Is Everyone Here On One Type of Diet or Another?



  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I'm just trying to get the right amount of calories and macronutrients for how I want to look and feel. That involves sometimes not eating the cake, sometimes eating it all :smile:
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    No real diet, just trying to watch my calories and try to cut down on junk food. The biggest issue I have is when MFP lowers my calorie intake after I've lost some weight. Thats when I feel hungry & frustrated. Then I excercise some more.
  • lynchyboyeeeee
    I started out doing slimming world but now I use MFP to track calories consumed. I still follow the basis of slimming world to make sure I get the right mix of food groups but use the app to stop overeating (portion size). Hope this helps. Feel free to add (anyone) if you want more friends for support.
  • NesianStyle
    Thanks for the feedback...I think I will finish the 4 day diet of tomorrow as Saturday was meant to be a cheat day anyway and try sticking to the the recommended MFP totals for a couple of weeks and see where I stand.

    I'm just about to eat a couple of sausages, 2 slices of bacon and a onion for tea and I really don't want to eat it at all but I think I had less than 800 calories today so far so I better had eat something.

    Next 2 weeks, MFP watching, exercise, all (bad) food in moderation.....
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I pay attention to calories, saturated fat, fiber, non-naturally occuring sugar, water and vitamins/minerals and just try to eat as clean (unprocessed, chemical free) as possible.
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I use the Dash Diet as a cookbook, my kids really like their dinners.
    Otherwise I eat in moderation. lol I just replied this exact same answer in another post.
    I don't have a cheat day, if I want cake, I eat some cake. But I only eat a serving or half a serving of it instead of half the cake haha

    I am much happier then when I was trying to follow a strick diet and provide meals for a family of 5. I've been losing weight slowly, but that is just fine with me. I didn't gain it overnight, I can't expect to lose it overnight

    Good luck in your journey!
  • NesianStyle

    I am much happier then when I was trying to follow a strick diet and provide meals for a family of 5. I've been losing weight slowly, but that is just fine with me. I didn't gain it overnight, I can't expect to lose it overnight

    I was thinking the same thing myself, yes I'm losing weight but don't feel as happy as I was previously and I always find myself thinking about the next meal. I remember when I was at about 102 kgs (15years ago) and I felt lean and strong playing rugby, it's taken me about 15 years to get up to my weight of 114kgs (12 days ago) so I probably haven't done that bad really and of course the older I have gotten (39 now) the less active I have been.....I'll expect to lose weight slower from now on but be much more happier doing it!!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Are there many here that just eat what they feel like, exercise and lose/maintain weight in a healthy manner?

    This is what I do for the most part. I'm not strict at all. But I do try to stay around 1500-1600 consistently. Sometimes more when I'm lifting weights though.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Do what works for you. If you need someone to prescribe what you can and cannot eat, follow a strict diet. If you want to learn how to cook healthy for yourself, you'll need more freedom.

    For me it's logging all calories. Whether or not I stick to the amount set by MFP is my choice. But I'll know that this piece of cake is the piece that'll not make me lose weight today, or worse, this is the piece that'll make me fatter. I really need to want to eat something to become fatter by it. Occasionally I do, (like the whole bottle of wine last weekend, don't think I've ever done that in the last 5 years) but most of the time the reminder is enough.

    I do however skip drinks with calories normally. They don't make me feel full like eating does, and I like light products or water or tea just as good.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I find it bizarre/comical that everyone here seems to have to follow a "named" diet plan. It all seems a bit absurd to me. What's wrong with just eating? Eat less junk & more real food. I think following bizarre diets only lead to failure because they aren't sustainable.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I have been trying to eat cleaner... no processed foods. Without all that refined sugar I have lost 6 lbs since I started 3 weeks ago. Good luck in your journey! You got this!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    The best diet to be on is not a diet but a lifestyle. You will need to change your way of living forever. This is not a hard thing to do. Most important is to eat only healthy foods...whole grains, lots of vegetables and fruit, low fat proteins. Then, make your portions reasonable. No going back for seconds (or thirds). Eat slower and chew your food well. Also, don't forget to drink lots of water.

    As for should be doing cardio plus some strength workouts.
  • sjschewlakow
    sjschewlakow Posts: 120 Member
    I just eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calorie and macro goals.

    ^This! :smile: plus exercise
  • Corian3105
    I just eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calorie and macro goals.

    ^This! :smile:

    Yep, me too! I haven't cut anything out of my diet, however eating within the calorie and macro goals has very quickly taught me what is delicious and satisfying, and what makes me feel deprived or starving hungry 30 minutes later. For me, designating certain foods as "off limits" doesn't work makes me more likely to give in on the whole thing. If I want something which is more of a treat, I just plan the rest of my day carefully around it. It has worked for me so far.
  • wendye1960
    wendye1960 Posts: 46 Member
    Not following any diet plan. Just eating less, eating healthier and doing exercise.

    This for me too. Sounds to me like you're not eating enough. If you have a physically active job you will need to eat more. Don't forget to include some of the activities you do at work in your exercise log as it is exercise afterall.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I think "diets" are ridiculous and don't work. Let's go on a diet where you eat just a grapefruit for breakfast, a grapefruit for lunch and a slice of bread for dinner. How on earth is that balanced or healthy?

    My parents used to put me on all kinds of "diets" when I was younger and they never once worked. I never felt like I was eating enough (BECAUSE I WASN'T) and was hungry all the time. Any weight I took off, I instantly put back on.

    The only thing that works is following a caloric guideline, exercising, being dedicated and working hard. Using MFP, eating whatever I want and eating at my BMR plus a little extra during my pregnancy keeps me full (never once been hungry) and happy.
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I eat what I want, I just eat less of it and exercise. Why deprive yourself? I do also eat a little healthier than I used to but if I really want the chocolate bar or ice cream, I'm gonna have it! :love:
  • vtpixie
    vtpixie Posts: 39
    The best quote I ever heard was "We are all on a diet from the day we were born. It order to lose weight or get healthy you just have to adjust that diet." I firmly believe this and try to eat as healthy as I can. It doesn't always work as chips tend to enter my diet here and there as well as other junk food, but I still try to eat healthy as much as possible.
  • NesianStyle
    The best diet to be on is not a diet but a lifestyle. You will need to change your way of living forever. This is not a hard thing to do. Most important is to eat only healthy foods...whole grains, lots of vegetables and fruit, low fat proteins. Then, make your portions reasonable. No going back for seconds (or thirds). Eat slower and chew your food well. Also, don't forget to drink lots of water.

    As for should be doing cardio plus some strength workouts.

    This I like..

    I crave for simple things like whole grain toast with some peanut butter or banana. Fruit I enjoy eating, vegetables I enjoy eating but I think that why it's been 'hard' to stay on this diet because a lot of those simple things are off limits. I really do not want to look at any meat for quite a while, I struggled to eat my tea tonight.....can of salmon with onion on toast would have gone down a lot better!

    I'm enjoying exercise at the moment, joined the gym about 3 weeks ago and was hoping to start pushing some weights once I got down to my target weight but are just trying to stick to cardio with a bit of kettlebell thrown in as well.

    Thank you for your input everybody, every reply has been noted and appreciated......
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I think that creating restrictions within my calorie restriction doesn't work. Taking something like carbs away from my body seems crazy to me. Carbs, proteins, fats...they all play a part in the balance of my body. The only thing that I try not to eat is candy and junk with trans fats.