BLACK TEAM-New Year and opening to new Members



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Janie-- welcome back-- !!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey gang - remember me??:blushing: :blushing:

    I seriously fell off the radar for a while due to a truly horrible combination of family crises and job uncertainty that left me no time to work on me. As a consequence, my ticker has gone in the wrong direction, and I need you all so much more than ever. :cry:

    I'm hoping you will take me back, and I will try my best to at least say "hi" on a regular basis, even if I can't keep up with all the stories posted.

    Please, please take me back - I miss you guys... :brokenheart: :cry:


    ps, what's with all the snow and wind lately? :angry:

    Janie, the black team has taken me back at least three times! :blushing: They are the best!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Woo! I'm in the Chicagoland area and in the same boat as you! I am also excited to be on the Black Team! Tomorrow starts my workouts (I was taking a break to deal with the holiday shuffle). Wish me luck because I am going to need it!

    My name is Sara. I live in Wisconsin where it is -15 right now...freezing! I am excited to be on the Black Team!

    Hi Tiffany-- welcome!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey team. Just needed to pop in to say the water is on it's way out! Yesterday morning I was 158, today 153.8. Water, water, water! Buh bye!

    It's hard to imagine the scale can even change that much in 1 day. Huh? I did tinkle alot yesterday. LOL Another pound or two by Wednesday and I won't be too devasted to change my ticker! Good news for me.

    I read in a magazine that potassium rich foods (such as bananas) helps with water. It said sodium pulls water into your cells and makes you retain water and potassium pumps it out. It also said drinking water helps dilute the sodium. SpongeMarla might find bananas helpful....LOL

    Lori-- I'm on a diuretic for blood pressure, which advises me that it may deplete potassium and that I should eat a banana or drink O.J. Daily-- unfortunately, not in the ol' budget. And when I do get said items in the house, my children blow through them like they haven't seen fruits in a month.

    I'll have to look into other potassium supplements-- I tend to remember my grandmother (yeah, that's comforting) having to take supplements because of blood pressure medication-- (yeah, I'm not too depressed now)

    However, I've been, uh, eliminating more today and yesterday, too-- I found my old 64 ounce water bottle and have filled it up. One of those daily is my goal-- or close to it.

    Taking down decorations today-- have a good day all!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Can I join you? I am UK based, and have missed the support given by a team. I am a Childminder, so my whole day revolves around children ( I also have 4 of my own).

    I have put on weight over the christmas period and am gutted that I couldn't look after myself!!

    Tanya (sorry need to look into how to do the tickers etc!!)
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Thanks Marla...

    So I did 40 min of Billy Blanks Tae Bo BootCamp Elite, mission one..I have not done this one since I had my blood clot, but it felt great...planning to walk the treadmill later after dinner...woohoo bring it on

    I am soooooo excited to be part of this group. So far this morning I'm dragging..Usually I do my exercise in the am, but today I can't seem to get in the mood..but you know what, no more excuses..."I can't or won't " will not be used by me, not this year...I will give it my all, everyday..

    I'm off to exercise...will check in later..

    Excellent attitude, Leslie-- no more excuses. Love it!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Can I join you? I am UK based, and have missed the support given by a team. I am a Childminder, so my whole day revolves around children ( I also have 4 of my own).

    I have put on weight over the christmas period and am gutted that I couldn't look after myself!!

    Tanya (sorry need to look into how to do the tickers etc!!)

    from the U.K.? How cool is that-- we're now gonna kick some butt internationally!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome, Tanya!
  • healthworks
    Might be a stupid question:embarassed: But where does the Black team get its name? Is it from Jillian Michaels ka black team on Biggest Loser many seasons ago? I'm guessing.....

    We had our own Biggest Loser challenges here on MFP, and our team was black. I'm not sure if the other teams stayed together after the challenges ended, but a core group here on black bonded incredibly and kept the group and threads going.

    Thanks Marla... glad your still together !!
  • healthworks
    Good morning Black team :smile:

    My name is Willow, I am married to my best friend (DH) 20+ years, we have two almost grown children.

    Its not about the weight lost... its about what positive choices you make everyday, working out, eating clean,drinking your water , getting the proper rest that give you the results you want and desire!! I want to get back to where my body was ALIVE and singing and I was living!!!.... It's past time!!

    Like Marla64 said "back to basics"

    Thank you for all the welcomes! :smile:

    Hi Willow--

    You can call me just plain ol' Marla-- the 64 only reminds me how old I am. :wink:

    I also answer to Crazy Lady.

    Will do for sure!!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome Black Team Newbies!

    I want to make sure I walk every day I can and well let's put it this way...BABY Its COLD Outside!! Only got a mile in today. It was a tropical 16 degrees with a light snow falling and a wind. Not sure what the windchill was and not sure I want to know. I did do 30 Day Shred with our gal Jillian. She always manages to make me sweat. Calories are logged except for dinner, water bottle is here.

    I just have one question?? Is it Spring yet??


    it is here smiley-face-whistle-2.gif

    In FL?? Okay I can believe that. Its a tropical 10 degrees here.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like to join your team this year. My journey so far as been great, and reading your post was very motivational.

    Hi Leslie...Welcome!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Leslie-- welcome-- !!!

    Batman-- just wanted to say, I tagged this thread the other day and jumped on in, but had never read your opening post. You are truly a lovely, inspirational man. If I weren't on this team, I'd be chomping at the bit after your wonderful and flattering introduction of all of us, and what we have all accomplished.

    Thank you, my dear friend--

    Come hell or high water, I'm reaching goal this year. I think I need to set myself another date in mind. I read Jeannie's date of her birthday-- I think I'm gonna hit that for me, too. I'd originally hoped to have 50 off by my last birthday, and stalled.

    Let's get 'er done by 6/05/10-- that is more than enough time, Marla!!!!!!!!!!

    I wanted to be at goal this year on my birthday but that s not going to happen. Maybe I can shoot for my Unbirthday 7-28-10.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hello! I would love to be on your team. I have a hard time staying motivated for exercising or exercising at all! I blame it on being a mother of a 1 year old, but I saw that there is a mother of 9 who does this everyday! I now have no excuse and could use a few friends in the same boat. My goal is to run a half-marathon in March! Here's to a new year and a great life!

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    My name is Sara. I live in Wisconsin where it is -15 right now...freezing! I am excited to be on the Black Team!

    Hi Sara! Welcome to the Black Team!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good morning Black team :smile:

    My name is Willow, I am married to my best friend (DH) 20+ years, we have two almost grown children.

    Its not about the weight lost... its about what positive choices you make everyday, working out, eating clean,drinking your water , getting the proper rest that give you the results you want and desire!! I want to get back to where my body was ALIVE and singing and I was living!!!.... It's past time!!

    Like Marla64 said "back to basics"

    Thank you for all the welcomes! :smile:

    Welcome Willow!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    good morning black team! welcome to all you new members! for those newbies out there, my name is beth, i'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys ages 6 and 3. my wonderful husband is spyguy7540, aka "batman" aka andrew aka the guy who started this thread lol. anyway, i've been eating pretty well lately, but kinda frustrated that childwatch at the Y was closed last week. we ended up getting quite a bit of snow last night, so i'm hoping i'll be able to get there on time for class tomorrow. it's usually tough to get there on time between getting aiden on the bus, then putting riley in childwatch, etc. we'll see how it goes i guess. i ended up doing tae bo yesterday (with some added jumping jacks, running up and down the stairs, push-ups...) just to get to 500 calories. man, it's tough to get a decent calorie burn nowadays. i guess that happens when you're in better shape. i have a feeling this is gonna be a looooong winter. i think i'm gonna have to check out netflix for some more workout videos cause although i love billy blanks, i don't know how many more times i can do the same video. anyway, have a great sunday, everyone!

    here's a pic of my snow covered table on the deck :


    Hiya Beth! You can keep the snow. :sad:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hey gang - remember me??:blushing: :blushing:

    I seriously fell off the radar for a while due to a truly horrible combination of family crises and job uncertainty that left me no time to work on me. As a consequence, my ticker has gone in the wrong direction, and I need you all so much more than ever. :cry:

    I'm hoping you will take me back, and I will try my best to at least say "hi" on a regular basis, even if I can't keep up with all the stories posted.

    Please, please take me back - I miss you guys... :brokenheart: :cry:


    ps, what's with all the snow and wind lately? :angry:

    Oh course we'll take you back. Silly woman.

    I asked about that and got this answer...It's Winter. Let me at him...:wink:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Can I join you? I am UK based, and have missed the support given by a team. I am a Childminder, so my whole day revolves around children ( I also have 4 of my own).

    I have put on weight over the christmas period and am gutted that I couldn't look after myself!!

    Tanya (sorry need to look into how to do the tickers etc!!)

    Hi Tanya! Welcome!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone checking in, just got done eating a mushroom green bell pepper low sodium 2% Cheese 3 egg omelet with 2 oz chicken, work was good today a littel slow but ok, this is my third day eating clean yeah to hit the gym hope everyone has a great night

    Welcome aboard everyone!!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey my friends, not so good today. Started off with a very healthy breakfast and the headed outside for what ended up being seven hours of hard physical labor. Wheelbarrows, pitchforks, shovels and moving heavy stuff. Great until went to my moms and ate 12 cookies. I am telling you because I am holding myself accountable, it is my fault, I was starving, should have ate healthy before I went there, but didn't. I also didn't drink enough water today. It is now 3:40 pm and I am going to figure out how to burn some serious calories before bed. Problem is I am exhausted, wiped out. I wish I knew how many calories I burnt outside today to see how much damage I have done. Want to smack my head on my desk. Also my dh who is not on this healthy living drinks beer, pop and eats crap and has lost 2.6 pounds. UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!