What is annoying you today?



  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I am disgustingly happy today. My life is great, I feel GREAT, and the next time I get to go shopping, pretty sure I'm going to be looking in the size "10" section(used to be a size 19/20). So....YAAAAYYY!!

    Sorry, wrong thread...
  • I'm feakin hungry! I ate, and ate well, I'm not starving, I'm drinking water. What gives?

    ^^ THIS! Soo annoying! Can't help my grazing eyes at the moment, could stuff my face with everything within reach (and there are so many "goodies" within reach, it would be dangerous!

    AND: not being able to say no to drinks after work - all the juicy gossip I would miss! But this certainly won't help me staying within my cals today... So annoyed with myself!
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    Friends complaining about their weight and then downing a bag of chips, some sausage, countless breads/crackers, mayo and sweets. They throw an orange in the mix and call it changing their eating habbits. I am not saying a bad day is the end of the world but EVERYDAY? I say just admit to yourself that food is far more important than your weight/health and get on with your life. Wow I think that is my first MFP rant. :wink:
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I volunteer for a golden retriever rescue organization. There are a couple people who are new(er) to different positions that they think it's amazing the org didn't fold before they came on. they're constantly double checking everyone else's work to make sure they're doing it. the org has been around since 1985, how on EARTH did it survive before these 2 took over?!
  • kathgym
    kathgym Posts: 12 Member
    I am annoyed to find that most of us all hate our jobs. Whatever happened to our teachers in school and everyone else hyping up how we are supposed to pick a career we love and setting us up for failure when that doesn't happen because it's so unrealistic. Very few graduate from college and go exactly where they want to be and are happy.

    I am a teacher. I hate my job. I am on summer holiday and not a day is going by that I still want to resign. It is a lie we tell our students to ensure they are as sad as us :wink: (That is a joke, we sincerely believe that our students can do well!)
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I'm annoyed that my daughter's paternal grandmother seems to think that she can just take my child across state lines without seeking my permission first. I mean really lady? Just who the fu(k do you think you are? After asking that question, she then says to me, well I was gonna ask you about tonight when I came over. Ugghhh! Some days she is at the top of my annoyance list!

    Also - I have to wait another whole week before leaving for the beach!
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    I am annoyed because I haven't been able to sleep well the past several nights. My sister's boyfriend who is staying with us for a few days insists on having the tv on at night, and the old wiring in my house can't handle having my AC on, their AC on, and the tv going at the same time. So I have to keep resetting the breaker in the middle of the night. Definately having a talk with them today.

    I am annoyed that I have no money and still have bills to pay. I'm annoyed that I am paid based on my level of education instead of my level of knowledge. I am annoyed that I work 8-12 hours a day and have nothing really to show for it.
  • glacier81
    glacier81 Posts: 62 Member
    I got nothing to complain about. I woke up angry, tired, sore. I'm 70 lbs overweight. But...I woke up this morning. My children
    are healthy and happy. Can't complain about my bumpy marriage, because I'm still married, and now we actually put effort into it.

    God blessed me with a boy and two girls, so close in age they are best friends. I homeschool, so I get to hear them laugh all day. Cant complain when they are loud and irritating - because one didnt speak for years - so everytime I tell him to be quiet, I'm kinda happy even though I'm irritated. I have food to eat, a nice roof over my head. My life is not perfect but I am blessed. I was feeling sad about my weight the other day and posted in the motivation thread. Two had rude remarks - I come here because I don't have positive, motivational types around me. So, when I get hated on when already feeling low about myself, I have to be thankful that I don't have that negative mean attitude. See? Can't even complain about getting hated on. Ain't that a trip?

    Thank You! If the world had more people in it that looked for the positive in things instead of dwelling on the negative we'd all be better off!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    My boss. She is a pretend dieter. She is all like "Oh this is so low fat" and "this snack has such few calories" but she comes back from lunch everyday with a chic-fil-a or taco bell or sonic cup, but she sure doesn't want to talk about how low calorie it is then. Also, every morning she is bringing another baked good to work and talks about how she used fat free icing and crap. And after all this she wants to whine about how tired she is all the time and how her back is going out. I tried to tell her that getting in shape and eating healthier will effect how tired she is and being in better shape will help her back have less strain and also make the muscles stronger. No comment from her.

    ANDDD what makes me SOOO mad is that she is always like "I just can't keep the weight off because my thyroid is slow" and I never cease to tell her that I DONT EVEN HAVE A THYROID ANYMORE and somehow counting calories and working out has really helped me lose weight. I support people who are actively trying to change their lives, but not those who want the credit without doing the work.

    She is a pretend dieter with a fake excuse and wont get off her lazy butt to do anything. ARGH

    My rant for the day.... I feel much better.

    (ps - it is 10:30 and she told me she is already starving and will go have a snack, but only pretzels because they are low fat, but she is eating 3 bags!!!!)

    It is the same with my co-worker shes always saying i have to lose my stomach and from the moment she comes in she doesn't stop eating and even if she brings lunch she always has to go out and buy more food at a fast food place . Today at break she said I am going to get some gas and she came back with food from wendys.

    She drives me crazy don't talk about it if your not doing anything about it.
  • glacier81
    glacier81 Posts: 62 Member
    My kids - I have had enough of the school summer holidays and I still have a month to survive :sad:

    why did you have them then? isn't summer the time parents look forward to, to take their kids on vacation and go to the park and spend quality time???
  • CyclngChick
    CyclngChick Posts: 57 Member
    The fact that I'm not at the beach! It's gorgeous outside!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    My kids - I have had enough of the school summer holidays and I still have a month to survive :sad:

    why did you have them then? isn't summer the time parents look forward to, to take their kids on vacation and go to the park and spend quality time???
    YES! It bothers me when people complain about their children. Seriously, they just didn't show up one day at your door. You had the nuts (or eggs) to have them, now have the balls to raise them.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    My kids - I have had enough of the school summer holidays and I still have a month to survive :sad:

    why did you have them then? isn't summer the time parents look forward to, to take their kids on vacation and go to the park and spend quality time???
    YES! It bothers me when people complain about their children. Seriously, they just didn't show up one day at your door. You had them. Deal with it.

    Are you for real? She's not saying she doesn't love them, she's just tired FFS!
  • danam82
    danam82 Posts: 30
    1. My job. I love my coworkers, but the work I do annoys me. Not the worst job I've ever had though!

    2. My phone at work, every time it rings.

    3. My Facebook newsfeed. Time to clean out my "friends" list.

    This was fun! :happy:
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I got nothing to complain about. I woke up angry, tired, sore. I'm 70 lbs overweight. But...I woke up this morning. My children
    are healthy and happy. Can't complain about my bumpy marriage, because I'm still married, and now we actually put effort into it.

    God blessed me with a boy and two girls, so close in age they are best friends. I homeschool, so I get to hear them laugh all day. Cant complain when they are loud and irritating - because one didnt speak for years - so everytime I tell him to be quiet, I'm kinda happy even though I'm irritated. I have food to eat, a nice roof over my head. My life is not perfect but I am blessed. I was feeling sad about my weight the other day and posted in the motivation thread. Two had rude remarks - I come here because I don't have positive, motivational types around me. So, when I get hated on when already feeling low about myself, I have to be thankful that I don't have that negative mean attitude. See? Can't even complain about getting hated on. Ain't that a trip?

    Thank You! If the world had more people in it that looked for the positive in things instead of dwelling on the negative we'd all be better off!

    And you didn't 'get hated on'...People just told you to be happy that you were in a size smaller than you'd been in five years or whatever.
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    That I'm sitting at a desk ALL DAY working for someone. I HATE HATE HATE (truly) how society came to be working most of our day (awake at least). This is MY life and I don't want to spend the majority of my waking hours laboring for someone else. I've never thought it was fair. This is why I do not invest a minute past quittin time. I do not respond to anything work related outside of work hours. I will never have a job that requires me to be "on call" or do things past business hours.

    AMEN SISTA!!! YOU ROCK && I SUPER <3 this!!!!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    the fact that I have to work. and aunt flow is in town.

    Same here :/.... with both lol
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    I am a single mom! ---- this does not make me a bad person!

    Just found out that yet again i seem to have another family member (a cousin this time, after being previous reviewed by a sister and several aunts) that is concerned. Well let me take all your fears away FAMILY --- my daughter is 17 a senior in high school, a cheerleader, on dance team and is co-captain of the color guard. she has made the A honor roll every semester and is currently in the top 10% of her class and in National Honor Society. --- my son is 10 plays football, basketball and baseball and is in boyscouts. he is also in the top 20% of his class and also has made the A honor role every semester. ---- we go to church on Sundays as a family - ---- i have been a girl scout leader, boyscout leader, church youth group leader, i have worked at my current job for the last 13 years and in the same industry for the last 17 years. i bought my own house with no help from anybody, i have a checking account a 401k and 2 savings accounts, i have never recevied any state aid and now i am also attending school full time.

    You dear aunt - have 5 kids, 4 of which have openly said they moved away to get away from you and my uncle. Your husband has never worked while you have always worked two jobs. i remember several years ago you leaving said husband for 6 months till he stopped drinking. while a commend you on working your two jobs and standing up for your self while he drank t much i don't think you need to worry about me.

    You dear cousin --you work part time, in an industry you could work full time if you wanted, complain about never having any extra money, borrow money from your parents all the time, your husband of 15 years finaly got a full time job last year and now you both (and your children) finally live under the same roof for the first time in 6 years. you also do not need to work about me!

    We are doing just fine!!!!
  • glacier81
    glacier81 Posts: 62 Member
    My kids - I have had enough of the school summer holidays and I still have a month to survive :sad:

    why did you have them then? isn't summer the time parents look forward to, to take their kids on vacation and go to the park and spend quality time???
    YES! It bothers me when people complain about their children. Seriously, they just didn't show up one day at your door. You had them. Deal with it.

    Are you for real? She's not saying she doesn't love them, she's just tired FFS!

    She sure didn't say she loved them either!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Fixing peoples mistakes at work :explode: