World of Warcraft



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I used to play semi-professionally in Arenas. I have played every class in either a US top 10 guild or a gladiator range except mage, rogue and shaman.

    Played on Kelthuzad, illidan, alleria, khaz modan, korgath, destromath, nordrassil and a bunch others I don't even remember anymore.

    I still get skype calls from old arena partners who want to play and since in arenas I usually played a healer or my lock, I know I'm missed lol

    But if I want to stay sane and live a normal life, I know I cannot continue playing wow. Been playing since TBC and wotlk killed Raiding for me and then Cata killed arena. Actually, to be more precise, the whole carrying people in arena killed arena for me. I used to sell ratings and raid spots too but in Cata carrying just got out of control and it was just not fun to play anymore.

    I still really REALLY wanna get back and play my priest though

    By any chance was your priest horde and named Billian?

    My priest was infact horde however I was nowhere near good enough to ever be a rank 1 lol. Almost always barely making it in and funny story, I think it was season 8 and I was playing like 4 classes and trying to get them all glad (lock, priest, druid and pally) and due to lack of time, I got all but my pally safe. I was literally 4 ranks away from my glad on my pally but that season there was insane amount of rank1 sharing and they banned like 7 teams on kelthuzad, making me able to get glad!! it was just funny as hell. I didn't even knew about it till later that week when my partners skyped me about it. Was a very happy moment
  • Jymm
    Jymm Posts: 28 Member
    I play on Eitrigg. My old name on MFP used to be my druids name but i decided to delete that profile and start new for record keeping purposes but it would'nt let me create a new accout wth my old name. But I'm still playing WoW like I have been since the first day it went online.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Also all that time spent grinding EPIC GEAR... You could have been spending Grinding an EPIC BODY!

    I have level'd up atleast 5 of each class in the game, I think I must have made like 10 pally and druids. All of them top geared. Getting geared was always easy when you're playing in a US top 10 guild :D

    I remember it got so easy that in wotlk the very day I hit 80, I was taken to TOTC and got most of the gear I needed
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    Played from vanilla to BC then quit for a year or so came back and played wotk and quit about a month after cata and have not logged back in.

    Actually wish I could get back into gaming but the last 3 games I bought I did not enjoy. Thinking about trying GW2 wish I had played some of the beta weekends.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Played since WC3/Frozen throne, Fell in love with the lure and the story line.

    When Beta came out to test WoW Was all on it. Then played from Vanilla to just after BC quit, started quit started Cata Completely RUINED the game. WoW Is done MoP is a ruse to try and get ppl to play again. Quite honestly its over. Oh well was good while it lasted.

    I heard the Creators of Vanilla and BC are actually coming out with some new MMO, Supposed to be similar, dont quite know the name or anything. Heard about it from some dude at gamestop.

    Its a shame they never finished making that nova game. Or an MMO about Star Craft. Now that would be sick.

    Played as a Human warrior (vanilla and bc)
    Resto druid as my PVP GOD LOL (s1,2,3, glad)

    Quit over 2 years ago and glad to be WoW Free.

    Tho the lure was pretty sick, they ruined alot of the lure, due to trying to create awesome raids and such.

    Didn't played that season but from what I heard, much respect. Wasn't s1 like all hpally only?
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I wish they'd bring about a couple of 1.0 servers for those of us who have absolutely no interest in the expansions. They kind of ruined it for me, but I miss oldschool WoW.
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    I wish they'd bring about a couple of 1.0 servers for those of us who have absolutely no interest in the expansions. They kind of ruined it for me, but I miss oldschool WoW.
    I always thought something like this would be amazing to have (also for BC servers, Wrath servers, etc.).
  • it bad that when y'all are posting your toon names, I've been going to the armory to look them up?


    LOL...I'm sure my gear is pretty fail since I stopped playing last April. I'm going to fix that come MOP =)
  • I have been playing for about 6 years, husband got me hooked on it. I have taken a break recently since joining MFP, but will get back into it when MoP comes out. should be interesting seeing pandas running around! I play Alliance on Eitrigg server.
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I used to play. But then it became more of a job than something to do for fun.

    I've been geeking out on League of Legends and Path of Exile now.

    Dethea is my name for pretty much all of my games.
  • Kerikins76
    Kerikins76 Posts: 9 Member
    Cenarion Circle - Draenei Hunter, Gnome Rogue & Human Mage
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member it bad that when y'all are posting your toon names, I've been going to the armory to look them up?


    Yeah this thread is trigger my addiction BIG time. I'm currently watching my old partners arena streams.

    I guess I'm a WoW addict for life
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    I hate WoW!

    I was addicted to this:


    Screen name was We'rebeinattakd
  • Wow nerds join the MFP gamer group!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Ha! Great to see so many WoWers xD

    I'm a feral (tank) druid and I play on Aszune. My username here is the name of my first true WoW love!! mmmm, she so sexy :bigsmile:

    Been playing since TBC, still raiding although I'm not as active as I once was on WoW. Made my guild at the end of TBC and we're still going, I say bring on pandaland! (Although that'll be a recruitment nightmare!)

    Feel free to come say hey if there are any fellow Aszuners out here!! We are recruiting for ranged DPS/healer or tank for our DS10hc RG!! ( - Worth a shot I reckon :laugh: )

  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    There is actually an MFP guild on Lightbringer on the alliance side. It's very low key - no pressure, no expectations, not at all hard core. if you're interested, login to Lightbringer and /who mfp - anyone online in the guild can do invites.

    Nooo way!! Lol, I am so making a level 1 to join xD
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    loved that game but im definitely burnt out on it. i started playing about a month after launch and my first char was a dwarf pally. i remember walking up to Ironforge and just being amazed at how big it was. one of my best moments in gaming.

    im really looking forward to Blizzards next MMO. are they still calling it Titan? any info on it?
  • Just wanted to add. For anyone that still plays regularly. If you want some RealID friends message me. I loooooooove chatting with people while playing WoW.

    I'm far more social on WoW than real life, haha.

    Haha I would, but I'm notorious for spamming Real ID with status updates just as much as I spam MFP and Facebook with updates all day long!! I'm terribly annoying... and we have entire conversations through Real ID sometimes instead of just whispering each other so other mutual friends can join in... so from the perspective of someone who is outside of that circle of friends, I can see how irritating I am. lol

    HAHA. I spam the status updates with inside jokes with my RL/WoW friends. I get whispers from friends that are only seeing my side of the convo asking what the heck I'm talking about.
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Personally Had to QUIT in order to take my Physique to the next level. Though I still have Glad x3 Titles ;)
    Starcraft II daily though, not as addictive and still a ton of fun- Amazing skill cap. Wow is not missed lol

    I play SC2 Every once in a while, Havent played in a bit because all my partners quit to go to other games. Hit me up Inbox Ill give you my Real ID , A good 2v2 partner to get to grandmaster with would be nice! I play Zerg btw
  • portalm
    portalm Posts: 201 Member
    Played since WC3/Frozen throne, Fell in love with the lure and the story line.

    When Beta came out to test WoW Was all on it. Then played from Vanilla to just after BC quit, started quit started Cata Completely RUINED the game. WoW Is done MoP is a ruse to try and get ppl to play again. Quite honestly its over. Oh well was good while it lasted.

    I heard the Creators of Vanilla and BC are actually coming out with some new MMO, Supposed to be similar, dont quite know the name or anything. Heard about it from some dude at gamestop.

    Its a shame they never finished making that nova game. Or an MMO about Star Craft. Now that would be sick.

    Played as a Human warrior (vanilla and bc)
    Resto druid as my PVP GOD LOL (s1,2,3, glad)

    Quit over 2 years ago and glad to be WoW Free.

    Tho the lure was pretty sick, they ruined alot of the lure, due to trying to create awesome raids and such.

    Didn't played that season but from what I heard, much respect. Wasn't s1 like all hpally only?

    Yes resto druid was SUPER gimp in season 1, However I played with a rogue that was Straight intense! The dude could 2v1 most ppl as long as I could stay alive long enough to run, the Healers OOM. Pallys he tore apart. Dont know how he did it, he would get them to bubble within 30 seconds. Sunken was his name Bad *kitten* cat outta Philly