFP and love it , 1st week went hard and gained 1/2 lb , this week went really hard and watched everything i put in my mouth and made several changes from white to whole wheat bread, and now drinking 1% milk and more water and fruits and veg. i am amazed how 1 week can make you feel so much better!! let's get it going and stay motivated!! Feel free to add me as a friend to motivate each other!!
  • siobhannestor
    Michellejayne - congratulations on making all of those changes and starting to feel so much better!

    Mammakisses - I love that feeling of soreness, too. Like the biggest loser workouts - is Extremely Ripped part of those and is it available on In Demand (that's how I access the others)?

    Pam, even with the hushpuppies, I am impressed with your will power. :smile: Only 2 more game days to go! :drinker:

    Tcasmey - 10K on the eliptical. Woo Hoo!!! (I suspect that more than makes up for the big breakfast.)

    Jennplus - how did dinner go?

    Yesterday was my "day off" - did exercise some but only lightly and allowed myself to eat what I wanted. (Think one day a week like that is good for metabolism and spirit - when I get a particular craving, I can just say that I can eat it over the weekend and I don't feel deprived.) Still kept it under 1800 calories. Somehow, logging everything I eat keeps me from overindulging. Today, was back on track. Am almost tempted to forgo my dessert (greek yogurt + grapefruit sweetened with Stevia), but I know it's better to meet my basic calorie goal (1300). Have a great MLK Day tomorrow everyone!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Michellejayne - congratulations on making all of those changes and starting to feel so much better!

    Mammakisses - I love that feeling of soreness, too. Like the biggest loser workouts - is Extremely Ripped part of those and is it available on In Demand (that's how I access the others)?

    Pam, even with the hushpuppies, I am impressed with your will power. :smile: Only 2 more game days to go! :drinker:

    Tcasmey - 10K on the eliptical. Woo Hoo!!! (I suspect that more than makes up for the big breakfast.)

    Jennplus - how did dinner go?

    Yesterday was my "day off" - did exercise some but only lightly and allowed myself to eat what I wanted. (Think one day a week like that is good for metabolism and spirit - when I get a particular craving, I can just say that I can eat it over the weekend and I don't feel deprived.) Still kept it under 1800 calories. Somehow, logging everything I eat keeps me from overindulging. Today, was back on track. Am almost tempted to forgo my dessert (greek yogurt + grapefruit sweetened with Stevia), but I know it's better to meet my basic calorie goal (1300). Have a great MLK Day tomorrow everyone!

    Thanks for asking. :flowerforyou:
    It was ok, I did go over my cals but my MIL made dinner (very nice that it wasn't me for a change lol) and she was very nice to try hard to make it very healthy. That felt great becasue I know she did that just for my sake. We had chicken with fresh grilled veggies on top a cup of pasta, yum! A few shrimp for a snack while dinner was being made and a nice salad wth peppers and avacado. She really went all out. I did have ice cream after dinner but only one scoop! :blushing:
    I feel like it was at least mostly a healthy clean over cal night. That feels better than the empty crap cals-like chips and cookies and fast food like I use to have.

    Today was better. I went shopping and got lots of fresh veggies and fruits for the comming week. I did stay in my cal goal today and did 30 mins on the Elliptical. :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Did not finish my diary for yesterday and went back this morning. I did so great for breakfast and lunch and even planned out dinner. Yesterday was gameday at our house (Go Saints! I'm a Louisiana girl...). I resisted the game snacks except for the little smokies, deviled eggs and King Cake. But I did eat corret portions of these. Stayed away from the alcoholic drinks, soft drinks and cheese dips/chips. I grilled my catfish and vegtables on my George Foreman grill and fried my family's meal. The only draw back to this plan was I ate two servings of the hush puppies. More of a habit than anything else...The positive: Somehow I staiyed within my carb goal!

    Not enough exercise to offset the extra calories, unless you count jumping up and down after football plays!!! :laugh:

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well,


    Oh oh.... one of us will have a disappointing Sunday evening next weekend!:wink::wink: I am a Minnesota Vikings fan from the crib!:drinker: :drinker:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Did not finish my diary for yesterday and went back this morning. I did so great for breakfast and lunch and even planned out dinner. Yesterday was gameday at our house (Go Saints! I'm a Louisiana girl...). I resisted the game snacks except for the little smokies, deviled eggs and King Cake. But I did eat corret portions of these. Stayed away from the alcoholic drinks, soft drinks and cheese dips/chips. I grilled my catfish and vegtables on my George Foreman grill and fried my family's meal. The only draw back to this plan was I ate two servings of the hush puppies. More of a habit than anything else...The positive: Somehow I staiyed within my carb goal!

    Not enough exercise to offset the extra calories, unless you count jumping up and down after football plays!!! :laugh:

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well,


    Oh oh.... one of us will have a disappointing Sunday evening next weekend!:wink::wink: I am a Minnesota Vikings fan from the crib!:drinker: :drinker:

    Don't worry, my husband who is from out of state loved giving me plenty of friendly rivarly by rooting for the opposing teams all season! :laugh: I can take it!!

    Will be a GREAT gream though! We will cheer for our hometeam at home next weekend, and cheer for each other on here for a long time to come!!

    Have a great day,

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a great weekend and made great exercise and food choices!

    Read to Kick Your Mental Game up?