Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 66 Member
    I wasn't even that big at the time...a couple months ago, so I have lost about 15lbs since then, but I broke a chair at a bar...during a concert. The concert hadent started yet so it was quiet ...and quite embarrassing!
  • mckmom69
    mckmom69 Posts: 22
    When I was in high school, people used to tell me I looked like Demi Moore in the movie, "About Last Night" Several years and pounds later my 4 year old son and I were in line at the grocery store and Rosie O'Donnell was on the cover of some magazine and my son said innocently, "wow, mom, that lady looks JUST like you!" sigh. wake up call.
  • Having the flight attendant automatically come up and secretly hand me a seat belt extender...SMH! I can't even blame her.
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    Having to ask a lady to trade seats with me on the plane bk i didnt fit in the chair and the lady said it wasnt her fault i couldnt fit loud.
    Broke a plastic chair at a party in Mexico.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    A guy I was interested in told me that he "didn't usually date women my size."

    Now, he wants to date me lol....
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    I am a teacher, and we took the kids on a good behavior field trip to a splash pad...the kind of "concrete" playground with water features...There was one that was about 5 rings that any normal size person could scrunch down and "run" through and they got you wet.

    I told a group of 3 girls, "come on, let's go through the rings." (I could fit, btw)... and one of my girls said, "No Miss Pennington, you're too fat!" And started laughing, and all three of them just belly laughed..
  • was told "we don't carry your size in this store" when I was shopping with a friend.

    Same here.
  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    someone patting my belly and saying "my, you have put some weight on."
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Two that stick
    1. Having to ask for a seat belt extender on the airplane or hoping that no one will notice that you're actually NOT buckled in
    2. Not fitting in the booth at Taco Bell, I had to sit 1/2 off the seat and sideways, trying to pretend that's what I wanted - wow, fat much? "have another taco bell grande" lol

    So many things I've avoided, without actual embarrassment because I was afraid to try, to even mention here.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Mine was when I was getting fitted for a bridesmaid's dress for my brother's wedding, and was told that I had to pay more for "plus size". The lady was all *****y and snarky about it too...said it in front of about ten people. I wanted to either strangle her, or crawl under the table....
  • animefiend7
    animefiend7 Posts: 15 Member
    Was goofing around with my friends around the beginning of this year, and somehow to the "Truffle Shuffle" came up from the Goonies, and they were all like, "Haha, good thing none of us can do that..."

    :< I can...

    Started working out the next week...
  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    Going outlet shopping and realizing you dont fit into any of the clothes in any of the stores..... or going shopping with a friend who is gorgeous I found some cute clothes and then realized I was shopping in the plus sized section of the store....
  • Beaniekins
    Beaniekins Posts: 4 Member
    During Yom Kippur last year, which is a day of atonement when you fast all day and pray all day to ask forgiveness for your sins. Well last year, when we were doing this prayer called the Avinu Malkeinu which you confess all your sins, like gluttony and over indulgence in food, the vintage, hard wooden pew broke. I started crying in shame. Everyone saw this, and this woman who is always very mean to me saw this. My eyes met hers and she knew what had happened. I don't know what I weighed then, last September, but I cried about that quite a bit over the months to come. Last March I joined MFP and I weighed 316.

    I'm so sorry that happened to you. As if Yom Kippur wasn't emotional enough! I hope the other shul members were kind about it! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • canadianbugga
    canadianbugga Posts: 101 Member
    When I was younger, maybe 8 or 9 we had a family reunion party where my cousins and I put on a show of sorts with singing and dancing, and skits. Anyways, I was doing a dance number and having a real good time when some one says to my mother, "Wow she is really good, you should put her in lessons!" to which my mother replies whilst I am in the middle of my performance, " No way, she's too fat!" Yea that was a lot of fun. Thanks mom! I heard every word and had to finish the song. I have also broken a chair, been informed that a store doesn't have my size, and been told that I am "too fat to ride the roller coaster." by a younger family member who had just viewed that particular episode of Family Guy if you are familiar.
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    My whole life feels like one embarrassing "fat" moment.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    having my friends kid ask me if there was a baby in my belly. i responded 'just a cheeseburger baby' lol
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    My boss confessed today that when drunk he told his wife she had "sausage" legs. All I can say is I'm amazed he's still married.

    agreed. If that had been me I would have told him I hope he enjoys never being between them again.
  • branohockey
    branohockey Posts: 60 Member
    Mine was when I was getting fitted for a bridesmaid's dress for my brother's wedding, and was told that I had to pay more for "plus size". The lady was all *****y and snarky about it too...said it in front of about ten people. I wanted to either strangle her, or crawl under the table....

    You should have said "I'll pay for the plus size AND a little extra to buy you some grace and 'saleperson' charm" Oh and don't you work on commission? I'll work with another salesperson now, thank you very much.

    Wow. (sorry, I own a business and am married to a salesman - that's my bread and butter!)
  • socalsweetheart87
    socalsweetheart87 Posts: 38 Member
    My family likes to "go to the river" we were staying at a river house with A LOT of family one time(think reunion). Two of my cousins were there and Broke (one male(age 21) one female(age 26)). She was saying that she could get in her little black dress and go get the two of them free drinks at the bar from a man. My mother was taking care of my daughter so i had the night off.. I comment that i think i want to go get a drink, that sounded fun. She looks up and down at me and says in a snotty tone " but your fat".... I looked at her with the best smile i could muster and told her in a sweet voice... "i also make my own money" and i walked off....

    It's been three years and i still want to punch her as much as i did that day....
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    I met my boyfriend's best friend, she looked straight at me and said "Oh, she's not your usual type".

    I got turned down a bar job because I didn't have "The image that the bar was going for".

    My friend's little brother asking why her legs aren't as big as mine (He's 6)

    ...your boyfriend's best friend sounds like a jealous *****.
    just saying.