BLACK TEAM-New Year and opening to new Members



  • kellieb71
    Count me in! I am looking forward to making 2010 MY year!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I would like to join your group too. I joined MFP in November so I'm still relatively new. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Count me in! I am looking forward to making 2010 MY year!

    Welcome Kellieb. Your right 2010 is your year. It's all up to you and a little help from your new friends.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I would like to join your group too. I joined MFP in November so I'm still relatively new. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!

    Welcome to the group Tamelab- Great job dropping those first seven pounds! we look forward to seeing more.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I would like to join your group too. I joined MFP in November so I'm still relatively new. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!

    Welcome Tammy, this is an awesome team!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    I would like to join your group too. I joined MFP in November so I'm still relatively new. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!

    Welcome Tammy, this is an awesome team!!!

    Hey there, thanks. I saw your post where you ran 2 miles. Congrats! I'm trying to keep up with the C25K too, still on week 6. I don't want to overload myself or I'm afraid I won't keep it up.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I really don't have any program, several of the black team members are following Sam's lead and running 1000 miles this year. I aim to keep up and break that 1000 mark. :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh that truly stinks. It is hard with nothing in the house. I realized this week that that is my downfall...........I MUST have healthy choices!! Now I want a smoothie........but thank God I do have the ingreds for that.

    Lori, you know you always gain during vaca..........and it comes right back off once you eat and drink clean. You will be fine. One week and you will be down 5-6 pounds, you know it!

    As for the working out earlier mentioned..........a trainer told me they work out 3 hrs a week, but to get those arms and abs she eats lots of protien and complex carbs. She also lifts VERY heavy.....I LOL when she did the sled machine with ALL the plates on it. This chick is 50, 5'2", 110 pounds and lifted prob 600 pounds with her legs...........freakish :laugh:

    Also she said the stuff we do with our body push ups, squats and lunges are the key to beautiful sculpted arms.

    Oh and are HOT just the way you are!!!!!!!!

    Jeannie called me hot! Thank you sweetie! Yes, I take enough 'vacations' to know the drill, I'm not stressing this time.

    Oooohhh, I want a smoothie. Wish I had yogurt. :laugh: It is really hard to eat well when the food is not around.

    As for the training thing with Jillian- guess if I had less body fat my arms and abs would pop more too. I'm trying, can't get rid of the stuff!

    I don't lift sissy weights, but I don't leg press 600 pounds either. My knees couldn't take that. I am going to work my legs more and harder, it's a goal. I avoid legs. As for my arms and chest, I usually chest press between 50-65 pounds, do curls with 30-40 pounds. I never pick up a dumbbell less than 15 pounds for any exercise I do out in the gym. In classes when the instructor says heavy and light weights, most women get 5's and 8's. I get 10's and 15's.

    See, I'm not twirling around those 3 and 5 pound q-tip weights...... LOL! For the record, No, I'm not making fun of light weights, they are beneficial too, but I want ripped arms so I work for them!

    :sad: Lori's makin fun of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. :laugh:

    I do light because of my neck. But the other day I asked the trainer what I just did for chest press (we are on dont ask dont tell terms) and she said hmmm let's see about 55 lbs....So I guess I aint no sissy either! :drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I won't make you change your tickers. I can't make any woman do anything. DW will tell you that. lol But I admire you guys for being honest with yourselves. I think adjusting the ticker for gains is just as important. Believe me, I wish mine still said 125 lbs lost. lol

    For me changing my ticker is going to have to be part of it. Weekly accountability. Even though I weigh almost daily, I only change my ticker once a week on oficial weigh in day.

    my rule has always been lowest weight wins. In the beginning I read post after post after post about weight 'gain' during TOM or after chinese and decided to only change the ticker when I lost. So I flucuate between 132 and 134 pretty much. I changed it this time because I am starting fresh.

    10 lbs by my birthday May 5th is my goal!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I would like to join your group too. I joined MFP in November so I'm still relatively new. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!

    tam we are all on different levels......the best part of this team is............well like today..........I am drinking a big glass of water and logged my food..........................AND...............I just ate an apple :noway:

    I love it!

    And each and ever Black Team Member!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Got my water bottle filled, and have logged my food-- everybody on your marks, get set, go babeee!
  • healthworks
    Yes.... Black team I would love to join!! :smile:

    I need daily accountability!! I seem to always quit after awhile. Not in 2010 , I am determined.. to stay the course!!

    One thing, I use my trusty Calorie King and notebook to count my calories, protein and water.... is that ok? Hopefully I will upgrade and start using MFP.. soon.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I won't make you change your tickers. I can't make any woman do anything. DW will tell you that. lol But I admire you guys for being honest with yourselves. I think adjusting the ticker for gains is just as important. Believe me, I wish mine still said 125 lbs lost. lol

    For me changing my ticker is going to have to be part of it. Weekly accountability. Even though I weigh almost daily, I only change my ticker once a week on oficial weigh in day.

    my rule has always been lowest weight wins. In the beginning I read post after post after post about weight 'gain' during TOM or after chinese and decided to only change the ticker when I lost. So I flucuate between 132 and 134 pretty much. I changed it this time because I am starting fresh.

    10 lbs by my birthday May 5th is my goal!!

    I haven't always recorded all my ups, especially if they come right back down or if I know it's TOM related. I avoid high sodium foods the day or so before weigh in. Just my thing. But it's time for me to update my weight and it's going to be highter for sure. I need to start fresh and be true to what the scale says.

    I was going to change my weigh in day, but I think I'll stick with Wednesday for now, that way I'll weigh with the team. In the end, it's not really going to matter. It's one day a week that I officially record my weight.
  • stephica
    stephica Posts: 164 Member
    heheh, Thanks!!! I'm sure I will have a wonderful time. Your family should go there again sometime! I go at least once a year (It's also fairly cheap I find!)
    Would love to join the Black Team! I will be able to join in this Wed, but afterwards I will be in Dominican for vacation! Whoo Hoo. Can't wait to hear from all of you =)


    I vacationed there in 1989-- pre kids (and pre-poverty, of course)

    Have a great time!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome Black Team Newbies!

    I want to make sure I walk every day I can and well let's put it this way...BABY Its COLD Outside!! Only got a mile in today. It was a tropical 16 degrees with a light snow falling and a wind. Not sure what the windchill was and not sure I want to know. I did do 30 Day Shred with our gal Jillian. She always manages to make me sweat. Calories are logged except for dinner, water bottle is here.

    I just have one question?? Is it Spring yet??

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome Black Team Newbies!

    I want to make sure I walk every day I can and well let's put it this way...BABY Its COLD Outside!! Only got a mile in today. It was a tropical 16 degrees with a light snow falling and a wind. Not sure what the windchill was and not sure I want to know. I did do 30 Day Shred with our gal Jillian. She always manages to make me sweat. Calories are logged except for dinner, water bottle is here.

    I just have one question?? Is it Spring yet??


    it is here smiley-face-whistle-2.gif
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I won't make you change your tickers. I can't make any woman do anything. DW will tell you that. lol But I admire you guys for being honest with yourselves. I think adjusting the ticker for gains is just as important. Believe me, I wish mine still said 125 lbs lost. lol

    For me changing my ticker is going to have to be part of it. Weekly accountability. Even though I weigh almost daily, I only change my ticker once a week on oficial weigh in day.

    my rule has always been lowest weight wins. In the beginning I read post after post after post about weight 'gain' during TOM or after chinese and decided to only change the ticker when I lost. So I flucuate between 132 and 134 pretty much. I changed it this time because I am starting fresh.

    10 lbs by my birthday May 5th is my goal!!

    I haven't always recorded all my ups, especially if they come right back down or if I know it's TOM related. I avoid high sodium foods the day or so before weigh in. Just my thing. But it's time for me to update my weight and it's going to be highter for sure. I need to start fresh and be true to what the scale says.

    I was going to change my weigh in day, but I think I'll stick with Wednesday for now, that way I'll weigh with the team. In the end, it's not really going to matter. It's one day a week that I officially record my weight.

    I figure we can have that as our encouragment to eat right for 5 days!!:wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Yes, Jeannie. Eat right until Wednesday for sure! It would be a miracle if I don't have to change my 50. Miracle. Basically, it ain't happenin'. I am hoping I can at least keep a 47 or 48 on my ticker. I have a ways to go just to get there. The last 2 weeks were brutal.

    I decided to listen to MFP for a change and eat what it tells me to (instead of trying to figure it on my own), including exercise calories.... or most of. I'm giving it 2 weeks and seeing what happens. Worst case scenario, I try something esle. I picked the recommended 1 pound per week and get a whopping 1350 calories. For real. That's not much when I'm used to 1800. Granted, with my workouts I'll get at least 1800, but days like today, when I didn't do squat, it isn't much!

    I also opened up my food diary to friends. I'm working on friend requesting all the newbies, but it will only allow 5 every 10 minutes, so it might take a while.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Yes, Jeannie. Eat right until Wednesday for sure! It would be a miracle if I don't have to change my 50. Miracle. Basically, it ain't happenin'. I am hoping I can at least keep a 47 or 48 on my ticker. I have a ways to go just to get there. The last 2 weeks were brutal.

    I decided to listen to MFP for a change and eat what it tells me to (instead of trying to figure it on my own), including exercise calories.... or most of. I'm giving it 2 weeks and seeing what happens. Worst case scenario, I try something esle. I picked the recommended 1 pound per week and get a whopping 1350 calories. For real. That's not much when I'm used to 1800. Granted, with my workouts I'll get at least 1800, but days like today, when I didn't do squat, it isn't much!

    I also opened up my food diary to friends. I'm working on friend requesting all the newbies, but it will only allow 5 every 10 minutes, so it might take a while.

    Oh good idea....i will do that too.....invite the newbies.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Last night of holiday entertaining tonight, Lord willing-- Sarah has her friend over, so we bring out the spread-- too many calories tonight. Still don't think I topped 1600-- but, didn't want to go that too high.

    Positive today is I'm almost through my quota of water-- first time in a long time for that. I'll be glad to get the kids back to school on Monday and get back to routine.

    Did okay logging-- not sure about opening the diary, because I personally don't see the need. No matter what y'all are eating, I probably can't afford it. And unless some of you want to go on the peanut butter and jelly diet, I don't see how mine shall help you. So, what's the point?

    Lot of pain today-- battling the grumps.

    Kids are planning on watching a movie, so hopefully I'll have a TV open to turbo. I'm not into battling the frigid temps to run tonight. I know I'll feel better after exercising, pain and grump wise.

    Later, my team--