Okay,now compare this to my other PIC!(190 in a BIKINI)



  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Love your responses Lean4life2! Wish I had your confidence to take it on the chin without offence. Think we could learn something here, well I will try to anyway, glad you started this thread. :-)
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    I saw on your profile you are married with two kids and are 40.

    I would say that at 5'3 you should have a goal of getting to a healthy maintainable weight for you...whatever that is.

    If you can find cute clothes to help you look slimmer...and don't a lot of us try to do that? That's great.

    Just try to be healthy.

    At least that's how I look at it.

    I don't anticipate that I am going to turn back the hands of time and be 22 again...

    Do it for your health and your loved ones.
  • kdhallison
    Wow, people... if you can't say something nice just SHUT up! :noway:

    Hang on, whaaaat? So if someone asks for an opinion only people with nice things to say should comment? Ummmm. Wow.

    There is a way of giving constructive criticism without bashing people.

    The title of the original post was, 'I NEED TO BE TOLD I'M FAT'.

    So people believe that gives them the right to shred people and kill what little self-esteem they have. Like I said earlier there is a way of giving constructive criticism without bashing people even if they ask for an opinion.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Lets all be lovely to each other all the time. Kittens, bunnies, pink fluffy clouds, glitter, daisies, cake. No, maybe not cake.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Some people on this program have their own issues with food and body image and may not be the best judges themselves. I am the same height and 20 pounds lighter than you but DO NOT LOOK THAT GOOD IN A BIKINI. You are VERY proportional, perfect hour glass figure, which is why you think you look good - because you do! I have said it before and will say it again, stay fabulous, work on this for your health only and NEVER let ANYONE criticize what you look like. Besides, we are ALL so much more than an image caught on camera. Attractiveness comes from the inside and shines out. It has to do with being confident, loving yourself, being a good person.....I know so many "skinny" girls who don't have those things, don't love themselves, and are not HALF as attractive as you are.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Lets all be lovely to each other all the time. Kittens, bunnies, pink fluffy clouds, glitter, daisies, cake. No, maybe not cake.

    This made me laugh. Love it!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Wow, people... if you can't say something nice just SHUT up! :noway:

    Hang on, whaaaat? So if someone asks for an opinion only people with nice things to say should comment? Ummmm. Wow.

    There is a way of giving constructive criticism without bashing people.

    The title of the original post was, 'I NEED TO BE TOLD I'M FAT'.

    So people believe that gives them the right to shred people and kill what little self-esteem they have. Like I said earlier there is a way of giving constructive criticism without bashing people even if they ask for an opinion.

    She is asking purely on the basis that she doesn't have a self-esteem problem at all and actually sees herself as smaller as per the previous post. You really ought to do your research before you put on your caped crusader mask. If someone asks for my opinion that's exactly what they'll get. And just because one person's opinion or style of offering if differs from yours doesn't make it less valid.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    Wow, people... if you can't say something nice just SHUT up! :noway:

    Hang on, whaaaat? So if someone asks for an opinion only people with nice things to say should comment? Ummmm. Wow.

    There is a way of giving constructive criticism without bashing people.

    The title of the original post was, 'I NEED TO BE TOLD I'M FAT'.

    So people believe that gives them the right to shred people and kill what little self-esteem they have. Like I said earlier there is a way of giving constructive criticism without bashing people even if they ask for an opinion.

    She asked for HONEST opinions. Someone saying you need to lose some weight is honest. You need a thicker skin. This is just ridiculous. If you're going to post a thread saying I need to be told i'm fat then you're going to get some comments. I think it is great of her to be that bold. I wish I had been that straight forward about it. But people like you who do nothing but sugarcoat and do the "oh my god i'm fat and need to be handled with kid gloves thing" just need to stop. We are ALL here for the same reason. We ALL know what it is like to be fat. And i for one believe that ALL of us wish we had done something about it sooner.
  • miamoe15
    miamoe15 Posts: 28 Member
    I totally agree with you. When I read the "you are still VERY overweight" I was like, "What a *****!" That is not the type of feedback I would put out there. How about being encouraging instead of being so damn negative? I'm sure this girl, brave as she was to post her picture and put it out there in the first place (I haven't worked up the nerv to do so myself, so kudos to her), has enough negative talk going on in her head, she doesn't need to hear it from other folks. Just saying...
  • willia123
    willia123 Posts: 60 Member
    You are overweight. BUT, it appears you carry it in your thighs rather than your stomach. Stomach/mid-section fat is dangerous. I would take the "morbidly obese" diagnosis with a grain of salt based on that. Someone who carries a lot of weight in their mid-section is a lot more at risk. Focus on eating the right kinds of food and get your workouts in and you will be just fine.
  • SBlost
    SBlost Posts: 90
    Some people on this program have their own issues with food and body image and may not be the best judges themselves. I am the same height and 20 pounds lighter than you but DO NOT LOOK THAT GOOD IN A BIKINI. You are VERY proportional, perfect hour glass figure, which is why you think you look good - because you do! I have said it before and will say it again, stay fabulous, work on this for your health only and NEVER let ANYONE criticize what you look like. Besides, we are ALL so much more than an image caught on camera. Attractiveness comes from the inside and shines out. It has to do with being confident, loving yourself, being a good person.....I know so many "skinny" girls who don't have those things, don't love themselves, and are not HALF as attractive as you are.

    ^^^^ Excellent!!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Theres just a way of going about it....you can have some class and still be honest without hurting someones feelings.
  • miamoe15
    miamoe15 Posts: 28 Member
    Hah! I loved this. :)
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    I totally agree there is a way of going about it. But i also agree things don't always have to be sugarcoated. I would never tell someone in a thread they look fat. Just the same as i won't tell them they look tiny if they don't. I choose to not say anything. I am just tired of that whole mindset of "we are fat so you have to be nice to us and walk on egg shells for fear you may hurt our feelings." We all made ourselves overweight.
  • poshcouture
    Just out of curiousity. How is this post a success story? just asking

    you're right,it's not oops :laugh:

    I beg to differ. This is SO a success story post! You took the chance by wearing a bikini and posting it on a public website w/ the possibility of being scrutinized from head to toe! I say kudos to you!!!!!!
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    Bravo to you for wanting an honest opinion and being ready for it!

    I know exactly how you feel because I've done the same thing. I tend to look in the mirror and think I look pretty good...but than see a picture and realize how overweight I am. :grumble: I've now began taking regular pictures as well as measurements so I can keep track of the reality of where I am rather than what the skinny person inside me keeps making me see. One day, I know I'll see that fit, healthy person in pictures as well and with some good hard work you will too.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    And maybe many of us got here after our partners / friends / parents / selves told us we didn't need to lose weight and we were just fine, as we slowly gained.

    This! Too many people being lied to for too long and/or lying to themselves. The Emperor has no clothes people!!!

    i agree with this. a lot of people will lie to you about how good you look simply because if they admit that you look bad, you are overweight, you are unhealthy then what does that say about them if they are even bigger? many people will lie to others on the "how do i look?" question as a way to lie to themselves.

    OP, like I said in the other thread. you know what you need to do. Just start doing it.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    Read thru the original post.

    The gist: She posted a pic of herself at 190 and frankly, she looked pretty alright and definitely not 190. She asked for our opinions. Many were favorable so she said that clothing covers a myriad of faults. That's where she raised the ante and posted a pic with less clothing. I think she knows she has some work to do and just wants affirmation.

    i agree with this, plus KarenMary21s post to cap it. alot of folks misconstrue the purpose and meaning of brutally honest. it doesnt mean you have to lack civility, compassion or most of all tact. such much hatred in these threads. you look great to me in the recent post and every1, like everything, always has room for improvement. keep trudging forward and dont look back, you'll get there sooner than you ever realized.

    w2w, f*** the haters their like dead weight: take a deep breath, put their hate on your shoulders then drop'em b/c their nothing and a walk away.
  • sherri321
    You are more gutsy than I am! (I might take the picture but not post it) Good for you!
  • danilee1020
    danilee1020 Posts: 85 Member
    I would definitely put you at 180-190, your legs are big, and I bet that a side view would show your stomach protrudes a bit. You are lucky to carry your weight well. You know what you are comfortable with and I think by asking, you know you need to lose weight. Right?
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