embarrassing things you've said to

AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
Your doctor?

Mine have always been my OB/GYN. When I was about 7 months pregnant with my daughter (second child) I had the smallest bump ever, and I was joking around, telling my doctor how no one believed I was pregnant, and I said "make me pregnant!" (meant to say make me look pregnant) and he looked at me straight faced and said "There's only so much I can do as your doctor" I turned 10 shades of red.

Another time, afer I had my kids, I was having my yearly, and he was doing the breast exam, and I said "how do they feel?" Meaning "Do you feel any lumps" And he said, again straight faced "they feel like boobs"

Ugh. Yours?


  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member

    Uhm. I say inappropriate things to him (my OB) any chance I get. Early pregnancy when they do the internal ultrasound... he was telling me how it doesn't hurt, to which I promptly asked him how many transvaginal ultrasounds he had performed on himself to atest to this...

    He's totally unphased by me.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    hahahhahahaha......Thats hilarious.

    This is what happened to me. I was getting a physical and since it was a woman I made sure that I was clean down stairs. Well she def noticed and at the end of the physical said. Thank you for taking care of that....I hate it when I have to search through a jungle LMAO.........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I told my ob/gyn I was doing Kegel's. He said "Already?" I said "Well... my baby's father IS black!" My doctor laughed so hard. I apologized for not being PC and he looked at me and said "Honey, we have no such thing as PC in this office." I was told that my doctor was "out there" and I was nervous about meeting him for the first time. Honestly, he's the best doctor ever.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I told my ob/gyn I was doing Kegel's. He said "Already?" I said "Well... my baby's father IS black!" My doctor laughed so hard. I apologized for not being PC and he looked at me and said "Honey, we have no such thing as PC in this office." I was told that my doctor was "out there" and I was nervous about meeting him for the first time. Honestly, he's the best doctor ever.

    I love my doctor too. He's awesome
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    "They feel like boobs" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    hahahhahahaha......Thats hilarious.

    This is what happened to me. I was getting a physical and since it was a woman I made sure that I was clean down stairs. Well she def noticed and at the end of the physical said. Thank you for taking care of that....I hate it when I have to search through a jungle LMAO.........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yes, that is always appreciated. LMAO
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    My OB/gyn is a woman... a very strictly christian woman who believes that everyone should wait until marriage to have sex. Well, she doesn't force that on her patients but she advises it. So when she asked me if I was planning on being sexually active (this was right before I was) I said yes and she went into a long talk about how I needed to be careful not to get my feelings hurt blah blah. So I was like "Well, it's not like we haven't done plenty of other things". She seemed pretty grossed out.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    "They feel like boobs" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    I'm sure I blushed like crazy when he said that too. There was another time, maybe tmi, but he was trying to find my cervix, and his nurse looked at him like "wtf are you doing?! Get out of there!!"
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    Lol...Idk how you can have a male OB...girl you are more brave then me. I have always felt that I would be so self conscious with a man looking at my parts!

    Oh and I have never said anything embaressing to my OB, but once when I was 18 and I used to go to Planned Parenthood for my exams the nurse was doing my pap and she goes "oh my...you have a tiny little cervix". I could have died...lol. Yeah that is because I do not have any kids!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Yeah, this sounds like a joke, but happened just a few weeks ago:

    So I went to my gynecologist today for my annual pap and to talk about having babies. She does the usual small talk: "where'd you go to school? Are you still working at the same job?" I tell I went in town for undergrad, and to Vanderbilt in Nashville for my masters. Yes, I'm still at the same job, and it's going well. We talk about prenatal vitamins and when I should come in if I manage to get preggers. Then she's doing the actual pap, and says, "it really is a beautiful area down there." And before I realize she's talking about Nashville, I turn red and say, "um, thanks?" And then I realize she meant Nashville, and I bust out laughing and she busts out laughing. I've never laughed so hard with a speculum in; actually, I don't think I've ever laughed with a speculum in before...
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Lol...Idk how you can have a male OB...girl you are more brave then me. I have always felt that I would be so self conscious with a man looking at my parts!

    You know, I had a female one to start with, but I find male doctors to be more gentle. And My first OBGYN was Dr. Seeker. He was the first Doctor to successfully reverse a tubal on a woman that lost her children in the Oklahoma bombing. He was amazing. And I've had a male doctor ever since. It's a bit weird at first, but then you just get comfortable.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Lol...Idk how you can have a male OB...girl you are more brave then me. I have always felt that I would be so self conscious with a man looking at my parts!

    I went to a female gynecologist ONE TIME and that was one time too many for me. She was way too rough and kept the tools in for far too long. I find it's much easier to talk and relax to a male doctor and they have a much gentler touch. I have now had 4 male gynecologists and I will never see a woman again.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Lol...Idk how you can have a male OB...girl you are more brave then me. I have always felt that I would be so self conscious with a man looking at my parts!

    I went to a female gynecologist ONE TIME and that was one time too many for me. She was way too rough and kept the tools in for far too long. I find it's much easier to talk and relax to a male doctor and they have a much gentler touch. I have now had 4 male gynecologists and I will never see a woman again.

    Exactly. I've had one female and 2 male.
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    Interesting...I was a virgin when I had my exam done (with a female) and it HURT she was super rough. She didn't even do the pap she was just inspecting but she practically tore my lips off (Sorry lol). I might seek out a male next time
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    My OB/gyn is a woman... a very strictly christian woman who believes that everyone should wait until marriage to have sex. Well, she doesn't force that on her patients but she advises it. So when she asked me if I was planning on being sexually active (this was right before I was) I said yes and she went into a long talk about how I needed to be careful not to get my feelings hurt blah blah. So I was like "Well, it's not like we haven't done plenty of other things". She seemed pretty grossed out.

    Lol...geeze is she not married? Don't she and her husband do the do? How could she be grossed out...perfectly natural...haha.
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    My OB/gyn is a woman... a very strictly christian woman who believes that everyone should wait until marriage to have sex. Well, she doesn't force that on her patients but she advises it. So when she asked me if I was planning on being sexually active (this was right before I was) I said yes and she went into a long talk about how I needed to be careful not to get my feelings hurt blah blah. So I was like "Well, it's not like we haven't done plenty of other things". She seemed pretty grossed out.

    Lol...geeze is she not married? Don't she and her husband do the do? How could she be grossed out...perfectly natural...haha.

    Well I'm pretty sure she's married but she waited until marriage before they did. Which is totally fine but wouldn't have made me happy. But I think because of the way I said it and kinda giggled lol.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Well, I wouldn't call it embarrassing, but after a vaginal ultrasound for ovarian cysts, I told my gyno, "You could have at least bought me dinner first." I think the funniest part is that she nodded her head in sympathy.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Your doctor?

    Mine have always been my OB/GYN. When I was about 7 months pregnant with my daughter (second child) I had the smallest bump ever, and I was joking around, telling my doctor how no one believed I was pregnant, and I said "make me pregnant!" (meant to say make me look pregnant) and he looked at me straight faced and said "There's only so much I can do as your doctor" I turned 10 shades of red.

    Another time, afer I had my kids, I was having my yearly, and he was doing the breast exam, and I said "how do they feel?" Meaning "Do you feel any lumps" And he said, again straight faced "they feel like boobs"

    Ugh. Yours?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    This was not something I said but rather did... I was having my yearly (which I DREAD) and I was crying (I know I'm a big ol' baby) but then my friend who came as support said something funny and I laughed and it shot the q-tip thing at the doctors head. The next year he reminded me to not shoot anything at him haha