I just couldn't do it. I couldn't eat at Wendy's.



  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Honey you are not missing much, fast food is just not good these days.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I honestly feel that as far as fast food goes, Wendy's is the best. By far my favorite of all of them. That said, I haven't eaten at a Wendy's in ... um ... I want to say six years. It must have been more recently than that, but I simply can't remember a time. Maybe my mom, step dad and I went to eat there once in 2009, but I may have even declined and waited at that time, I couldn't be sure.

    Congrats on skipping over it. It's amazing how you almost get there and you're thinking about how great it's going to be and then you look at it and it's just like "... or ... I could just make a deli sandwich or a PB&J or my own hamburger or a fruit smoothie ..."

    I try to avoid eating hamburgers at restaurants. In fact, I pretty much just try to avoid eating at restaurants because I'm a pretty good cook and I don't like how food comes out tasting when I eat elsewhere; it's always too bland, flavorless and made to be more calories than it's worth.

    Every time I have ended up having to eat out and had a hamburger I'm always sorely disappointed ... it's never as good as what I could make for myself. And the meat itself just looks sad and pathetic.
  • a59feline
    Wow....great to hear....Wendy's is one of my downfalls.....I will remember the words in these posts the next time I have the urge to pull into the drive-through. Thanks, guys.
  • reesh2652
    I dont think that people can really appreciate this post, unless they have been in your shoes! CONGRATS to you! that shows AMAZING willpower! I think that fast food can almost turn into an addiction! For people like yourself (and me), your body craves it, and makes you think you need it. for you to say "no way" is incredible! Go you! i am not quite there yet...but people like yourself who share your posts, bring me that much closer! :) xx
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    Congratulations, that must have felt amazing :)
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I really understand this.. My boyfriend and I used to LOVE McDonalds, even eat there once a week most weeks!!! It was like an addiction or something ha ha ha.

    Anyway, we were on holiday last week and decided to go for a treat, but neither of us wanted it once we got there... We realised it tasted absolutely disgusting.

    I don't know how we didn't realise it before, you just fool yourself into thinking it's nice, I suppose. If you haven't had it for ages, you realise how crap it really is!!
  • lamarnnem
    lamarnnem Posts: 189
    Awesome I am 3 days in and my body is craving saturated fats completely. I'm eating well but I really want a Twinkie lol. But it's good to hear your strength. Kudos.

    Trust me, it was a long time coming. I am over 95 days in and still stumble but it is a marathon, not a sprint. A lifestyle, not a diet so we're all going to stumble on occasion. It's the getting back up that matters. You can do it!

    Thank you. It's good to hear all the awesome stories! From everyone.
  • Wellman52
    Wellman52 Posts: 4 Member
    I just caved and had a small chili and small Frosty for lunch. I RARELY eat fast food anymore and this meal left me with a weird feeling in my stomach - I guess from going so long without it?

    I can hear the treadmill calling all the way from my house.
  • daschoundlover777
    daschoundlover777 Posts: 1 Member
    I grabbed some Wendy's the other night on my way home from the hospital (my sister had just had a baby). After eating there I felt so sick. It had been so long since I had fast food. I didn't realize how I was poisoning my body before. I've lost 40 lbs and dropping. :) I think its a matter of being aware of what you're putting in your body and not just eating for the pleasure of it. I doubled my excersise after eating there, moved on and haven't had fast food since.
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    A small chili with cheese is a pretty good quick meal. Relatively low calories and good protein count.