MFP is NOT the holy grail



  • Skyyy12
    Skyyy12 Posts: 24
    I'm constantly seeing people becoming discouraged on here because, quite simply, they are getting WAY TOO TECHNICAL with their weight loss!

    STOP beating yourselves up and remember that MFP is to be used as a tool to aid in your weight loss but it is by no means the holy grail of fitness and dieting! And stressing out over the numbers is pretty counterproductive for weight loss if I do say so myself.
    There are some, myself included, that get so hung up on the macro goals and net cals and eating back your exercise calories and BLAH BLAH BLAH that they lose focus of what is really important and what they really should be focusing on.
    It’s really quite simple: EAT HEALTHY & EXERCISE

    Well said!.. People do go wayyy over board with it.. smh
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Here here!!

    I was one of those who gave up when it got too hard... Now I get up & exercise 6X a week at 6am, and 3 of those days are spend doing C25K (if you had told me I would be doing C25K three months ago I would not have believed you). I do get discouraged when my numbers don't add up, but I try to keep the attitude that it's for my health, not my looks! Eventually the two will converge, but health is most important, and for that end it must go slower. =)

    I applaud you and anyone else who can get up first thing and workout....I STRUGGLE with this. I keep trying to do morning workouts and sometimes I can but I always end up just doing it all in the evening.

  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    I agree!
  • VetteRn2013
    VetteRn2013 Posts: 9 Member
    Who are you guys following?? The girls I follow are all super ridiculously (inspiringly) dedicated. I don't think I've ever seen these kinds of complaints in my timeline. Maybe just unfollow those people?
  • hiddensvelte
    hiddensvelte Posts: 53 Member
    Of course it's not the holy grail. It's merely a grail-shaped beacon.

    BACON?? did you say BACON?

    Move along, this isn't the grail-shaped bacon you're looking for.
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    How blasphemous!

    I'm reporting you for being the antiMFPist

    :sad: :devil: :laugh:

    (I AM joking)

    I like that btw hahaha

    @Michelle: When my sister first started working out last year at 230lbs doing her Jillian Michaels....she hurt...EVERYWHERE hahaha but she refused to stop. "If I stop I won't restart" She lost 80-90lbs b/c even though she was sore, she kept moving

    Thats exactly what people dont get, they think "oh I'm sore so I should wait until I feel better before working out again" but then they never pick it up again. I was guilty of it too when I first started then I looked at myself and realized that I will always be sore after a workout if I give up constantly. As Jillian says multiple times "you have to push through the pain to get results, you are not going to die by getting uncomfortable!!" And wtg for you sister losing so much!!
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    well said my friend!!
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    This post reminded me of the quote that I've seen floating around Pinterest, "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up," but in the end we are either ready to dig in and change our lifestyles (which is difficult) or we aren't. Yet for many of us it takes a few times of trying, getting frustrated, giving up, realizing that now we are heavier than we were when we quit (and we actually looked better back then than we gave ourselves credit for :grumble: ), and starting back up again from an even more challenging place. This was the case with me, and I kicked myself for it for longer than I should, until I finally just kicked myself into gear again. Some people go with it and stick with it the first time, which is super awesome. You know who you are & you are fabulous! :drinker: I'm just saying sometimes it takes people a while to decide that they really want to make the lifestyle change & choose to be healthier, whether it's hard or not. I view those who complain as just not being ready yet. Hopefully one day they will be.

    That being said, I can understand your annoyance or frustration OP. When you are at a place where you are really committed and ready to do the work, even on those hard days when you just want to stay in bed and not go to the gym (or wherever), it can be frustrating to see someone else who is complaining (or even throwing in the towel) because they haven't lost a bunch of weight right away or because going to the gym is just too hard. I say, encourage them to keep at it & then just move on. Keep focusing on yourself & setting the great example that you are. Hopefully one day they'll catch up to ya! Also, your post seemed directed toward fellow MFPers or Facebookers (lol), but for me the hardest part is seeing family members who struggle and end up giving up too soon. Still, I keep trying to set the example & encourage them to join in with me! I have had several workout partners over the years, and I've lost every single one (I must have bad B.O. :blushing: :laugh: ) because they decided to stop working out. I'm still friends with all of them and encourage them, but I had to accept that they weren't in the same place that I was. Stinks, but like I said, hopefully they'll be right there beside me again one of these days.

    P.S. MFP is definitely the Holy Grail! No questions there!!! :wink:
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    "It''s a busy life on MFP, we talk boobs and vent butt hurtery"

    On second thoughts let's not login to Mfp - it is a silly place
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    LOL ... how appropriate! :)
    "It''s a busy life on MFP, we talk boobs and vent butt hurtery"

    On second thoughts let's not login to Mfp - it is a silly place
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    so... does it weigh more or less than a duck?

    Are you sure it's not made of wood?

    doesnt matter.....she turned me into a newt!

    I got better...
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Thank you for posting this.

    I am guilty of this. Not just with MFP but in general. I'm working to get over my all or none mentality and when I started on MFP I would freak out if I saw any red numbers. I know it's cliche and annoying to some but I just keep telling myself that I don't have to be perfect and this isn't a race to the finish!
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    Well, I am tired of people making threads complaining about other people. This is beyond old...

    And to post in the MOTIVATION and SUPPORT!!! For shame!!!
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    i get annoyed at the people who think they are going to lose a ton of weight all at once. I have been on MFP since february and lost 11 pounds. It has been a slow journey but i'm doing it the RIGHT way with eating right and working out a LOT. i didnt want to just lose the weight, i wanted to lose the weight in a way that i could maintain. So crazy diets, not eating, etc were NOT an option. i want to live a healthier life, weight loss is a great side effect of that i think.

    LOVE your ticker!! I'm going to have to write that on a sticky note and put it on my mirror!
  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    And for heaven's sake STOP WHINING about how hard it is! JUST DO IT!

    Strangely enough, as I lost weight over the last year and a half, people have constantly said to me, "Wow, you've worked so hard!" And I have to respond, "No I haven't!" By using MFP as a tool and some common sense, this has actually been quite simple. Please don't mistake the word "simple" for "easy," because it surely hasn't been easy, but it has been simple.

    Couldn't agree more. It hasn't been dificult to change my bad eating habits; but it is difficult when the co-workers ask if you want that slice of pepperoni pizza and sea salt & cracked pepper chicken wings. But I know realize the amount of calories in the bad choices and my good ones. I also LOVE my early morning power walks and the cleansing shower afterwards!

    Love MFP and Love you all for being there along the way. This site makes it easy to be good!

    Keep up the good work... and don't give up on yourselves. :smooched:
  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    Though when I'm frustrated ... I take it out on the pavement. It won't beat me ...


    Seriously wish I was more into running for that benefit!

    Seriously, keep it up and great job

    You can hit the pavement walking too, ya know. Its just as cleansing for your brain and your body!
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Well, I am tired of people making threads complaining about other people. This is beyond old...

    And to post in the MOTIVATION and SUPPORT!!! For shame!!!

    "I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand"

    Obviously the message of DO NOT LET MFP METRICS DISCOURAGE YOU FROM YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY, GOALS, ETC! Keep up the hard work and keep on, keepin on lol
    I posted this here b/c too often, MYSELF INCLUDED, people take this site and it's metrics far too seriously and become stressed and discouraged. DON'T!! This is just a tool in your weight loss but ultimately it's up to you!
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Though when I'm frustrated ... I take it out on the pavement. It won't beat me ...


    Seriously wish I was more into running for that benefit!

    Seriously, keep it up and great job

    You can hit the pavement walking too, ya know. Its just as cleansing for your brain and your body!

    I usually go for walks on sunday afternoons when my lil one is at her dad's house
    She's too young to leave at home alone and I have her 90% of the time. She can handle a mile but not much more yet lol

    My step mom has lost quite a bit of weight walking...if it works for YOU that is all that matters!