What is annoying you today?



  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    That I'm back in the classroom getting ready for band camp next week. I have so much more to do and my summer break has eroded my attention span to that of a gnat!!
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    My kids - I have had enough of the school summer holidays and I still have a month to survive :sad:
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Only one thing has annoyed me so far today. It was a coworker who came up behind me, hovering and looking at my monitor (it was work stuff at that time) and talking nonstop. What was disgusting was that I had my yogurt and granola container opened, on my desk. I had to grab a sheet of paper from my printer and use it to cover my container. Not only does this woman let out long, heavy breaths, but she also spits when she talks. One time when she was talking to me, a gob of spit landed on my arm. Another time, spit splatted on my eyelid. Anyway, that's all I am annoyed about today. Looking forward to going shopping after work for some new running clothes!!!
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    1. My 4year old's inability to sit still for 30minutes while I do my workout. I kicked her twice, and flung my arm at her once because she kept running around and getting right into my space while I was doing my workout! SOOOOO annoying!!

    2. I still have not gotten the hang of this whole calorie counting thing and my food diary is all over the place!! Why is it so complicated!! LOL

    otherwise, my day is pretty good. :)
  • Kazenouta
    For me it's the fact that my now ex-fiancee keeps trying to call me and see me. The whole time she's saying I can't stop thinking of you, yet doesn't want a relationship with me. Very annoying indeed!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I forgot my lunch at home but realized it before I got on the train and went back to go get it. My dog had already found it and eaten part of it and the rest of it was all over the floor!

    It was a beautiful 275 calorie 6 gram of fat 40 grams of protien perfect sandwich from the organic grocer! I had margherita pizza with most the cheese taken off from out cafeteria with a side salad instead but it wasn't as good or as healthy! BOO!

    I still love my dog though.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    people who complain kind of annoy me
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I am also beyond annoyed that I have my cosmetology license and have worked my *kitten* off to get it and I can't even do hair!!! I worked for almost 2 years at a stupid desk job for $12 an hour 40 hours a week and never ONCE got a raise. When I got my cosmetology license I quit my full time job and went to work at a Hair Cuttery well that only lasted a month because I was only making half of what I was at my desk job and financially I couldn't do it with 2 kids and my fiance. Then on top of that my old job finally offered me a $3 an hour raise so it put me in such a hard place to try and decide what I was going to do. Needless to say I took the desk job back, I am not doing hair and I HATE it :( I thought I could find a part time job doing hair and it's so hard. I feel like I totally made the wrong decision.

    Find a way to follow your dreams, sounds like you worked pretty hard at it.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    It annoys me how, on this forum, it is ok to create repeat threads about THE EXACT SAME BLOODY THING that was asked just hours before.

    This is the ONLY forum I have seen where this behaviour is accepted. Anywhere else you go, people will simply tell the poster to USE THE SEARCH function. It's there for a reason!

    Seriously. If you can't find it on the search function on here,you'll find it on Google, or just scroll down a page or two on the forum and you'll find the exact same thread you were just about to make.

  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    My period. Nuff said.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    1. People who say "no offense" or "with all due respect" and then proceed to be offensive or disrespectful.

    2. My husband's unemployment has run out and we're living off of my paycheck. Wait I take that back. That's not annoying, that's SCARY!

    3. This salad is the exact same salad I ate yesterday and Monday. This isn't going to do it for me today.
  • BexleyGirl
    BexleyGirl Posts: 102
    A co-worker....but it is all good...because I am off work tomorrow!
  • lemonjune
    lemonjune Posts: 37 Member
    Parents who don't supervise their kids at the gym. I went to swim laps today for my morning workout, and all the lanes were full. This wouldn't have been an issue, except three lanes were filled with kids (10 and under), and none of them were actually swimming -- they were just sitting on the edge of the pool and talking. Then, when the lifeguard moves them into another lane and tells me I'm next in line for a lane, 3 other 8-ish year old girls run out of nowhere and jump into what was supposed to be my lane, even though they were the last ones in line. -_-' Took 20 minutes off my workout -- and on speed training day, too. :(
  • doriyoung
    doriyoung Posts: 42 Member
    I live in North Texas and I'm seriously annoyed by the 10,000 degree weather. When I get in my truck the thermometer reads 110. The forcast for this week is 105, 103, 103, 101, 101.

  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    Dang, not really annoyed today..

    1. It's my Friday . 9/80 work schedule
    2. I had a great workout this morning. Followed by a nice protein shake
    3. Eating this damn good banana right now. The orange is looking lonely though

    Although I don't find it annoying, what I do find hilarious is the false compliments and the whiners that are all over these forums.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    arguments with poorly informed die hards.

    hearing "end of the world" crap.

    other ppl paying to much attn to what i do.

    taking a test. tests suck.

    the thought of weighing in tomorrow.

    not being rich.

  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    FEDUP with FEDEX....again, this company has delivered something I purchased to someone else. Only problem in this time we are not able to locate the item. The last time it was a $700 computer...this time it was my FitBit!!
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    people who complain kind of annoy me

    Isn't that kind of a complaint in itself ;)
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    What annoys me Not today but everyday is the overuse of the word epic! Ugh I wish people would stop using it.

    Also my kids, I could really use a break!

    And my constant dishes that never end!!