Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Going to the Boardwalk with my husband (then fiancee) and my two cousins, and standing in line at the Giant Dipper for half-an-hour, only to find out when it was finally our turn that I couldn't ride with my husband, because the safety bar wouldn't lock over my gut. The attendant even tried sitting on the d*** bar, to squeeze it down, and people on the ride were staring at us, getting impatient to start. I left the Boardwalk and broke down crying in the car after that. One of my LTG's is to be able to ride that coaster comfortably again by next June...with my husband AND my kids.
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    I know it's been said a few times. but... When I met my husband he looked likea real life Ken doll, (muscles on muscles!!) and I was at least 35 lbs over weight. (doesn't sound like much unless you're barely 5'1) Sex the first time was embarrasing for all the natural reasons, but I just was all over the place...
    OR a year after having my daughter the only clothes I still (and barely) fit into were my maternity clothes...
  • somedaysoon84
    i started riding horses in college at a swanky barn where we used mounting blocks to get in the saddle (i was also a bit thinner at the beginning of college than the end). when i moved home i set up a lesson at a local barn. when i explained i had never gotten up from the ground (first she looked at me like i was crazy.... skinny little *****....) she brings me one of those plastic foot stools, still too short, but ok. i get up on it, foot in the stirrup, go to pull myself up, the stool breaks, my foot goes right through it, horse spooks.... and i land on my butt. i took my lesson that day, and never went back.
  • Twinklene
    I was at the park with my sister and I was wearing a green shirt. When some little kids yelled out RUN IT'S SHREK!! Lol haven't worn green since
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I got to watch my wife enjoy some rides at Universal as they are not fat friendly there. I missed out on Harry potter and I am still bummed on that.
  • littlecompton
    Posted this back when I first joined MFP but here goes:

    Nephew's wedding. Fancy place, 'delicate' chairs. My son comes up and pulls on the seat, chair breaks, we tumble to floor. I actually broke a chair! Some people looked, and some pretended they didn't see. My brother was so upset and trying to blame the chairs. We all knew better. I laughed it off on the outside, felt horrible on the inside.

    I've lost 15lbs so far now and feel great. MFP is a terrific tool for so many reasons. I am walking daily, counting calories/fats and embarking on this quest to get healthy rather than setting intimidating goals that tend to discourage me. I am leaning on my Lord too, which was something I didn't really do in my past attempts to lose weight and it's making all the difference in the world. (For some terrific reading I recommend "Made to Crave" by Lisa Terquist).

    Although this site is wonderful for providing insight and encouragement from people who are sharing a similar journey, it's also good sometimes to share about our tough times and embarrassing moments too. Threads like this one remind us all that we aren't alone. When our girlfriends want to shop for clothes, we can remember there are other girls all over the world coming up with excuses just like us! When an idiot yells something horrible at us, we can know that others have felt the same pain we are.

    Sending encouragement to one and all!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    going to the cinema with friends size 26 to see Bridget Jones Diary. As the credits rolled we stood up to leave and i trod on the hem of my huge elastic waisted skirt which promptly slid right down revealing my huge wobbly backside complete with my very own Bridget knickers *cringe* we were right at the front too

    LOL, THAT could happen to anyone...but that is funny :)

    I did have some guys in a car hoot some foul fat remark at me when they dove by and I was bent over gardening in my yard...Didn't really want to do that again real soon.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I got a gift certificate from co-workers for Victoria Secret...there wasn't a damn thing in there that'd fit.

    That was before my heaviest weight too - by about 30 pounds. :blushing:

    All of these wedding ones reminded me:
    I was a bridesmaid in a wedding and the groomsmen very loudly groaned and asked why he had to walk down the aisle with the fat one.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I was taking a walk around my neighborhood, and a guy driving past yelled out the window "Go on a f***ing diet fatso" at me

    I think the OP was talking about your most embarrassing moment, not some *kitten*' in a car.

    Hear Hear!!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I used to hate walking into a store and have sales people come up and tell me their clothes only went up to a certain size, which I was not. My response was always "and how is it that you know I'm not shopping for someone else?" and then walk out, leaving a few red-faced and speechless. Embarrassing, nonetheless. :embarassed:
  • rhiannan1991
    rhiannan1991 Posts: 12 Member
    Two really stick out:
    1. Went to my cousin's swanky wedding, and sat down (as I usually do) on the edge of the rickety wood slat chairs. Yep, that chair broke, I fell to the ground, and as the sound echoed through the giant marble library, everyone turned to gasp and stare.
    2. On a flight for work, I was booked in the middle seat and couldn't change it. sandwiched between a big (not fat) guy who was decent the entire flight, and a middle-aged business jerk who I saw out of the corner of my eye, texting his wife about how he was "stuck next to this woman who is so huge..."

    I SO would have called him out for that.. but Im obnoxious.. lol
  • LadyoftheDisc
    LadyoftheDisc Posts: 136 Member
    Several years ago I was working at a small Italian restaurant. I was waiting on this table of two, a mother and her maybe 3-4 year old son; I'm getting their drink order when suddenly this small child reaches out, grabs my love handles and states (rather loudly) "You're fat." It was really embarrassing and I tried brushing it off at the time but man it stung!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    When I was about 3 months pregnant with my youngest son, my Aunt said to me infront of other family members who I hadn't seen in awhile "How far along are you now?" and I said "3 months" and she said "Only 3 months? Why are you so fat?" .. That is not the first time that particular Aunt has called me fat. She's such a b*tch.

    Or another time last year, a few months after I had just had my middle son.. I was outside of my apartments where I used to live and this one chick who lived in the same apartments was outside. I think she liked my husband because she was always talking to him.. and I barely ever talked to her except the occasional "Hi" when I saw her out there.. Well she stared at me for awhile and then said right infront of my husband and a couple other people "You are getting fat... I thought you were losing weight when I saw you before but you're just gaining weight"... Then after she said that nobody knew what to say.. I was sooo embarrassed. I swear I wanted to punch her. And the funny thing about that is this girl was probably the same size as me or bigger. She thought she was hot. I've hated her ever since. lol
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    I used to hate walking into a store and have sales people come up and tell me their clothes only went up to a certain size, which I was not. My response was always "and how is it that you know I'm not shopping for someone else?" and then walk out, leaving a few red-faced and speechless. Embarrassing, nonetheless. :embarassed:

    I am sorry for the embarassing moment, it must have been bad!
    On the other hand, you are a genius for that reply.
  • histogal99
    histogal99 Posts: 45 Member
    i got stuck in between a Spinning Bike at the gym. i got STUCK bc my legs weakend and i slipped in between the handle bars and seat.... talk about discouragement--- and no one helped

    Haha! I had the same thing happen the first time I went to spin class. I'm hanging from the handle bars and the straps on the pedals. The lady next to me says I need to reduce the tension. No, I was thinking I needed someone to come get me off this tortue device.
  • lala0719
    lala0719 Posts: 20
    My niece who is 4 she said that I am fat because I eat too much :embarassed:
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I have been asked if I am pregnant.
    My worst one was when we went out to eat at Golden Corral and my daughter's friend (then 4years old) came along with us and she whispered something to my husband who then said "that's not a nice thing to say" I asked what she said, "Ivana is fat."
    I was mortified, children speak the truth, and that was the first tme I had it put to me so bluntly and honestly. I felt gutted!! :(
  • PattieCakes23
    This actually happened when I was about 15lbs lighter.
    I was at a store with my then boyfriend. I had a dress on and I ran my hand across my stomach. Not in a loving way, or any way. I brushed it across my stomach. A lady working there stopped, came upto me and put her hand on my shoulder and said "ohhhh, when are you due?" I was like....I'm not, but thanks.

    and my (then 3) yr old cousin poked at my stomach one Christmas and said "my mommy doesnt have that much tummy." I know she didn't mean anything, but still..
    thats when I started this
  • aHarness625
    aHarness625 Posts: 10 Member
    ugggghhh.. definitely when a child in my daughter's preschool class (age 3) came up to me, put a hand on my stomach and said "hey, what's in your tummy? what's in there?" I tried to ignore her, but she kept asking! so then my daughter comes home and starts asking when the baby is going to come out of my tummy.. I told my daughter that I was not pregnant and she better not ask me that again!! Of course her reply was, "Well, then why is your tummy so big???" So humiliating!
  • littlecompton
    Two really stick out:
    1. Went to my cousin's swanky wedding, and sat down (as I usually do) on the edge of the rickety wood slat chairs. Yep, that chair broke, I fell to the ground, and as the sound echoed through the giant marble library, everyone turned to gasp and stare.
    2. On a flight for work, I was booked in the middle seat and couldn't change it. sandwiched between a big (not fat) guy who was decent the entire flight, and a middle-aged business jerk who I saw out of the corner of my eye, texting his wife about how he was "stuck next to this woman who is so huge..."

    Oh my gosh! I didn't see this before I posted my own "Breaking a chair at a fancy wedding" story. See? We really are not alone in these experiences! We should just be wedding crashers together...

    As for the fool next to you on the plane, you should have pulled out your phone and texted someone about being stuck next to a guy with an incredibly small p----, and made sure he could see it.